The next day
Ozpin office
Ozpin is busy on his paperworks when a portal was open..
Ozpin- a portal??
Jaune- greetings ozpin..
Ozpin- ahh mister arc good day..
Jaune- indeed..i came here to inform you that the 2 boys are ready..
Ozpin- very well..can i see the boys..
Jaune nodded
Jaune- vali, issei you may enter..
After the 2 boys went out to the portal..
Jaune- head master i would like you to meet the red dragon emperor issei hyoudou. His weapon is the soul of the red dragon ddraig his ability is to boost him self or transfer his ability to the person he choose every 10 seconds..and he is the current holder of the dragon slaying sword ascalon...and ddraig introduce your self.
Ddraig- greetings head master i am ddraig. Obe of the heavenly dragon who resides to issei hyoudou..i am the one who give him all his abilities...he posses great red explain to me about this initiation you can see our moves..and aside from that. My partner's new ability called divide. It was not strong as my counter part because my partners original ability is to boost..
Ozpin- greetings mr hyoudou and red dragon ddraig. I understand and i'm excited to see what you can do..
Issei- greetings head master i'm issei hyoudou. Ise for short..i'm glad to see you sir..
Ozpin- so mr hyoudou are you intersted for being an huntsman..
Issei- great red told me about the basic meaning sir of the huntsman..but my transcript might not valid.
Ozpin- no need to fear mr hyoudou. I am the headmaster here. I can approve any students who is willing to join and save the innocent from being are you willing to start a new life and making new friends...and to train here to discover a new ability??
Issei- i accept.
Jaune- next vali..
Vali- i'm vali lucifer half human and half devil..i am the holder of the white dragon emperor. My ability is to divide and taking it to my own every 10 can see our abilities once we go to initiation even our dragon form..
Albion- vali i should tell you to stop being a battle maniac or else the boss will punish you..any way i'm albion i'm the dragon who resides to vali lucifer. And share my power to him..
Ozpin- alright. So the question is the same with mr hyouduo..are you willing to learn a new style here and save people from the masters..
Vali- well great red already told me about this world. He brief us about grimms. And other group.
Ozpin- ohhh~ tell me did it fit to your liking...
Vali- fits..
Ozpin- you know once you enter thos academy you will receive am allowance..and you will also recieve a mission from slaying grimms down to rescue operation..and ofcourse you will get paid..wou also give a chance to create a new weapon of your choice aside from hand to hand combat...
Vali- interesting...
Ozpin- as i observe you have a complete opposite despite of your differences. One is a happy go lucky and the other is a brawler..but do remind that avoid any figjting okay..there will be a time to fight here. And it's called combat class there you can showcase all your ability and form...but it will be limited..
Vali- why??
Ozpin- because the arena is only fit for person but not a dragon form...
Vali- ahhh no problem with that we have an alternative..but head master can me and my rival can spar anytime?? Using our alternative form??
Ozpin- of course you can..the arena is open 24/7..
Vali- issei are you ready to spar??
Issei- yeah!! I will glad to kick your butt again..
Jaune- boys behave..issei language please..
Issei- sorry boss..uhh head master..can our initiation will be next week..because i'm still adjusting my current state as of this moment..
Ozpin- i can understand..great red told me what happen to have time to adjust your body..
Issei- thank you sir..
Ozpin- mr arc.. the 4 of you will be named team emperor as the leader is ms schnee..
Jaune- forgive me sir. Ms schnee decided to stay on her team..she needs her ability to help her own team..3 dragons are enough to help you..because the 2 of them are masters the ability of the dragons inside them..
Ozpin- very well...the 3 of ylu are more than enough to help me to keep the kingdom..
Jaune- thank you headmaster..
Ozpin- so mr arc, mr hyoudou, mr lucifer why don't you stay for a while and have coffee i want to learn more about this two emperors..
Jaune- very well..
Vali- so boss where is the boss lady.??
Jaune- ahh they are in class. Before that you two train her okay...she is suck in hand to hand combat.
Vali-no problem
Issei- sure!! We'll train the boss lady in any combat that we learn!!
Jaune- forgive the red dragon he is just excited to meet my wife..
Ozpin- fufufu. I understand.. so this two ia an expert too
Jaune- yes they are close quarter fighters. They can do magic too..issei is a fire dragon..while vali is multiple class..but the dragon inside him is poison dragon..this two are the strongest host that i know..ddraig and albion likes the two of them because this two never see them as a weapon..
Ozpin- i see..well you know what they say you should treat your weapon as your own..with soul or without..because in the end you need them to so you need to treat them with care..
Jaune- indeed...
The 4 people continue their chat..
After school
After the school hours ended issei and vali they are walking to the 1st year floor.
Issei- uhh vali are you sure this is the right floor??
Vali- boss said this is the floor. So we would have to find dorm number xxx.
Issei- alright....but damn this school is so huge..
During their walk they encounter cardin and his lackeys..
Cardin- well- well it seems we had a newbie here..
Vali- yeah but where can i fi.d room number xxx..
Cardin looks vali in the eye. And vali looks cardin in the eye..
But cardin surrender first and told the direction..
The two went on the direction that cardin told..
Cardin- lets go boys...
Russel- cardin.
Cardin- becareful boys those two are dangerous...
Russel- how did you know..
Cardin- you see that silver hair boy...
Russel- yeah..
Cardin- he is a brawler type..and it seems he is the type who never back down and fight straight on..the thin one is unpredictable...
Dove - how can you be so sure
Cardin- instinct dove...those two were seems those two are experienced fighters but who are they..
Sky- i think those two were the same as jaune...never saw them amd their clothes are unknown...
Cardin- we can't mess with them...
Russel-did you point them im the right direction. If not were dommed if you play your card again..
Cardin- yeah i point the right direction..because those room number is the room of rwby...
Russel- i see..
( warning some words are too vulgar)
Issei- vali i think those 4 are bully type..
Vali- they are. And the weaker one..hmmp those 4 are nothing. You can beat them..
Issei- hahahaha they are no challenge...haha buy the big guy smells like c*m..
Vali- hehehehe yep..but having s*x in school is valid??
Issei- i don't think so...probably those boys break the rules...
The two continue their walk they encounter pyrrha..
Vali- damn that girl is a busty one and had a curve..i think she is a spartan one..
Issei- how did you know..
Vali- i saw that kind of outfit when i fight a greek pantheon..i think that spartan resemble to achiles..
Issei- is this world is a gender bent universe??
Vali- from what i learn to great red this world is the same world as we have..and yet it was different.
Issei- we can ask her about the direction of the room. Ddraig told me that he don't trust that bulky guy..
Vali- lets ask her albion said the same..
Pyrrha saw the 2 boy and when she saw she had a blush on her face that infornt of her was 2 very handsome young man..
Issei- uhh excuse me do you lnow this room??
Pyrrha takes the paper.
Pyrrha- yeah in can take you there..
Issei- okay..
Ddraig- partner that girl she smells like c*m and she is pregnant..
Issei( mind )- yep..great red told me that girl is the same girl who betray him..fufufu
Ddraig- very observant partner..
Issei send a message to vali.
Issei( telepath)- hey vali that girl is the girl who used to be great red's partner.
Vali- yeah i'll handle this..
Pyrrha- uhmm sir may i know your name??
Vali- sorry ma'am military secret. We are special force from atlas. Our business herebwas confidential..
Pyrrha- oh okay. Sorry to ask you..
Vali- no problem.. and beside let the boss give us the go signal to reveal our name..
Pyrrha nodded
Pyrrha- here is your target room and the opposite is ours..
Issei- thanks..we'll handle this.
Pyrrha nodded and went inside the room
Vali knock the door..and once the door is open andbit reveal yang..
Yang- may i know you??
Vali- excuse me we are loomingvfor ms weiss schnee..
Yang- why are ylu looking for her instead of me handome..
Vali/issei- ...............
Yang- fine!!! Schnee two person is looking for you...
Yang- come in..
The two enter the room..
Weiss- i'm weiss schnee. May i know your name??
Issei- issei hyoudou the red dragon emperor.
Vali- vali lucifer the white dragon emperor the boss told us to get you he is now at the gate outside..
Issei- the great red told us to go to the city..
Weiss- i see. Very well. Come follow me but you two can you fly??
Vali- i can but my partner here still in we don't have any choice but to use the teleportation magic..
Weiss- you have any clothes to wear and personal belongings???
Issei- sadly but no...
Weiss- ahh..i understand..very well..let me grab my wallet okay..
Vali- ma'am the boss will be the one who will spend the bill. Head master give him some currency to buy our personal belongings so no problem..
Weiss- then let me treat you all to dinner..
Issei- but ma'am isn't that too much for you?? Me and vali have a huge appetite..we haven't eaten in the past 7 days.
Weiss- oh my!! Then let me treat you more..youncan order all you want to regain your energy..
Vali- i so sorry for this ma'am..
Weiss- oh no problem..great red told everything about you two..he is very happy that his draconic children is here..
Issei- yeah about that
Weiss- i know the story behod the two of you...but even two have his flesh. So it's consider that you two were his son's..but by blood i don't think so...
Vali- yeah samael's curse hit's us we were lucky that he was there..hehehehe
Yang- where is the samael's curse
Issei- sealed away in the face of humanity..and never to be found again...
Weiss- any way this is yang her sister ruby and this is blake.
Issei/ vali nodded.
Ruby- hi what weapon did you use?? Can i see it??
Vali- my dragon is sleeping..
Issei- i use ascalon the dragon slaying sword. It was sealed in my main weapon.
Yang- ooohhh~ can i see it??
Issei- my ascalon is forbbiden to be handled to other person..only a user can hold that weapon as your request to see the i'm sorry but my dragon is also sleeping both me and my partner are still recovering from the poison of samael's curse..even vali is also recovering.....
Ruby- aaaawwww...shame..any way can we go with you???
Vali- only marled person who can pass on the dragon's gate. Sorry..
Issei- any way lady boss great red told me that he already marked you??
Weiss- yes..
Issei- congratulations lady boss..
Weiss- call me weiss okay..
Issei- call me ise weiss.
Vali- call me also vali..
Weiss very well atleast let me change my clothes..
Issei- very well we will wait out side..
Yang- why wait outside you can peep her..
Vali- sorry were not a pervert..
Issei- please excuse us the two bow as respect and went out side..
Yang- damn those two were extremely handsome..o got the silver hair..
Blake- are all dragons like the are extremely hot??
Vali- damn those girls were hot..
Issei- you told me..specialy the raven hair one..
Vali- who the kid??
Issei- nope the other with a bow..
Vali- pfff..if ravel is here she might gonna kill you..
Issei- haha..
Vali- so still interested to harem??
Issei- nope not anymore...i'm good with my about you?? Are you interested on them??
Vali- nope!! Not interested on them...i prefer someone who is a silent one and to satisfy my urges..hehehe
Issei- are you into blondes.???
Vali- nope i prefer silver ones...
Pyrrha- hey guys..
Ren- yes??
Nora- huh?? Pyrrha why is your face are red??
Pyrrha- it's nothing..
Ren- did you see jaune again??
Pyrrha- no i don't see him...don't know wherr is he.. and i'm worried..
Ren- worried?? Now?? Pyrrha he can take him self ..he is a god why you are so worried..
Nora- pyrrha we can't do anything now..
Pyrrha- anyway i saw 2 new people a while ago..and they are in the rwby dorm.
Nora- probably new students..
Pyrrha- no..they are atlas special force..probably they came for weiss.. you know her family is..
Nora- can we see them..
Ren- nora don't include your self into other people's business...
After ren finish his little speech when he open his eyes he saw nora on the door eavea dropping and she aaw 2 guys infront of the team rwby..and she decided to talk to them..
Nora- hi! I'm nora what is your name's
Vali/issei- uuuuhh???
Issei- can't tell you for a moment..
Vali- our names is a top secret we can't tell you..
Nora- aaaawww come on...
Ren- nora i thought i told you to leave them alone..
Nora- i wanna know them..
Ren- for give sorry about my companions the way i'm ren this is nora..
Nora- ohhhh!!! Where are you from!! What us your semblance! Do you have an aura!!
Issei- the what???
Vali- don't have any whatever you said..
Nora- hey wanna spar with us or going us!! If you decide to join the school.we are lack one man you can join us and have a lot of pancake..
Vali- the what????
Issei- i'm confused??
Ren- nora!!! Can you please go inside the room!!! They have a job here don't interupt them!!
Nora- aaaaww!!
Ren- I. SAID. NOW!!!!!
Nora went inside the dorm.
Ren- i'm sorry again..sorry to disturb you..
Vali nodded and ren went inside the room..
Issei- that was weird...
Vali- sigh!! This world is really something else...
Ren- nora how Many times i told you to not interupt the other people!!
Nora- i'm just want them to know!!
Ren-sigh~ since you wan't that way! I will not goinh to make you pancakes!!!
Nora- NNNNOOOO!!!!!
Ren- you have to eat what the school offers!!!
Pyrrha- calm down ren...
Ren- hhhmmp!!
Ren exit the room...
Ren- nora you should listen to ren's word you's rude to interupt other people..
Weiss finish everything and went to the door..
Weiss- alright boys let's go...
Isse/vali- okay....
The 3 walk on their way..
And pyrrha visit the RBY room.
Ruby- pyrrha...come in!!
Pyrrha- hey whats up!!
Blake- any chance that you meet 2 people..
Pyrrha- that is what i am going to ask you..
Yang- they are here to get weiss..those two are dragon emperors of jaune.
Pyrrha was shock..
Pyrrha- you mean those two were dragons too..
Blake- no they are humans with the soul of a dragon..
Pyrrha- seems they are not talkative. If you ask me..
Yang- did you meet them??
Pyrrha- i'm the one who lead them here..they are not talkative. And they didn't reveal their name..
Ruby- they reveal their name to weiss and we hear them too..
Pyrrha- ohh care to share?
Ruby- the brown hair one is issei hyoudou andnhe is the red dragon emperor and he also posses a dragon slayinh sword.. while the silver hair boy is vali lucifer he is the white dragon emperor. That is all i know..
Yang-i think the silver hottie is the only one and looking intimidating mmmm my for the brown one is in neutral...
Pyrrha- i they were humanoid also...
Blake- as per weiss said those two were the children of jaune..because their body is made with his flesh but by blood i don't think so...those two were the victims of a weapon called samael's curse...
Pyrrha was shock to hear blake's words..
Pyrrha- but how did that happen?? Why they are arrive..
Blake- i don't know...
Pyrrha- so where are they now??
Yang- probably going to the city but we can't follow them..because the will use portal..and only a marked person can enter to that said portal. And weiss is the only one who was marked..
Pyrrha- they say were they where going??
Ruby- no...but they are going far away..why??
Pyrrha- nothing special..
Yang- why are you developing a crush to one of them..
Pyrrha- not really. Just curious...
Yang-hhhooohhh~ are you betraying cardin???
Pyrrha- don't you dare to call that coward's name on my face...
Yang- sheesh!! P-money calm what is the news of your team..
Pyrrha- sigh ren is pissed with nora..
Ruby- ara?? Why..
Pyrrha- she approach to the two visitors without knowing them..but before that happens ren reprimand her that she sould not approach them because they have some business here but nora didn't listen.
Blake- nora seems out of hand...and jaune And ren is the only persons can control her..
Pyrrha- we can't rely on jaune anymore blake..i'm also trying my best to do all the reaponsibilities i have to take jaunes place as a leader...
Yang- how are are you hanging in the position as a leader..
Pyrrha- it's getting difficult everyday..i have to take extra help.
Ruby- did your fiancè help you in some ways??
Pyrrha- yeah..but it was
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