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"Miss Lydia?"

"Yes that's me" Lydia said standing up as fast as she could.

"Why hasn't Mr Lucas been taking his medicine?, he has seven months left to live doesn't stop him from doing that, and you mentioned you're his girlfriend I don't..."

"Did you just say he has seven months left to live?" Lora said releasing her self from jane's hold.

"I'm sorry I thought... I thought you all knew about this" the doctor said confused.

Lydia face became very pale but she said nothing as the doctor spoke.

"I'm sorry but I advised Mr Lucas to tell his family and he told me he did..."

"He has... seven... Seven months to live" Lora said as tears dropped from her eyes, she was shivering and jane stood up and held her to keep her from falling.

"I know you're in shock right now but you have to take good care of him and pay attention to him before..."

"We understand doctor but how is he doing now?" Ryan's father asked.

"He is better but unconscious right now sir, he's gonna get discharged tomorrow but then please do make sure he takes his medicine it's in it worse stage now" the doctor said and left.

"You knew about this grandpa?!" Lora yelled as she weeps uncontrollably. Lydia sat down quietly saying nothing as she her face remained straight, Johanna sat beside her and rubbed her back assuming she was in shock.

"Yes Lora we all knew except you and Lydia" Ryan's father said, he looked over at Lydia and furrowed his eyebrows at her facial expression.

"No!" Lora screamed as she fell to the ground and cried harder with Jane trying to console her.


"I'm worried about Lydia Dad" Jane said, sipping her tea.

"I am too" Aiden said to Jane. It was the next day, They were now at Ryans house as he was discharged, Ryan was helped to bed and kept asking to see Lydia but Lydia only sat in the sitting room still not saying a word and kept her unreadable expression.

Ryan slept off as he was really tired but before then he told them to help him convince Lydia to come to his room.

"We should do something" Johanna said.

"Where's Lora?" Aiden asked

"She's with Ryan" Jane answered. Aiden sighed and walked towards Lydia but before he sat down, she stood up swiftly and walked up the stairs, Aiden gulped and turned to Jane and Johanna who only shrugged. It's was hard for them too, when Aiden found out, he was devistated for months before going back to his son and convincing him to find a mother for Lora before he dies, back then Ryan had five more years to live, he wouldn't listen but Aiden kept trying to convince him. When Ryan found Mary and the plan was a disaster he knew Ryan would back down and worse when Lora left, he knew how shattered Ryan would have become so he went to him again and this time adviced him to find someone within his predilections.

Jane and Johanna were closer with Ryan than Raphael, they are much more older than Raphael and so when Ryan was around them they would always go after him just to keep his company, they knew he needed it and felt it was thier duty to ease his pain a little. Ryan was never happy after Lora mother died but they often caught him smiling when they were around him, so they knew they were helping a little even if Ryan was too proud to show it. They were shocked and sad when they found out he was dying, they went to his mansion the night they found out after thier Dad told them during dinner, they cried on his shoulders but Ryan's expression was numb, he begged them not to cry and soon served them whiskey so they would get drunk and sleep.

Lydia went straight to Ryan's room and saw that he was awake already talking to Lora who was cleaning her tears.

"Why didn't you tell us dad?" Lora asked sobbing profusely.

"I'm... Sorry" Ryan spoke forcefully, his voice croaked as he spoke and it sounded as though he was breathing heavily.

Ryan saw Lydia and felt relieved, he gestured she come sit with him and she did, Ryan's the dark areas around his eyes were now darker and his lips were dry.

"I'm... I'm sorry Lydia... I... I couldn't bring my self to tell you... Believe me I..." Ryan said trying to force himself to speak as he held lydia's hands. Lora left the room, thinking it was best they were left alone and Lydia was still quietly staring into Ryan's eyes.

"Say something to me Lydia... PL..." Ryan sighed and continued "please" he looked really groggy and seemed like he was forcing his eyes to stay open.

Lydia slide her hands gently away from his hold and smiled, then place her palm on his cheek whilst caressing it "you saw my eyes glimmer" she spoke softly and calmly.

"Yes" Ryan said almost like a whisper.

"Did you see it glimmer a different color?"

"Yes... red" Ryan replied as the 'red' came out forcefully.

Lydia smiled and exhaled, she grew timorous at first but then she shook off the feeling, she prayed in her mind and hoped she was doing the right thing but then grew confident, assuring herself that she was as a human has never seen the eyes of beings like her glimmer, they were not supposed to and it had never happened before, she spread her hands out in the air and the weird red stoned appeared in her hands, Ryan's widened his eyes in shock.

"How... How did you...? "

"Shssh" she hissed cutting him off.

Lydia moved the hand with the stone to Ryan's chest and she said "I don't know if this is going to hurt"

"Wait... What?" Was what Ryan said before she hit the stone into his chest as a lustrous light glowed in his chest. Lydia heard jerk towards the curtains as she felt a familiar aura but her head jerked back to Ryan.

He groaned loudly in pain and fainted, he kept shaking incessantly on the bed, Lydia placed her hand on his chest and when he stopped, she helped him lay on the bed properly and the light went off as the dark areas around his eyes started to fade away. The family ran to Ryan's room hearing the noise but Lydia only acted like she was panicking and told them to call the doctor.

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