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After the class weiss and blake to the locker to keep their weapon when suddenly some female student were cheering to see a boy with brown hair and wearing a jeans and a slim fit polo  and in his hand he has a red single rose on it.

Senior girl- hes cute who was that??

Senior girl 2- i saw him with that red haired cutie and a silver hair hottie along with schnee..

Senior 3- who is that man on red??

Senior girl 2- rumor said that red cutie was jaune arc.

Coco- that's because he is jaune arc i don't know what happen but he is indeed jaune arc..

Senior girl- what! That faker is jaune arc...

Senior girl 4- careful i saw him beating up the play boy neptune..jaune can pack a punch se punch neptune on the face and send him on the wall..not only that both of them fighting using punch and kicks and both of them using some moves like dancing and fliping..and jaine almost chocked neptune to death...

Coco- damn i miss the fight..

Senior girl 2- coco he's so good in fighting..he use some magic to conjure fire and water at the same time..jaune arc is no joke..weiss is so lucky to have jaune..

Senior girl- i thought she was with pyrrha..

Senior 4-  no she kick him out  due to his fake transcript and she goes to the bully cardin..and the only girl who discover his secret is non other than weiss her self..

Senior girl- i thought she hates his guts thats why she choose that play boy..

Coco- sigh weiss knew jaune was a good person...jaune never takes another woman besides weiss..even pyrrha has a crush on him but still he loves weiss..sigh it's rare to find a man like  jaune . And i hope pyrrha will move on..because jaune hates her so bad...

With issei

Issei saw blake with weiss. And weiss saw issei approaching them..

Weiss- blake your lover was here..fufufufu

Blake saw issei and she was blushing that can make pyrrha's hair put into shame because she saw how fit issei was.

Issei- hello girls i'm here to pick you up. And blake a roses for the most beautiful girl that i saw.

All girls are squeeling to see issei giving a red roses to blake..while blake was blushing and had a smile on her face. She accept the roses and smell how fragrant the roses are..

Weiss- i told you so~ fufufufu

Blake- weiss!!

Not far from them jaun also saw them  he wears a black jeans and black leather shoes and a white shirt and a rend trench coat he has a bouquet of red and white roses on his hand..

Blake- uhh weiss it seems issei is not alone..

Weiss looks at her back to see jaune him self..and weiss is blushing madly to see him with flowers.

Jaune- hello ladies..and babe a flower for you~

Weiss accept the bouquet with a blush on her face..

Weiss - jaune where is vali..

Jaune- vali is waiting for us and he is thinking when will yoir sister come..

Weiss- hhhoooo~ yang is there...

Issei- pfff that idiot don't like yellow..vali has a thing when it comes to silver and white...

Jaune- i show him the picture of your sister..fufufufu

Weiss- eehhh...

Jaune- you know what that mean is and he is a brawler he might fight your sister to test her strength..

Weiss- fufufu..i know vali will challenge my sister into a brawl. If she manage to win then winter is in a very very  interesting relationship...hehehehehe ohhh!! I also forgot mom and sister will come here on sunday to meet you.

Jaune- what about your father??

Weiss- well mom sent him in prison..mom discover dad's illigal business partners..

Jaune- who??

Weiss- i'm so sorry blake to reveal my dad's secret..

Blake nodded.

Weiss- the white fang led by adam taurus and some girl had a glass semblance is my dad's illigal partner..adam taurus kidnaps many innocent faunus like women and children and force them to work in the mines..mom was able to hack the cct information about dad..blake i'm so sorry.

Blake- no need weiss.  And besides we have to take pur responsibilities here..and thank you for revealing it..

Jaune was smilling to see blake was able to move on..

Jaune- very well ladies shall we go..

Blake/weiss nodded....

Beacon docks

Vali- glad that you arrive.. so lets go??

Jaune- let's go~

The team  arrive at the mall in vale they search for some training and exercise outfit from the fitness store..they saw a lot of materials for gears  training apparels

Weiss- wow! I never saw that this store has a lot of fitness materials..

Vali- fufufufu so in atlas this kind of store doesn't exist??

Weiss- no.. atlas made it's own training gear..

Vali- i see...what about in your place blake??

Blake- never seen any of it. I use to wear simple sleeveless shirt..

Vali- i see..issei will guide you to choose the right outfit..i'll choose some gloves for mma.

Jaune- i'll choose for ours too..

After several hours of searching the team already choose their apparels..they paid the bills and went out the store..

Weiss- sheesh. Those outfit is rediculous..it shows more skin than i imagine..

Jaune- hahahaha..all training apparel were made to be skin tight..hehehehe..

Weiss- you mean sports bra and tight leggings..

Jaune- hehehehe you're so funny babe you prefer to wear atlas training apparel  which is heavier than your current apparel?? You know your current apparel is more lighter than atlas..once you wear that clothes you will feel lighter and no restriction in movements..

Weiss- but why this gear is skin tight??

Issei-because to improve any athlete's performance to provide extra  comfort and to promote the health of the wearer..

Blake- does the athletes of your realm wear this??

Vali- yes every contact sports in our realm use this typw of apparel..and besides.. once you were in combat class you don't need to wear this..

Weiss- so it means we will wear this kind of get up during traoning and exercise???

Vali/issei- yes...

Jaune- this outfit is for our eyes only..not everybody..

Weiss- hey!!

Jaune- fufufu

Blake- well atleast we have a hoodie to hide our assets..

Weiss- i guess i can try to wear this one...

Vali- trust us it will help you...even me i use training clothes like this..but not for women okay...

Issei- i got an idea!! What if we try this clothes when we return to beacon??

Vali- why not

Blake- what are those??

Vali- mma gloves..it serves you to protect ylur fists from injuries, as well as reduce the number of facial lacerations or black eyes hehehehe unlike other gloves this type of gloves weighs 16 ounce this is good for sparring..

Weiss- what happen if we don't use gloves??

Vali- easy  your enemy will had head injury or even death..

Blake/weiss- what!!

Issei- hehehehe untrain fighters can experience that kind of activity. even trained fighters too. Because martial arts is a lethal weapon that you can use when your unable to get your weapon..your fist is your secondary weapon remember that..we will yrain you from light punch to heavy punching and kicks..we will turn you into a best of the best fighters that beacon has to offer..remember when you were in sparring class control your punches okay..not all huntsman in training is strong as you..remember before you attack read your enemy's ability how strong it is or how weak it is..so that no students can die or criple due to single punch...

Blake/weiss nodded..

Jaune- always listen to issei and vali understan even we are all students...both of them had experience under their belt..

Blake- how about you during your spar what gear did you wear..

Issei/vali- our own armor hehehehe

Blake- what??!! Those are dangerous!!

Issei- we can summon our armor sure but there is also a limit to use that armor.. so we need to surpass that limits..hehehebens

Weiss- you two are insane....

Vali- well were dragons...fufufufufu

Blake- how long can you use that armor..

Issei- mine is 3 months more or less but it depends on our magical reserves..

Vali- mine is 6 months..because i am a devil...

Issei- damn!! I lost to that one..

Vali- because you were human dumbass and humans magical reserves are non existense..

Issei groans..

Weiss- incredible!!

Blake- unbelieveable...

Jaune- theor cool right!!

Weiss/blake- yeah!!

Jaune-hahaha..any way we need to have dinner..

Weiss- we'll meet later me and blake have something to buy...so call you guys later~

Blake and weiss went on their way to the department store. As for the 3 boys were alone..

Vali- so where we headed to??

Jaune- let's see if therebis an arcade to spend our time or we will spend our time roaming around..

Vali- well first find the arcade then if not roam around let's see what this mall has to offer..

Jaune- well let's go...

The 3 boys starts to look for the arcade on their own..


Weiss-so blake tomorrow is your date do you have any idea what clothes do you prefer??

Blake- well almost anything ..

Weiss study weiss figure..

Weiss- hhhhhmmmm~ ohh!! I know!! Come i found a dress that can make issei's jaw drop..

Weiss grab's blake and saw the dress..

Weiss- aha! Here we go~

Blake- uhh weiss this dress is so revealing..

Weiss- no it's perfect!!

Blake- but-

Weiss- come on blake it looks good on you....trust me... here try it..

Weiss push blake on the fitting room to try the dress

After a few minutes blake went out  weiss was smiling to see the dress.while blake was groaning..

Weiss- woah!! It's perfect!!

Blake ( groans )- i'm more like a stripper working at junior..

Weiss- trust me blake your romeo will love it!!

Blake groans

Weiss- now change your clothes and we'll buy it!!

Blake went to change her clothes.

Weiss( mind )- fufufu that red dragon will defintely admit to blake here if she saw blake....

After a moment blake went out the fitting room.

Weiss- well shall we pay this dress..

Blake- y-yeah..

Weiss- well blake what is your plan??

Blake- well if he confess to me well then i shall accept. His feelings..

Weiss- well blake issei is really a good guy. Yoh already know his past...

Blake- yeah...and i already talk to ddraig he has a high hope on me to take good care of him...

Weiss- blake i don't know about you if you have a past relationship. But i can guarantee you..issei is a good guy...he is literally die in the past because he loves all his past relationship. He is willing to die in a heartbeat just to protect them..and he will do it again but this time it's you...and you know the consequence if you betray him once he will mark you..

Blake- yeah i know.

Weiss- handling a dragon is like a normal relationship you know..the difference is dragons are too loyal to their mates or love ones..once they set their eyes on their potential mates. I saw him ones he landed his eyes on you..dragons has a sharp senses too..they know how to identify any potential mates..look at me and jaune..you know our history. And in the end he still there for me..even i hurt his feelings many times...and he still accept me whe i tell him that i lost my v card..

Blake- i see..dragons are indeed a special being..

Weiss- well yeah!!  Unlike other people dragons like them  don't lay a finger to any of his mates. Jaune for example he is a dragon god he is supposed tonbe dominant one..and look at him now he is like a puppy that obey every command..fufufufu...but also you have to obey them too..and dragons deserve their freedom..just let them be every once in a while hehehe let them do what they like...

Blake- hhmmmm~ do all dragons share the same attitude??

Weiss- yeah they share the same attitude..but you were too lucky because issei is the one who has a tank of patience hehehehe...while jaune was possesive and over protective..and vali is the type of loyal, honest, aggresive and over protective..but in the end dragons are all the same when it comes to loyalty and protective....

Blake has a smile on her face..

Blake- i guess i'm so lucky to have issei..but let him confess his feelings and you know the final.answer..

Weiss- ohh one more thing dragons had a giant appetire too.. trust me you will see


Jaune- so ise do you have any outfit to wear tomorrow??

Issei- i do!! Hehe..

Vali- are you planning to confess your feelings to blake

Issei- yeah.. blake was a good girl if you ask me..she has a potential when i laid my eyes on her..

Jaune- fufufu i know she was a good girl...that is why i give ger a second chance..as for you vali..your juliet will arrive on sunday..

Vali- had a blush on his face..

Jaune- so if i were you..if you really want that girl lower your strength and ability..and let her win if you two decide to fight..

Vali nodded

Before jaune could talk he receive a call from weiss

Jaune- hello babe..

Weiss- babe where are you..

Jaune- we were in the 3rd foor .

Weiss- well babe were done shopping meetbus in the buffet diner.

Jaune- alright

The 3  went to meet weiss..

After a moment

Jaune- hey ladies.

Blake- so are we ready to eat..

Issei- yeah were starving..

Weiss- let's go...

The 3 went to have diner..and they were escorted by the attendant..

After they were seated and order their food. Weiss said.

Weiss- vali..are you ready to meet my sister??

Vali- y-yeah..

Weiss- fufufufu..it seems you two share the same attitude if you ask me..

Vali- you do??

Weiss- i know my sister too well aside from battle maniac..fufufufl

Vali- how strong is your sister??

Weiss- that my dear friend is a secret...fufuf

Vali- heh. It's seem's a surprise  i like that...

Blake saw vali's grin..

Issei- battle maniac activated!!

Jaune- bwahahaha!!

Vali- it seem's i will fight again..

Jaune- and you hope that she will beat you..

Vali- we will see..and i will have a surprise for her..

Issei- and the devil prince will do his magic..

Jaune- vali how many devil wings do you have..

Vali- i have 10 including albion

Jaune- powerful indeed..

Blake - wait vali is indeed powerful..

Issei- yeah he is the strongest dragon emperor in these era..

Blake- you mean to say you are not the first dragon emperors??

Vali- nope...there are plenty of host of dragon emperors..me and issei are the unique one..

Blake- i see..now i inderstand...so why jaune told you about your wings??

Vali- in the devil world i am the last lucifer blood line..my great grand father is the first and strongest king of the devil..and now his title has taken to the gremory clan..he may be the current lucifer..but i am the original  lucifer the king of the devils...

Blake- but why you didn't take the crown??

Vali- i hate politics...as easy as that...that fake devil king can have that throne for him self like i care..i want freedom rather to deal with those unrully devil kind..

Blake- how many wings that the devils can be?

Vali- well all devils on the lower rank have 1 pair of wings..and in the higher rank i am the strongest because i have 8 set of devil wings..and my great grand father is the creator of devil kind had 14 set of devil wings..but graps died long ago and i am the last of the lucifer bloodline..and i am a half breed..between original devil bloodline and a human mother..

Blake- i see....mixed blood it's like you were a faunus in here.

Vali- yeah...in here i'm a bat faunus..even issei is consider to be bat faunus..because devils wing is like a bat..even dragons also look like a bat wings the difference is dragon wings are larger and thicker..while devils are not so large...

Blake nodded..

The 5 people continue chatting the 5 waiter arrive with with their order blake was shock to see that they order a huge amount of food..

Weiss- told you~

Blake- ca-can they finish that amount..

Weiss- you will be shock if they can finish that amount in  5 minutes..


Blake was shock to see the 3 finish their food in 5 minutesher eyes went wide and her jaw hit the floor and her spoon and for drop on the plate..

Weiss- i told you~ fufufufu they have an appetite..that is the reason why they don't eat in the cafeteria..

Blake exe. Shut down

Weiss- bwahahahahaha...

After their shopping the 5 person return to beacon and for the first time jaune didn't have a chat on the bin..

Blake- fufufu it's a miracle jaune didn't have to throw ul in the bin..

Issei- i don't understand what you were sayin..

Blake - well dear jaine here always have a chat on that bin when he exits on the bullhead..

Issei/vali- whaaat!!!

Weiss- yang always call him vomit boy because he throws up when he first met  yang....

Issei and vali laugh so hard when weiss reveal his misfortune..

Blake- weiss what did you do this time

Weiss- jaune here hates the bullhead because you know the reason so i brought the air sickness pill for him..

Blake- clever girl..

Weiss-well as a wife i have to take care everything for my husband.. and soon you'll be the next..

Blake- sigh alrigt let's try the training apparel..

The 5 people went to team emperors dorm to try their own training outfit..

Team emperor's dorm

Once they arrive in the dorm weiss and blake proceed to weiss room while the boys went to their room and jaine went to the bath room..

Once they finish fitting their outfit they were shock to see weiss and blakes outfit and the girls do the same

( Not my photo)

Imagine these were their wearing issei were grey, vali were white and jaune or great red wear black and imagine they were not wearing the hoodie

( Not my photo)

Imagine this were the girls wearing and imagine they were not wearing the hoodie..blake were violet with a streak of white.  while weiss is wearing pale blue

Issei( mind )- damn blake was hot..

Blake saw issei blushing madly  and she saw issei has a blood on his face while vali just smirk

Blake -uhh issei  are you alright???

Vali- relax he was alright..he's brain has stop working to see his woman looks so hot in that outfit..fufufu..

Blake blush madly..

Vali- don't

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