Well we all know how it is in the movies where a plan sounds too easy and then when the war begins, it turns out something worse than what was expected would happen but this scenario is surely different. The healers taking down Imara was definitely going to go as planned and it will be as easy as it sounded.
The healers matched to Powler and saw Imara sitting on her throne with the kids behind her as their eyes glowed red and the legion of demons emerge with full impact from the ground, growling, inhaling and exhaling sharply.
They stood blocking the healers from Imara as they charged at each other.
Luis smirked, it's been a while since he had fun. Abbadon, his favorite and worst enemy approached him with full force, Luis smirked again and stood patiently waiting for him to get closer, Abbadon charged at him, spinning his huge sword, as soon as he got closer and was at the spot Luis wanted him to be, Luis grew out his wings and hurled a propelling force of light at him, he levitated as the light didn't only affect Abbadon but it slayed a few demons in his path. Luis flew towards Abbadon's burning body, there was a hole in his chest and it didn't heal, Abbadon grunted and tried to get up to fight back but Luis trident guised in his hand and he shoved it into Abbadon's forehead as his body cremated and the ground consumed it.
Before Luis could turn around another legion suddenly surged at him as they were all roaring, he didn't have the time to think and was sent flying, hitting his back on a rock, he grunted in agony and frowned, they were all running towards him again, brandishing their weapons but this time, he stood up swiftly and relaxed his body, he crouched a little bit as his left leg was few inches away from his right, his trident was poised at the angry demons running towards him and again as soon as they got closer he spins his trident in circles and the effulgent pitched at them as they were annihilated and the earth consumed them too. Luis looked up and saw Bella, well it's looks like she was having a very nice conversation with Adramalech so he shrugged and levitated to descend more demons.
"It's been a while dear Bella" Adramalech said, his voice raspy as he was in his demon form.
"Yeah it has" Bella replied, conjuring a large lustrous sword, they were both spiraling at a point while Adramalech kept studying every move she made.
"You know I didn't want to do this, I have no idea why lucifer had to make us come down here..." He said as he shifted to his human form and revealed his naked body, any girl would gush over his devilishly breathtaking body but Bella stomach turned and she felt as though she wanted to puke but she stayed bold looking at him in the eye, her eyes darted to Luis who was fighting his way through a legion of demons that charged at him, she raised her eyebrow knowing he would want to steal her fight with Adramalech because he was naked so she decided to end the discussion.
"Yeah... Right now shut up" Bella snapped, she skittered towards him and tried to slit his throat but Adramalech guarded it with his dark flaming sword still standing straight, he smirked and his eyes glared red. She tried to fillet his skin again but to no avail as Adramalech pushed her away.
Bella stood straight then crossed her hand as her bracelet clanged at the contact, then the effulgent guised as it hurled at Adramalech but he weave it, it hit a demon with three stones Miguel was battling with, the demon fell to the ground and this gave Miguel the chance to use his light to eviscerate the stones out of him.
Adramalech tried to shove his sword into Bella's chest but she weaved swiftly, Adramalech look down at Bella's cleavage as his eyes glowed brighter, she took the distraction as an opportunity to slit his throat with the light that emitted her bracelet. Adramalech fell to the ground as he descended too, Bella spat and shook her head.
"Imara was so stupid to send this freaking demons" she said looking up to see Luis walking towards her, she smirked pleased that he didn't get to her on time. His hair was messy but soon fall back in place by it self.
"Why does he think getting naked helps?" Luis said frowning and Bella shrugged. They heard a loud growl and their head jerk to the direction of the sound, it was a demon with three stones, they could see the stone in it's chest and it was glowing too.
Bella stood boldly but Luis held her shoulder and said "remember we can't descend it without saving the healer he possessed" Bella inclined and turned her head back to the demon, sidling backwards. They could hear roaring, grunts and yelling as the healers fought behind them.
"What now?" Bella asked impatiently staring at the demon who kept snarling and approaching them slowly.
Luis diverged from Bella and ran towards the gaint demon at another angle and it turned to him, ignoring Bella, Bella understood what Luis meant instantly and sidled around the demon's back. The demon charged at Luis but he didn't get the chance to defend himself, the demon bludgeoned him with it's fist and Luis kept entering the earth as it kept breaking at the impact, he couldn't feel his body and hands but meanwhile Bella levitated swiftly and landed on the demon's neck shoving a conjured halberd in it's eyes, it grunted loudly and swiveled around as it made Bella feel nauseous and agitated at the same time, she started slipping away but clutched the halberd so she wouldn't fall, the demon reached for her and flinged her away, she flew far away from the scene hitting a large tree and the tree fell at the impact. Bella groaned annoyed and teleported through the lucent portal again to the scene but came across a full force of the demons heavy blow. She fell to the ground instantly, she shook her head incessantly trying to stay conscious, she saw it coming towards her again and scrambled away. The demon wasn't affected by the halberd as it already healed.
Luis forced his way out of the ground he was already stucked in before, the red dust and rocks falling off his body, his face was also covered with dust, he cleaned it off with his hand and grew out his wings again, he flew towards the demon, halted at close-quarters and held his hand out as it glowed, he hit it's back with it, yelling desperately, the stones fell out making the demon start growling, it stumbled away from Bella and Luis, the demon shrinked and became smaller as the healer separated from the demon. Bella teleported in front of the demon, swiftly, she conjured a sword with her light then shoved it in it's stomach with bloodlust. She turned to Luis breathing heavily, her gown covered with the red dust of the ground as another demon surged at her, she slit it throat with her conjured sword still staring at Luis. Luis could have laughed but another demon came brandishing it's weapon at him.
Meanwhile Ganzalo and Miguel joined forces as two of the demons with four stones countered with them. Miguel conjured an arrow while Ganzalo conjured a spear, they shoot it at them but it didn't help, the demons healed back immediately.
"This is gonna be a tough one" Miguel said to Ganzalo, sauntering backwards.
"Tough is not the appropriate word" Ganzalo said not looking at Miguel.
The demon scampered towards them but this time Miguel and Ganzalo pacified their selfs as they stood up straight waiting for the demons to get closer as their hand glowed.
As soon as the demons were close, each taking one of them, they levitated and hit their hand on its chest vigorously with their lucent as it made the demon fall back and the stones fell out too. They shrinked and separated from the healers but didn't get the chance to breath as Miguel and Ganzalo shoot their conjured arrow at them, immolating them.
Their head jerked ahead as they saw the healers standing beside Imara shift to huge demons, red and bigger than that of the demons with four and three stones, they left Imara side and slaughtered the healers attacking them ferociously. They were demons with nine stones.
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