Chapter 18

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(Dust's POV)
I stared walking to horrors house he said that sci was over there and he could check if he can help us in anyway he can I was hugging blue since he kept shaking and crying I was worried for him when I arrived I noticed that the rest of the group was there too "hey guys"I said they either said hey or waved "come on"horror said opening the door I sat down with blue in my arms blue stared crying harder it really hurts seeing him like this "let me see blue"sci said I put blue on the coach "he was injected with a nightmares potion making him have nightmares over and over again of his greatest fears and he can't wake up only the antidote can wake him up"sci said I hugged blue "now let me see lu-"sci was cut of by the sound of a phone ringing it was lusts phone bit lust wouldn't pick up horror looked at the name the name and picked it up while sci checked on lust
Horror: hello?
???: um hi why are you on lusts phone
Horror: why are you calling lust?
????: he was suppose to pick me up from the airport a while ago
Horror: but who is this

????: I'm lusts sister
Horror: wait so you are related to love and lust are related
????: yeah why and who are you?
Horror: I thought lust dint have any more siblings and I'm lusts friend horror anyways I will go get you since there's a small problem right now
????: okey then...
They ended the call and horror left lust wouldn't let anyone touch him or get near him "come on lust just let him see what's wrong"I said "GET AWAY PLS!"lust yelled crying we tried to calm him down after a while Horror came back with the girl "after talking to her she is the sister of lust her name Lillian she goes by rose,lilli,and Anna Anyways she is staying here for a while"horror said sci continued checking on everyone I hugged blue more since his nightmares had gotten worse I could tell because he was sobbing and shaking violently rose had purple and white dye on her hair she had pale turquoise eyes she is wearing ripped blue jeans,a pink,blue,black,purple,and green flower crown, light blue converse, and a white off-shoulder top that has a broken heart in the color blue we talked for a bit when sci came out with the results of everyone
Lillian is I_Ship_AfterDeath_ character if you want join the book go to chapter 10 and answer the questions I put and I_Ship_AfterDeath_ you have joined the book

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