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Ozpin along with the haven deligates  is now enroute to vale the other side of the academy is different.

Mercury- damn boss our move os limited..we can't make our move this freely.

Emerald- yeah boss..this is a lpt different than the others..

Cimder- it's fine you two atleast we are clear to our original target the cct..

Emerald- what about those weaponry??

Cinder- roman told me that he has a hard time to locate those robots even with the assistance  of adam...it seems ozpin hid it well..

Mercury- damn...this is gonna be a different situation...

Emerald- indi- ooooff!!

Emerald bumps into vali along with fenrir..

Vali- oops sorry...

Emerald- it's fine...im emerald and this is my team cinder and mercury..

Vali- i'm jack...but before we continue can ylu return my wallet??

Emerald- what are you talking about??

Cinder- just return the wallet emerald..his mut is the witness..

Emeralt- sigh- fine here you go..

Vali- thanks 

Vali and fenrir continue their job..leaving the 3

Cinder- damn he's hot i wonder if he has a girlfriend..

Merucry- you took a lokomg on him cinder....

Cinder- what if i am...this academy produce a godly man...

Emerald- sheesh!!! Cinder do it later as of no- wait where is my scroll!!!!

Mercury- fufufufuf it seems that guy give you a payback huh...that's what you get if you stealing someone's belonging..

Emerald- now i have to find that criminal!!

Cinder- forget it...we don't know if he is a student here and he doesn't wearing a uniform..there is a chance that he is a huntsman...

Emeral- sigh~ fine..... let's go....

Mercury- we need to watch our steps ladies..i have a hunch that we've been watch..


Issei- how did it go??

Vali- easy...

Vali show the scroll that he steal from emerald..

Arthur let's go we need to scan the contents..

Arthur summon a teleportation circle bound to the emperor team's room and start working..

After sometimes the scan has finish..

Arthur- well~ well~ it seems this girl did something wrong many times..

Bikou- what is it??

Arthur- well this girl is not just ordinary  thos girl is a murderer arsonist thief...not only that this girl's semblance is illusion while cinder fall csn use multiple weapon..he can use bow and arrow , a swords, a fire magic a glass.. while mercury is unknown..

Issei- damn this cinder girl is not to be messed...

Arthur- remember the plan. Let raven handle cinder. All we could do is to support her.. there is a chance that she saw your fight..and perhaps she will use  her charm or emerald will use illusion..we may be supernaturals here but let our profile to keep low...

Vali- let us give them a surprise...

Issei- got it.  Where the hell is the big guy??

Winter- he return to kuoh..to gather the men. Alex and weiss is in the docks mom send a message that she will come too..and haven academy was comming...i don't know about vacou..but i guess in a few days they will come too...

Kuroka- what about the security??

Issei- i dunno...i can bet that the angels and fallens will arrive..as for sirzechs he doesn't have any control anymore..lord lucifer has it all..so it's be safe that he will work as an agent..or an allrounder guy..besides he was close to azazel and michael.. probably he will be a jack in all trade

Vali- yeah...knowing that happy go lucky guy will have a time of his life..he is a freeman now...

Issei- true but who knows when he will be arrive..

Ophis- hellow albion ddraig!!

Team emperor- EEEEPPP!!!!

Vali- ophis!! You are giving us a heart attack!!

Ophis- that is called surprise...

Vali- sheesh ophis...

Issei- phis- chan why you are here??

Ophis- i cam here to watch the vytal festival..

Issei- you are way ahead of schedule...phis- chan!!

Ophis- not only that i came here ise-chan. Summer is also here even the 3 faction army is also here too.. they are hidden somewhere the leaders will come when the start of the vytal festival..

Vali- why so many???

Ophis- baka red told us that we should get ready..but keep our profile low..he said that he spotted the lackeys of salem.

Issei- they are here now...and they target the cct...

Ophis- should we worry??

Issei- no need to worry ophis everything is ready.. and the cct has been replace by a false information plus virus.. and we plan to abduct the invader after she spread the virus to salem's side..

Ophis- do you onoe where she hide??

Issei- great red knows where her camp..but first he will behead those 3  along with the traitor academy..

Ophis- leonardo lionheart??? Right?? So he works for salem??

Vali- yes...he is the pawn..so 4 of them will be executed after the virus will spread..and great red send their heads to salem's camp..

Kuroka- not only that ophis there is aassive grimm in mt. Glenn i saw a lot of wyvern grimm and a goliath..

Le fay- we are waiting for them to wake up..because if we blow mt. Glenn premature..it will explode..i discover mt. Glenn is a volcano..if we blow it up  the volcano will erupt. And it will be a trouble for us..

Ophis- understand...don't worry i am here now..i will help you guys..

Le fay- thank you lady ophis...

Ophis- no worries...

Arthur- ohhh!! Fenrir can you give this back to the emerald??

Fenrir bark and take the scroll.

Ophis- what did you do to that device??

Arthur- information about those 3 invaders.. it seems those 3 are no joke to a normal huntsman. Each of them are s class criminal ophis...cinder fall is a fall maidem although she took a half of the original maiden.

Ophis- i will take that powet from her and return it to the original owner..by the way where is ozpin??

Kuroka- glynda said that he wrnt to mistral to deliver a new bullhead..and take the final pawn of salem to come here..

Ophis- alright.. it seem our job is lessen..

Issei- yep!!

Ophis- do you have any chocolates here??

Vali-yep on the fridge you can take as many as you can..

Issei- ophis brush your teeth after eating.

Ophis- hai....

Ophis went on hos own leaving the team emperor on their own..


Raven along with the teamare busy checking their own aircraft. Then suddenly a shout was hear and it seems too familiar to them..



Tai- wait a minute!! That's ruby and summer..

Raven- come let's meet them..

The 3 meet ruby and summer.

When ruby saw the three she immediately run using her semblance..

Ruby- dddaaaaddd!!!!

Tai- ruby!!! Summer!!!

Summer- heeeyy!!! I miss you guys!!!

Ruby- uncle qrow!! Did you miss me!! Did you!! Did you!!!

Qrow ruffles ruby's here.

Qrow- nope!!! Hahahaha!!! Hey peep squeek!! And short stack!! How have you been...

Summer- i've been well...and it seems our team has a new smallest member...

Raven- huh???

Tai- i don't get it??

Summer- it seem ruby took a liking of being a pilot hehehe

Tai- wait did you teach ruby how to fly??

Summer- it's not me...it was azazel who yeach her how to fly...your daughter is a multitask tai..and uhh i'm sorry to say this but ruby ia one of the angels now..

Tai- what!!!! Did ruby died!!

Ruby- no dad!! You think it all wrong!! Well as you can see lord michael can turn a living human as an angel...and it was cool too..

Raven- why did he turn into an angel??

Summer- sigh~ ruby's power is too much for her to handle...she is a summer maiden and a silver eyed warrior..we tried all kinds of training to hone her power but all of it were failed..and it came to michael's mind that we should turn ruby as an angrl and let us see how the result..

Tai- and how??? Is the result??

Summer- as we expected it turn out she can handle the power now...and uhhh she surpass the 3 maidens own power...hehehehe..

TRQ was shock to hear that ruby is more powerfull than ever..

Tai- so it seems i can't see my remaining daughter..

Summer- don't ve such a cry baby tai..even ruby is an angel now. She is still a living being...we angels have a rules to follow..we can't take ruby into heaven until we saw it fit..so you can still see ruby...

Tai- that's a relief!! I thought i lost ruby for good..

Summer- nope honey..although i still have to keep ruby for my own because she still have remaining years at school..

Tai- i understand summer..

Raven- so what aircraft did you use??

Summer- me and ruby use F-35 too.

Qrow- this little squirk use the same aircraft as ours?? Short stack??

Summer- yes birdie!!

Qrow- where is your aircraft??

Ruby- take a look at your back uncle qrow..

The three look at their back and they were astound to see 2 aircraft lining up on their own..

Ruby- cool huh!!! I can use magic too!!

Tai- indeed!! Iy was not there earlier!! Hehehe

Summer- so what is the plan? For the vytal featival??

Raven- well we are showing off our skills and just a little bit show off our babies here hehehehe..

Qrow- damn all the kingdoms will drool to what we can do...hehehe wanna join us summer??

Summer- that's what i am here hahaha of course i'll join you guys..ruby and i will gonna join the party..

Raven- ALRIGHT!!! Now the team had a plus two in the member..

Summer- huh?? Plus two??

Qrow- big red son joins the airforce as of now he is still at school studying he just here 2 months ago..but he will not join the parade hehehe...and that f 22 was his aircraft..

Summer and ruby look at the f22 aircraft..

Summer- damn he took the f 22 as his own...and it has red dragon insignia??

Qrow- pff the boy almost marry that aircraft.. every day he wash the plane from inside to out side...and that idiot is like a carbon copy of ruby...

Summer- eeeehhh!!! Alex is just a carbon copy of ruby when it comes to weapon!!!

Qrow- sigh~ he might be the son of great red but that boy don't use his own  herritage...or may be he has something on his mind that will make us surprise..don't get the wrong idea that idiot is sharper than his old man. Even his tongue is sharp...

Raven- yep!! He called qrow and tai a drunken bird and goldilocks...hahaha well and he call me old hag!!! Damn that boy...

Summer- he is just a boy raven..

Raven- true but when it comes to protect his friends and love ones he is like his father. As for the temper well he is like his mother...

Summer- well we can't blame them they are indeed his parents hahahaha...

Raven- anyway summer you two cam't go to the academy because salem is now moving ..she send 3 of her pawns feom haven academy..weiss and alex is also staying here blake is also here.. the only one who can stay there was 3 of them.

Summer- why he send his own teambhere..

Tai- because weiss and the rest of the team can't fight one of the pawns of salem...they are not ready because one of them can use illusions and one is a fall maiden and can use fire magic...

Summer- indeed..

Qrow- as for the other team emperor they are keeping a laylow..they will come if salem will make her move here...we have to get ready...

Summer- indeed..


As ozpin and the rest of haven academy arrive at beacon  alex and weiss are there to meet their family...

Ozpin- ahh miss schnee it's good to see you..

Weiss- good to see you headmaster and council.. may i ask what are you doing here??

Council- ahh lady schnee i came here not only just for vytal festival i also come here for some~ execution of another traitor of the kingdom..and who is this young man with you??

Weiss- ahhh it's my only annoying son..

Alex- mom call me annoying agaon and i will call you o-

Weiss- alright- alright!! Sheesh!!

Council- hahahahaha...it seems you two have a lot of bonding moments...

Weiss- yeah...this kid has a sharpest tongue  too..but it is hos nature...don't mind his tongue.. unlike his fsther this brat is his opposite...

Council- i hope he didn't cause you any trouble..

Weiss- nahh...alex is dping fine..alex introduce your self..

Alex- alexander schnee sir. I am from royal vale airforce sir..nice to meet you..

Council- greetings i am a council of mistral and it serms you are not alone as a student of airforce..

Alex- what do you mean sir??

Council- well what if i sau thay ozpin takes another student who wants to br an airforce..he failed the huntsman requirements but he pass in the airforce...

Alex- alright.. atleast i am not alone this time...so where he??

Council- mr miles come here..

Mr miles along with team abrn and the bully arrive..

Mr miles- did you call me sir??

Council- yes.. mr miles this is  alexander schnee he is also in the airforce he will be your partner during your service here..

Alex- sup!!

Mr miles- hello i'm john miles...i hope we can be friends..

Alex- sure!! Hey do you havr any skill in fighting??

Mr miles- sadly no... i can't really fight don't have any semblance or aura...and ibalso use fake transcript..

Alex- alright!! Leave it to me...i can teach you cool moves..ad for transcript...well who needs those..

Bully- hry hot shot transcript. Is very importa-

Alex- transcript is just a piece of paper dumbass..the importan thing is you have a skill and brain...tramscript can be falsefied. but talents and skill can't. If mr miles want to to be a pilot it can be learn..so use your brain dumbass..and don't be such a high horse in  front of me..

Bully- booohhooo!! So what if i can-

Alex- listen here lard ass.. i don't care if you are a woman...you don't know me..i don't use my status as a schnee here i have my ways...and as i can see your attitude you are a bully and a female one too..watch your step and your tone here this is my territory..if i sae you bullying any beacon students here i will gonna rip that tongue of yours...you better pray to your gods that i wont gonna murder you. If i saw you bullying john miles here i will do worse than any body can do...don't test my patience little girl you are just a worm.

Weiss- calm down son

Alex- i'm sorry  for my outburst..i just hate bully..

Council- it's fine mr alex..you have a reason to get angry...

Neptune- hey! Sweet heart...

Weiss- what now vasillas??

Neptune- come on weiss cam we just start over again..

Weiss- sorry but no...

Neptune- come on just give me o-

Alex- continue your word and i will gonna murder you..

Neptune- who are brat!!

Weiss- the brat that you shouted is my son...and you know who is the father...if you gonna approach me again i will gonna arrest you...or my only son will gonna rip that face of yoirs and throw it to the sea..

Sun- i told you that leave her alone don't get too confident your self...

Alex- oi!! Blue balls with a google..if you want to woe someone this girl could work..and besides you two are no brain..now sod off before i will gonna call my old man here..

Neptine aNd sun run towards the field..

Alex- ohhh man!! Hearing my old man's name can make them run for thwir life.hahahaha...ohhh mom i gonna scram along with my new buddy here i wanna show hom where we goong to train..

Weiss- just scram brat...your grand mother will be late again...

Alex- alright!!  See you sir  and grandpa ozpin and uhhh

Arslan- i'm arslan from team ABRN and these is bolin, reese and nadin..

BRN- HI!!!

Bolin- uhh can we come with you i want to see your ride..

Alex- i dunno..but are ylu friendly or enemy??

Mr miles- they are friendly. They are the one who supported me..

Alex- i dunno abput the headmaster..

Ozpin- this is just a one time offer. You can come with them

Alex- cool!! So let's go after the hangar let's go to team emperors dorm and have some fun there!! Come on guys!!!

Alex start running

Mr miles- excuse us sir madam!! Hey wait up!!!

ABRN- h-hey!!! Don't leave us!! Wait up!!!

The 5 person go in their merry way..

Weiss- now you see how sharp his tongue..hehehe

Ozpin- i can bet that alex will diffenately annoy TEAM TRQ  again...

Weiss- yep!!

Ozpin- come! Let me show you the production area..leonardo follow us to..

Leonardo- fine....lead the way...

Weiss- i'll be staying here i'm still waiting for mother...

Ozpin- alright..

Council- alright it's nice to see you again lady schnee..

The adults went to their own way leaving weiss


While the team strq and ruby was busy  alex andr miles along with team abrn arrive..

Alex- hey guys we have a new recruit..

Qrow- sup punk!! Who is the new recruit..

Alex- ahh this is john miles he is the addition of the team f 22..

Qrow- i see...so  who are the others??

Alex- ohh they are team abrn. My new friend.. and guys meet team strq.. lead by summer rose and that little girl there was ruby rose summer's daughter..

Arslan- no!! Freaken!! Way!!! The legendary team strq!! Was here!!!

Nadir- and they are the ones who piloted those aircraft!!!

Bolin- i thought summer was dead??

Summer- indeed i am..but there are more things thay you kods didn't know why i am still here so don't be afraid...

Arslan- don't worry we know..that is why next sem. We will transfer here..

Qrow- good for you..

Ruby- hey alex...

Alex- hello rubes how are you doing??

Ruby- i'm doing fine..though the time is hectic here..

Alexander- indeed..so how was the others.

Ruby- they will come..alex they miss you..

Raven- ohh alex as for now you cant go to team emperors room..because they are here..i saw them spying and disobeying the orders..

Alex- what can i do??

Raven- nothing let the old ones do their thing even you are the son of great red but still not qualified to fly the aircraft..

Alexander nodded..

Tai- i'm sorry kid..it's just a rule...

Alex- it's fine sir...but can i atleast ride with you??

Tai- why not?? I just finish modification..

Bolin- i like to have a tide with you guys but we are participating to the vytal festival...

Arslan- we are the original participant sir. Not those 3..

Tai- we know...and we also know why they are here...just act normal..

Abrn- yes sir..

Alex- comd guys lete show you the gundams!! And after that let's have some fun in my personal domain..

Ruby- hey!! Let me come with you!!

Alex- ask your mother short stack!!

Ruby- i'm not short i drink milk!!!

Summer- fufufufufu!!! You cam go now dear..let me hamdle this...

Ruby- yaaaay!!! Come on guys!!!

Tai- aaaannd their off!!!

The 6 man went on their own way leaving team strq....

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