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The entire team and visitors were on their own dorm. Issei vali and jaune is preparing for their own initiation in the morning..

While the girls are doing their own business..

Willow-my my~ weiss you were dedicated to jaune your self..fufufufu you were a perfect wife material if you ask me~

Weiss- mom. You know how stubborn yhat guy is...sure he was a handful at times..but he never fail to forget us...he is a hands on if ylu ask me...he is a great guy...

Willow- so weiss did you two-

Weiss- nope...not a single touch...sure he was clingy or being romantic...i had my needs too..but i choose to obey his orders..fufufu

Winter- ohh~

Weiss- before we go to that point. He needs the approval from you and mom..he will not do anything to me unless you had a go signal...fufufu sure i show my glory to him..but he is holding him self..he is not like issei and blake fuufufu..

Blake- hey!! 

Weiss- fufufufu oh come on...it's only natural you know...both of you are in legal to do that...sheesh...jaune had pride and true to his words...and you two don't spend so much time don't we~

Willow- well he had a go signal...and make it quick..

Weiss- mom not now...but he will do that who knows when or where..

Willow- why??

Weiss- dragons like them had a season...and last night it was blake's and issei's season..

Winter- you mean to say they had-

Weiss- he has a season..unlike issei and vali..jaune's season is still far.. but it doesn't mean he can't do it even his season is far from now~

Winter- how long this season will last???

Weiss- a day or week i don't know..

Blake- and winter~ you have to prepare~ because you will be on a wild ride~ and dragon's had a huge rod~

Winter, weiss, and willow had a huge blush on their head and blood is running on their nose..

Blake- and i'm not joking~ i experience it last night~ fufufufu

Winter, weiss blush even deeper..

Willow- fufufu oh dob't be like that..fufufu..so weiss whay did jaune and his boys do if you were busy..

Weiss- they do nothing just playing card eating or just strolling..they didn't bother me..but most of the time jaune play his guitar issei and vali are just plaing video games..

Winter- what about sparring..

Winter- vali and issei sometimes spar or sometimes the three of them..

Willow- interesting..did he capture your heart when he's singing??

Weiss- ugh!! Sure he can play guotar but singing good luck. Specialy when the three of them are in duet...

Blake- fufufu younhabe no idea how many glass they break when those 3 are singing..specially if they use those instrument...

Willow- well boys will be boys. Atleast they dont the two of you..

Weiss- ohh no jaune and issei and vali didn't lay a single finger..those 3 are over protective specially...fufufu

Winter- i see. I remember jaune is in the other team..and he is a team leader..

Weiss- sigh~ yeah he was betrayed by his own team mates. Specially his own partner pyrrha nikos...

Willow- the 4 times mistral champion??

Weiss- yeah...she turn her back on him and choose the bully winchester..i know she had an eyes on jaune. But when his transcript was reveal pyrrha is the first to betray hom followed by the whole students..

Winter- sheesh!! For just a paper they did that to him...what about yang xiao long??

Weiss- she join the team and made jaune her personal punching bag...but dispite all they turn their back on him. i am the only one who remain by his side.

Winter- well it seems our moral teaching has been paid off..and you got your selves a dragon..

Blake- indeed...

Willow- i notice that ms xiao long is gunning on vali??

Weiss- she wants vali for his power..she was too disperate to have him for her self..she doesn't know dragons are a cunning creature..and loyal too...if she had vali for her self..well she can do whatever she wants...fufufu

Blake- and vali don't like yellow fufufufu vali had a thing when it comes to silver..and vali is a closet pervert..fufufufu if issei loves chest well vali loves waist area..fufufu and you winter you had both..assets..

Weiss-fufufu and i am in the middle side fufu.

Willow- why??

Weiss- jaune don't mind if i had a large or flat..fufufu

Willow- you had e decent size it suits you well..so don't get jealous okay..

Weiss- oh no. I'm not jealous..i trust jaune's taste..he is not a picky guy..as long as you respect him he will treat you like a queen...fufufufu

Winter- bwahahaha ohh you were too cute when you pouting..

Weiss grumbling..

Willow- fufu

Weiss- so blake when is your parents will come..

Blake- i dunno they will come here in surprise..

Weiss- i see..

Winter- what happen to pyrrha and her team?? And where is winchester??

Weiss- i dunno about them..while cardin was transfering to another school..

Blake- cardin and pyrrha were split up..i dunno the reason why they were split up..

Weiss- probably pyrrha was still attach to jaune. And cardin can't take it anymore.

Winter- so the champion had a crush to your husband??

Weiss- yeah she had a huge crush on him since day one..fufu but jaune has laid his eyes on me since day one..

Winter- hooh~ how was jaune in day one??

Weiss- well he is scraggy no talent or skills and annoying..but it turns put he was super hot powerful over protective kind man...

Winter- lucky girl~

Weiss- fufu...

Willow- you didn't know who he really was??

Weiss- nope nit even a clue..i nust stick by his side and make him happy..

Willow- are you the one who confess your feeling??

Weiss- nope he was the first..he told me that he still love me. Even i lost my v card and i was in a relationship before...he still there for me..i'm sorry mom..

Willow- that's fine...at least you found your self a fine man...you and winter make me proud...

Blake- fufufu good for you ice queen..

Willow- will your parents accept issei??

Blake- well they will..fufufu i just give them a few lie to avoid disaster..my father is strong but issei is different..i will intrudocr to them that issei is a dragon faunus....fufufufufu..

Willow- clever girl..i know dragons were extinct...but if they realize issei is from another world who knows...

Blake- true. We should never let the world knows who they are..

Winter/ willow nodded.


Jaune- so boys!! Now that we all have ouf mates..so vali how was your girl..

Vali-well winter is not bad..she is skilled fighter..i dunno if she is using me for power..

Jaune- naahh- she is not using you for power. Her personal gains..she is your mirror copy vali..

Vali- sigh~ i thought you will said yes she will use you for her perso al gain

..thats a relief..

Jaune- nooo~ she will not going to use you. I understand that she is your first girl..fufufu and congratulations vali. And issei i'm glad that you open your heart once again i know how painful  your experience in the past..and i'm glad  you didn't go berserk..

Issei- yeah i need someone to stand by my side...and need a friend lover out side in our group..blake is not that bad. She is a wonderful girl..

Jaune- but! How was your first time~ you have so many girls in the past and ended up by blake taking your v card..

Issei- well~ she is a wild one...fufufufu and amazing....fufufufu  but you should prepare  boy~  you have a go signal  now..

Vali- now give us a nephew or niece to spoiled..

Jaune- ho! Ho! Ho! Just you wait  boy~

Back to weiss

Willow- girls what is that??

Weiss- that is our work out clothes mom..

Blake- the boys brought this. They said that it was good for work out..even them. They had the same outfit but it's for male..

Willow- this seems so tight???

Weiss- yeah..but it was durable and light. We can move without any problem

Blake- jaune said that iy was made with spandex when we wear that it feels we were completely naked....fufufu

Willow- did you wear this out door??

Weiss- yes..aside from sports bra and tight leggings we wear a sweat shirt...and that vali said that we can use it even in door work out..

Winter- did you wear sweat shirt even indoor??

Weiss- nope...we wear that when out door...

Willow- what is their reaction when they saw you wearing that clothes?

Blake- issei's brain stop working and jaune pass out. Both of them had a blood running on their nose..

Winter/willow- bwahahahaha

Weiss- oh!! By the way sis here this is for you!!

Winter- what is this??

Weiss- same outfit as ours..

Winter- where did this come from??

Weiss- vali buy it for you ahead of time..

Winter- how did he know my size..

Weiss- it's free to use..it's size free..

Winter- what!! This thing has the same size as yours...what happen if we have a run..

Weiss- you know we have jacket..and besides we start running at 4 am. As if anybody is awake in that time..

Willow- fufufufu!!! Those boys have a naughty brain..

Blake- well boys will be boys mrs schnee..and besides they are the only one who see us wearing this...

Winter- by the way how far did you constantly run..

Blake- we start is 1 km run..every week it will higher and higher..

Winter- what! Can you run that far..

Weiss- well yeah itbwas dificult at first. It feels like we are running from hell and back..but each day your body reaction is getting stronger and stronger...sure we feel sore muscle and joint pain.  But in the end it feels like we are brand new...

Winter- after class what did you do??

Blake- after class we have basic punching and kicking lesson..we were just start training so it's no biggie..once we had the basic i dunno what they will do. It's either combination of punch and kicks. Or acrobatic style punch and kicks who knows..

Winter- i see..

Willow- if you ask me those boys training are more effective than atlas..

Weiss- yeah...and yesterday in our combat class we fight jaune's former team..well they were able to beat us. Buy we give them a run on their money..

Blake- yeah.. we feel like we were quicker and our reaction is natural..

Winter- it's because of your training has been paid off..you need to focus more..

Blake / weiss nodded..

Willow- dear when will you pass your resignation to the forces??

Winter- i will go tomorrow after their initiation..

Weiss- did you get vali's scroll number??

Winter- yeah. I will call hom after my talk to gen. Ironwood.

Weiss- oh not only those 3 can use teleportation magic..they can fly too with an insane speed..

Winter- ohh??

Blake- yeah i experience it too..

Weiss- jaune is my personal taxi fufufu try it with vali..fufufu

Winter- i dunno..

Weiss- you should try sis. It's wonderful.. you don't need to hire a bullhead when vali is able to carry you~and fly to the sky~ and had a romantic moment while staring at the moon~

Winter- weiss your being sarcastic..

Weiss- nope. I'm talking about reality..it was a wonderful feeling to a man you love is carrying you on the sky..

Blake- what weiss said is true...

Wiess- uuuuhhh..

Willow- winter do you really love vali..

Winter- if i didn't like vali why do i agree to be mark by him...fufufu of course i do..even we just met. But no matter we have all the time to know each other..and i think he look likes not a bad guy..

Weiss- because he is not a bad guy..he is also a protective dragon..and he is not a talkative type of guy..

Blake- that giy is a reserve type. No matter how yang actions to get his attention..

Winter had a sweet smile on her face..

Winter- you mean to say that vali didn't even talk to her?

Weiss- even issei didn't talk to her. But ruby is able to talk to issei..

Winter- i see. I guess i have vali on my own..

Weiss/blake nodded..

Willow- fufufu aahhh young love~

Weiss- so mom how did you discover about dad's hidden partner??

Willow- i manage to hack all his information and partnership in the cct. And i print out and use all the legal files to retain what is rightfuly mine..and beside i am the legal schnee. And i found out that jaques fake all the documents to take the sdc. And he use his influence as a council man to make it legal..

Weiss- but how did you found out that he forge hia papers??

Willow- i went to vale council to confirm the legalities and lucky for me i have a friend that works in legal department and send to the vale council. And once it has confirm the vale council contact  the other kingdoms aside from atlas to invade the schnee mansion.. but before that. The 3 kingdoms send a spy to record all the events in the mines. They saw many faunus has been inslave in the mines teenage faunus has been rape after the hard labor pregnant woman is also present even the poor children is working they in a harsh condition...

The 3 women's eyes went wide to hear willow's confession..

Willow- sigh~ after they confirm to the rumors. the 3 kingdom special force raid the mansion in the middle of the night. And arrest jaques..

Weiss- where is dad..

Willow- he is in prison outside the 4 kindoms. And atlas couldn't do anything because the 3 kingdoms warnings..

Weiss- what about gen. Ironwood.

Willow- he is neutral..he is creating a new weapon that can defeat 3 kindoms..

Winter- that is why  i want to quit the special force..and mom will be a scape goat..

Weiss- i see. I think gen. Ironwood is going nuts.

Winter- yeah...

Blake- i bet if he discover that you have a dragon emperor. He will said he is a property of atlas!!! He should be subdue!! Fufufufu

Winter- fufufu and jaune will be in a rampage??? And distroy atlas it self..

Blake- most likely...jaune didn't joke around if he will go serious..fufufu

Willow / winter nodded..

Willow- well let us see what the boys were doing..

Blake- let's go..

The girls went out to the room they saw the 3 boys were planning..

Willow- hello boys..

Issei- oh hello mrs schnee. And girls.

Blake- what are you doing dear??

Issei- ohh were planning how to slay the grimms..

Vali- i heard that death stalker and nevermore were strong..

Winter- honey grimms were strong it take's a toll to fight them..death stalker is a scorpion grim they have poison on their tail and the size is giant..

Vali- i see good thing my albion is a dragon that has a poison..oi issei the death stalker is my dibs..thanks for the info honey.

Issei- well what about beowolves and ursa??

Blake- dear beowolves are  large dark creature that looks like a were wolves. But they are not alone. They are in pack and alpha is similar to beowolves but they are stronger than the ordinary beowolves..

Issei- i see thans sweetie~

Blake- your welcome dear..

Issei- but what about nevermore??

Blake- The Nevermore is an avian that has features resembling those of several other bird species. Two notable examples of this are its resemblances to condors and ravens. Like other Grimm, it has a mask-like, white bony structure overlaying the upper front of its head. It also has four glowing red eyes, two on each side of its head. The headpiece also includes a dorsal spine or fin, reminiscent of that on the heads of condors and some

Issei- i see..so they were existing in the emerald forest??

Blake- well during our initiation we only encounter beowolves death stalker and nevermore. Who knows what kind of grimm you will encounter tomorrow..

Issei- so there are many types of grimm??

Winter- yes plenty of it.  Some are mutated too..grimm existed in all variant small medium and large..even dragon type grimm also exist. Like wyvern and griffon..in remnant all kind of grimm is exist from land to water and air. And grimms have different specialities...

Issei- what kind of grimm are dangerous??

Winter- for me the dangerous tyoe of grimm is geist..

Vali- what are those??

Winter- Geists are Creatures of Grimm that resemble ghosts and are capable of "possessing" and controlling any inert object.

Vali- damn! 

Blake- well for me is sea feilong..

Vali- what are type of grimm is that??

Blake-Sea Feilong are large serpent-like dragon Creatures of Grimm that lives in the ocean.A Sea Feilong has an enormous serpentine body with large red wings, short arms with claws, a bone-scaled underbelly and a spiked spine. It has black skin and a large external skull, as well as red glowing gills on each side of its neck

Issei- hmmm? A serpent like dragon?? I think in our realm their resemble to a eastern dragon..

Winter- easten dragon??

Vali- an eastern dragon has a large body  they have the ability to fly even without wings..they have short ands and feets..the sea feilong is the perfect resemble of eastern dragon but they don't have wings..

Willow- what about you son what type of dragon do you have??

Vali- the 3 of us are western dragon

Blake- so in your realm there are 2 types of dragon..

Issei- yes. You saw ddraig sweetie. Ddraig is a western red dragon and albion is a western white dragon..

Blake- i see!! So ddraig is a western dragon..

Winter- hon. What is the appearance of albion??

Vali- Albion is an enormous white western dragon described as having a beautiful pure white body, he has blue eyes, two golden horns, and unlike most western dragons, he has feathered wings.

Winter- blake how did you manage to see issei's dragon??

Blake- issei introduce me to him..

Vali- fufufufu honey i'll let you meet albion when you return here...but don't be afraid okay...

Winter- o-okay~

Issei- both ddraig and albion are twins. The difference between those two are obviously their color..and their wings.. ddraig has a wings look like a bat..while albion's wings are like a chicken!!

Vali- oi!!

Issei- fufufufu just joking! Albion's wings are look like a wyvern ar griffon..fufu..

Before could vali talk jaune appeared bringing tea and some bread. For snacks.

Jaune- fufufu and those two dragons have a rediculous nick name and titles..

Winter- hhooh~ care to explain??

Jaune- ddraig's full name was ddraig y goch. He is the red dragon emperor who holds a title boob dragon..while albion's full name was albion gwiber. He is a white dragon who holds a title butt dragon emperor..hahaha

Vali/issei groans

Jaune- don't blame me boys you two were the one who created that title of yours.. because issei has a boob fetish and vali has a waist fetish...fufuufu..

The girls were laughing to their own husbands antics..

Blake- well atleast vali can hold his urges while my issei is a open one..fufufu

Willow- any way..no matter  their anyics are. They are still dragons okay..so treat them with care and love them with all your heart..

3 girls nodded..

Jaune- fufufu..ahhh young love~

Winter- fufufu as if you are not..

Weiss- sister you do know that jaune is much older than remnany it self...his age is unknown. Fufufu

Winter- i know...

Issei- oi great red you have the go signal right??

Jaune- yeah..so??

Issei- i know your plan..

Jaune- not tonight boy~  we have a fight tomorrow...fufufufu

Vali/issei nodded..

Willow- fufufu..any way we should continue to chat shall we..forget about the figjt i know you

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