Training For The Rating Game!

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Last Time On High School SxD!

Gohan got into his fighting position as he waited patiently for Riser's two rooks Isabella and Xuelan.

Gohan: Alright, I'm ready when you two are, but remember no killing.

Xuelan: We know, this is just a friendly spar.

Isabella: Hehe alright, let's start this!

In the sidelines Riser, his peerage and Rias' peerage with an unconscious Issei, Kalawarner and Grayfia. Rias was sweating due to Gohan being outnumbered while Kala and Asia were cheering for the boy.

Asia: You got this Gohan!

Kalawarner: Show them what you got, darling!

Gohan's mind: Remember Gohan, this is only a little battle. Try not to overdue like I did when I went I was playing baseball at Orange Star.

Grayfia raised her hand in the air.

Grayfia: This fight will last 5 minutes.

Gohan: 5 minutes... Alright, that'll be enough time.

Grayfia then pulls her hand down quickly.

Grayfia: Go!


Grayfia: Go!

Everything went quiet, all you could hear is the wind blowing, no one was talking and only focusing on the three people. Gohan starts dashing towards the two girls, Riser's two rooks also start running towards the boy. The three crash into each other creating a little shockwave on the ground. A gust of wind blows as Asia holding onto Kala for dear life.

With a smirk growing on his lips, Gohan's blood starts boiling due to the excitement. Gohan jumps away from the girls. He then puts his right hand in front of his chest.

Gohan: Take this!

The saiyan-hybrid fires off two energy blasts (Which is weak) at the two girls. Isabella readies her fist and punched through the blast while the Chun-li wannabe jumps out the way. Xuelan then runs over to the boy and gives him a knee to the gut which sent him a few feet away. He punches her in the face causing her to Isabella then jumps in the air going for a foot dive.

Isabella: Up here!

Gohan jumps towards her, surprising her and grabs her foot. He gives her a smirk

Gohan: Got you!

Isabella: Huh?!

Gohan spun the girl around and threw her at the ground.

In the sidelines...

Yuballuna: My my, he's a tough one.

Riser: Indeed he is, Riser's impressed.

Kalawarner: Darling is holding his own up there.

Asia: Mhm... I hope he doesn't get hurt too much.

Koneko: I can sense how excited he is on fighting the two rooks.

Back to the fight...

The saiyan-hybrid grabbed the two girls by their heads and dragged them down the ground and threw the both of them in the air, he then vanishes from the and shot two big energy blasts at the two which sent the two crashing to the ground. Dust covered the areas, once the dust cleared everyone saw that both of the girls in a weakened state, some parts of their clothes ripped up showing a little bit of their bra. Gohan landed on the ground with a smirk.

Gohan I'm finishing this!

Gohan dashes towards them.

Gohan: This is the end!

Gohan stepped forward to go for another attack but thanks to some hole on the ground, he trip and fall on top of the girls. Everyone eyes widen when they see the position the Saiyan-hybrid was in. Gohan was kissing Isabella and had his hand on Xuelan's breast.

(The Kiss)

Gohan immediately moved his body away from the two girls. With a blush, he bowed to them.

Gohan: I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to do that!

The two girls sat up with blushes on their faces. The two girls weren't angry that he did that... It was just, unexpected. Isabella touched her lips while with the Riser's other rook touched the breast that Gohan accidentally touched.

Isabella: N-No it's fine...

Xuelan: Ye-Yeah you said it was an accident right? We forgive you.

Riser: Isabella, Xuelan return to Riser right now!

The two rooks nodded but secretly had smiles on their faces. Riser turned his head to Rias.

Riser: Just to let you know my beloved, that we will have this rating game. I'll give you ten days to strengthen your peerage etc. Do I make myself clear?

Rias: S-Sure.

Riser: As for you boy!

He turns his head over to the saiyan-hybrid.

Riser: Next time you pull a stunt like that, and I will personally kill you myself.

Gohan smirked.

Gohan: Oh? Is that a threat?

Riser scoffed and snapped his fingers making himself and his peerage disappear. 

Gohan: Man. I really gotta watch where I step, I don't want those accidents to happen again or I'll-

The boy then feels a menacing aura behind him. He turns around to see all of the girls with angry expression making him sweat dropped.

Gohan: Eh?

Kalawarner: Darling! Why the hell did you kiss her!

Rias: And you grabbed the other girls' breast too! You fiend!

Asia: Hmph Baka!

Akeno: Someone needs to be taught a lesson~

Gohan: Uh...? Sorry, it was a mistake. 

The boy then sees Koneko walk up to him. She looks at him and punches him in the stomach.

Gohan: Arg! Okay that was unexpected!

Koneko: You're a dick.

Gohan: Okay, Okay geez. How is Issei holding up, is he fine? 

Kiba: My prince is alright, he's just unconscious.

Gohan: I guess I should bring him home then. 

Rias: No Gohan, I will. Besides I needed to talk to him about something and start training for the Rating Game.

Gohan: Oh alright then. 

Asia: I guess we're going too.

Everyone says goodbye to them. The rest of the ORC left as well so it was just Kalawarner and Gohan. Kalawarner grabs onto Gohan's arm and pouts.

Kalawarner: Don't do that ever again, Darling.

Gohan sweat dropped.

Gohan: It's not like it was my intention. Besides I got you, it's not like I will get that 'Harem' thing Issei was dreaming of being. 

(That's going to change later~)

The blue hair fallen angel smiled as she pecked his cheek with her lips. She then pulls his arm as she runs to the city.

Kalawarner: Come on, let's go out together~

Gohan: Oi oi, quit pulling my arm!

The female ignored him and continued pulling on his arm. Gohan then thought of an idea.

Gohan: Hey, why don't I call Nimbus.

Kalawarner: That cloud that you got as a familiar?

Gohan nodded.

Gohan: Yup.

He then yelled out loud.

Gohan: Nimbus!

The two see a yellow cloud rapidly approaching them. Once the cloud was right in front of them the two hopped on it.

The Next Day

On a mountain...

Issei was seen carrying a huge bag around his back. He was struggling to carry the whole thing meanwhile the rest of the ORC is waiting for him.

Issei: *panting* ugh..

Rias: Come on Issei you're almost there, just a few more feet!

Akeno: Visualize, Issei!

Issei: Coming!

Asia: Uh Rias, should I go get some of those bags for him?

Rias: He'll be okay. He needs to learn to carry that much on his own.

Issei then sees Kiba and Kalawarner pass him with the same amount of bags with ease.

Kiba: On your left~

Issei: Oh go fuck yourself!

Kalawarner: Come on keep up.

Gohan: Excuse me, Issei.

Koneko: Move it.

Gohan and Koneko were both carrying mountain sized bags that were filled with various items.... Mostly food. 

Issei: Gah! I hate this!

Gohan and the rest laughed.

Mini time skip brought to you by Kalawarner accidentally flashing Gohan with her breasts making the saiyan-hybid go unconscious thanks to losing too much blood. 

The ORC arrived at their destination, they saw a big mansion with two big doors.

Asia: Wow, this place is so beautiful!

Rias: Alright you guys, let's head inside and get going on this training!

Issei: EH?! But we just got here! That's evil and nowhere even close to fair!

Rias: Hehe why thank you

He then felt a hand go on his shoulder, he turned his head to see Gohan.

Gohan: It's okay Issei, at least you're not running away from hunger tigers like I had to.

Issei: Eh?

Mini time-skip brought to you by Issei trying to peak at the girls while changing but doesn't notice that Gohan is behind him cracking his knuckles.

Everyone was getting changed into their training clothes. The girls on one side and the boy's in the other side.

Issei: Hey Kiba, I have a question. Y'know that stuff about hating fallen angels...? You never really explained what happened to make you feel that way, and I've kinda been wondering.

Quick Flashback... At the church, when Raynare kidnapped Asia..

Kiba: Fallen angels aren't exactly my favorite things in the world. The truth is.... I hate them.

Flashback over...

Kiba: Don't worry about it, it's nothing...

Issei decided not to ask any more questions.

Kiba: By the way my prince, please don't look at me while I'm changing.

Issei's confused face turned into a pissed off face. 


Issei: I'll seriously kick your ass if you continue saying shit like that again.

Gohan chuckled as the three continued to get dressed.

After everyone got dressed, they went back outside to see the girls in their training outfits. Issei then notices the blonde swordsman holding a wooden sword.

Kiba: Come grab the wooden sword and let's begin our training.

Issei does as he says and picks up the sword. 

Rias: You may begin now!

Issei runs towards Kiba with the sword in his hands as he goes for a swing but the blonde knight easily dodges it.

Kiba: You need to focus on your opponent, not just their weapon.

Issei tries to go for another strike but Kiba side-steps and knocks the sword out of Issei's hand.

Issei: Well shit..

30 Minutes later....

Issei is in the forest with Gohan and Kalawarner. Gohan had his Gi while Kala had her red outfit.

Gohan: Okay, the lesson that we're going to teach you is....

Kalawarner: Dodging!

Issei: Dodging...?

Gohan nodded.

Gohan: Yup, hey Kalawarner... How many seconds should we give him?

Issei: Huh?!

Kalawarner: About 3 seconds..

Gohan: Seems right, alright! Training begins now!

Issei: W-Wait, what am I supposed to do?

Gohan: Dodge... Try not to get hit.

Gohan lifted his hand and an energy ball formed in his hand while Kala formed two light spears. Issei started to sweat as he turned around and ran for his life.

Gohan: 3..

Kalawarner: 2..

Both: 1.

The two fired the two blasts together at Issei which were rapidly closing in on him but luckily he managed to dodge just in time.

Issei: Gaaaaah!! What the fuck, this isn't training at all! You two are going to kill me!!!

After an hour of running, Issei managed to finish Gohan's and Kalawarner's training. Issei was on the ground panting as parts of his training uniform was burnt away. Gohan picked him up.

Gohan: Good work, you certainly did better than expected.

Issei: ugh.. am I done with this training session with you?

Kalawarner checked the time.

Kalawarner: We still got 5 minutes left.

Gohan drops him on the ground.

Gohan: Guess we can stop early.

Issei: Oh thank you God!

The boy's head started hurting as he grabbed his head in pain.

Issei: Gaaaaah! Damnit I forgot!

Gohan grabbed a water bottle and threw it at the human turned devil which hit Issei in the face.

Gohan: Here, drink this. You'll need this.

Issei immediately grabbed the water and drank it all down. Once he finished, he exhaled.

Issei: Ugh.... Thanks.

Gohan: No problem.

Kalawarner: Your next training session is Koneko, better go to her now.

Issei: Ugh damnit... 

Issei got up and started running towards Koneko's direction leaving the two. Gohan smiles.

Gohan: Heh, he kinda reminds me of myself.

Kalawarner: Hm? What do you mean?

Gohan shook his head.

Gohan: Issei reminds me of myself when I first began my training. He might be weak now but once he has a lot of potential.

Kalawarner: Really?

Gohan nodded.

Gohan: He does, that sacred gear that he has is a powerful one.

The blue haired fallen angel nodded.

Kalawarner: By the way Gohan... Don't think I haven't noticed you staring at my breasts.

Gohan nervously chuckled.

Gohan: I- I have no idea what you're talking about.

The female giggles and wraps her arm around his arm. Purposely putting here breasts in-between his arms. The saiyan-hybrid didn't know what to do.

Gohan's mind: So close!

Kalawarner's mind: So Cute!~

With Issei....

Issei launched himself forwards towards Koneko as he goes for a punch.

Issei: Take this!

The small girl easily jumps over him and kicks him in the face which sends the boy on the ground.

Issei: Argh..

Koneko: That was lame. You gotta aim more towards the body's central axis and learn to strike with precision at your victim's core.

She grabbed him and threw him twenty feet away.

Issei: Screw this! Asia's like the manifestation queen and I can't control my own imagination...! Ugh! I suck at life!

Koneko starts walking behind him.

Koneko: We all have powers that are unique to us.

Issei: Yeah, whatever.... Name one thing that I'm better at than other people.

Koneko: You're a pervert.

Issei sighed.

Issei: Thanks a lot.

Koneko: But wait there's more. You can also be a really hard worker.

Issei: Hey, you think so...? That's not so bad. Thanks, Koneko!

Koneko: Suck it.

Issei jumped up from the ground to tackle the girl but ends up getting beaten.

Issei: Argh!

Time skip brought to you by Gohan and Asia doing homework together.

In the kitchen...

Issei and Asia were both in pink aprons while Rias was still in her gym uniform.

Rias: Now, lesson four!

Issei: Can I use my powers to change?

Asia: Can we use them for cooking.

Rias: Absolutely. Magic comes in handy anywhere...! Have fun and Good luck.

With that, she walked away. Asia turned her head.

Asia: Okay, water... Will you please boil?

The ex-nun uses her magic and makes the pot of water boil. 

Issei's mind: She's already beginning to learn her magic that fast?! So damn unfair 

Issei grabbed a potato and concentrated only on it. Suddenly the potato skin was cut off of the potato surprising the human turned devil.

Issei: Whoa!

Asia: Nice job Issei!

Issei: Thanks, I must've been doing it wrong earlier.

Issei's mind: That means that I can do this!

He looks at the all of the other skinned potatoes on the table and began peeling it with his magic. 

Issei: I'm like a Sacred Gear Super Freak!

Asia: Er.... Issei, I think that's enough.

Issei: Huh?

He turns his head to see all of the peeled potato skins on the floor.

Issei: Oh... Well shit.

Asia: What are we going to do with all of these?


Everyone was sitting together at the dinning table, they all sweat dropped as they see the saiyan-hybrid eating most of their food.

Gohan: Man this is so good! Thanks for making dinner you two.

Asia smiled at the boy.

Asia: Not a problem.

Rias: So Issei, how do you think you did today? Did you learn anything new?

Issei: I did... I learned I'm the weakest link on the team.

Gohan swallowed his food.

Gohan: Oh come on Issei, you can't say stuff like that. You're not weak at all, you just need more training.

Kalawarner: He's right, even though you're a pervert... You have a lot of potential. If you focus on training more than you do being a pervert, then you will be a formidable foe.

Akeno: Kala is correct, with the right amount of training you'll become one of the strongest devil pieces known to the devil's.

Issei: I guess you're right.

Rias then got up from her chair.

Rias: Well that was good, looks like it's time for us to head over to the bath.

Instantly Issei got up from his chair.

Issei: In the baths, like right now?!

Rias giggles while Gohan sighs.

Gohan: Oh come on Issei, really?

Issei: What? I can't help it.

Rias: You want to see us naked, don't you? I mean if you get stronger I don't mind but... You're gonna have to work for it.

Issei hung his head low.

Issei: Aw man..

Gohan: I guess we'll go to the showers too.

The three boys walked out to the room and went to the bathing area while the girls went on the other side.

With the girls side...

Kalawarner, Rias and Akeno were in the hot water while Asia and Koneko were putting soap on each other.

Kalawarner: Oh my, the water feels so nice. My body is so relaxed.

What the female fallen angel didn't realized was that Akeno was slowly creeping up behind her. The black haired female jumped out and grabbed onto her breasts making Kala moan loudly.

Akeno: Oh my~ Look a how big these girls are. No wonder why Gohan likes you~

Kalawarner: Wha-ah~ What are y-ah~ You doing? Ah~ STOP!

As Akeno continued to mess around with the blue haired woman,

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