Chapter 4
After I took a long, hot shower, I decided I needed to get dressed and head out for the town.
I'm going to forget that last night and this morning even happened.
Well, maybe not all of it [;
'Stephen' or whoever he was, is probably never coming back and I'm okay with that.
I've been living my life without anyone for a while now.
The closest I've gotten with a guy is a one-night stand, and let's just say I've had a few. Now, I'm not a slut, but I'm not an angel either.
So, what to wear?
I can't exactly wear what I have on, which is a towel. Ha, umm, let's see. I walked into my closet. It's not huge, but not small either. Plenty enough clothes for someone like me. Maybe...okay. I got it. I.Dont.CARE.
I threw on somethin', maybe a pair of skinny jeans. I don't know...
A t-shirt and an army jacket.
Painted my nails black, then styled my hair.
Nah, never mind.
I don't care about my hair either.
What does it matter anyways?
I threw it back in a ponytail, and decided to hell with it.
Makeup, this should be easy.
Eyeliner, that's enough.
I'm done.
I looked in the mirror at this grotesque creature staring back at me.
Oh well.
I'm not THAT disgusting.
Now, let's go party!
But I'm definitely not drinking tonight.
Not after what happened already.
Oh, that reminds me. Where's my phone?!
It was dead last night, but I haven't seen it since. I want to call Danny, the guy who brought me to the party.
I searched around on my bed, under it, and all on the floor. No where.
I couldn't find it. So where is it?
I know I had it last maybe I accidently dropped it in Stephen's car...?
Oh shit.
Does that mean he has it?
Oh Lord, that means I'll have to find him...and talk to him again.
Just. Fcking. Great.
Short, but whatever.
I couldn't think of anything else.
Stephaniee! this is for youu haha :)
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