(Sci's POV)
This is a huge mess "I don't know what to do fell"I said he looked at me "calm down you didn't actually mean to do any harm at all you just tried to help"he said "I still feel bad it's my fault dream went crazy level of love"I said when we walked in a library to look for the book "they actually sell these?"he asked I nodded "their hidden well a few stores and libraries have them but not many"I replied "strange last time I was here it was here"I said "looking for this" I turned around a girl with long blond, baby blue eyes she had a red shirt and dark blue jeans "yeah...."I mumbled something seemed off I looked at fell she smirked "let me guess? Another fail with your potions..... Sci?" I immediately looked at her "how do you know my name?!"I asked scared fell noticed and immediately steeped in front of me she chuckled "I have my ways and no matter what happens you won't win this time I'll make sure all of your life's are torture! I'll tell you both a little secret the potion you made had the right ingredients I just switched it up a bit so you wouldn't notice the left over hope flower I took it and changed it for a lust one"She said "Give is the book"Fell hissed she laughed "now now fell talk to me like that again and you'll regret everything"she said back her eyes glowed a brown for a second but then we're back to baby blue "the year isn't over yet after all high school has just begun"She said and disappeared after that "w-what do we do know she knows what we're looking for she probably even has all of those books!"I said worried "we'll find a way but for now we have to tell the others to keep their guard up she wants something from us"Fell replied I nodded
(??'s POV)
I chuckled "you got the book?"he asked "duh I don't fail like you do!"I hissed "oh shut up!"he hissed bank "you two stop fighting we have a plan and we can't ruin in it we have to get more in to this the more people we have the more chances we have of winning"The boss said I looked at her and sighed "as long as I get what I want I'll do it"I replied they both nodded this is going to be so much fun~
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