Lydia held Ryan's hand and teleported to the hideout, they appeared in front of a giant colourful bird, that looks like an eagle.
"Out of my way" it said but it sounded more like a yell, the bird doesn't talk softly, if it yells the whole kingdom might crumble.
"Sorry Oracus" lydia said at the top of her voice, the bird shook it head and walked away, Ryan was busy admiring the scenery. The Kogaris was beautiful and colorful.
Ryan levitated and settled on the roof of a building and grinned as he saw a lot of giant birds and he saw the Younders, Lydia told them about, they were so beautiful. The houses were very tall and very well decorated and at the top of the buildings the healers looked like ants.
Ryan looked far ahead and he saw something weird "something's happening and it's the demons, they are not supposed to be in Kogaris" Luis said as he stood behind Ryan on top of the building.
"Let's go Ryan, you've admired Kogaris enough" Luis said as they flew down to the ground gently.
Before Ryan followed Luis, he saw a baby boy walk with light rings on his wrist and watched as the baby played with it. He was bewildered at how the baby walked comfortably, it just look like a seven months old baby.
"Hey Ryan!" Luis called and Ryan turned and strode towards Luis quickly.
"Do you have any idea why she's taking the kids?" Lydia asked a woman in a silky white dress and the he realizes, Lydia, Bella and Luis were in a white silky clothing too and Luis was holding his trident. Lydia's was finely designed as it had an embroidery of pink roses pattern at the area of her boobs, it was cupped and curve that her cleavage was visible and this made Ryan uncomfortable. Bella had jewelries on that made her look like an Egyptian princess. Ryan looked down at himself and saw he was also wearing a white silky cloth too, it seemed like it's wrapped around his body. He wondered when he changed that he didn't notice.
"We have no idea why?" The lady said. "My baby is just fifty seven, Lydia is he going to be fine?" The woman asked clasping Lydia hands and she tried comforting her.
They left the woman and they all teleported to a mountain that was far away from the developed part of Kogaris.
"I'm sorry, I can't seem to wrap my head around it, the woman called her fifty seven years old her baby? Are you kidding me?"
Luis, Bella and Lydia were quietly staring down at the city and didn't reply Ryan. "I need an answer to my question"
"It didn't sound like a question" Bella answered.
"Fifty seven to us is like seven years old to humans, healers age slowly, the boy might be fifty seven, he's still a kid to us... We don't age but you know what I mean"
Ryan eyes widened and turned to Lydia who sat down poised on a boulder. "How... How old are you?"
Lydia looked numb and said "I would lie if I gave you a number, I don't know Ryan I've lost counting"
"What?!" Ryan said at the top of his voice.
"It's might be more than a thousand years though" Bella said standing up.
"Oh God! This is too much to take in" Ryan said using is hand to cover her face. Lydia walked towards him and slide her hands on his shoulder down to his chest, she sat beside him and rest her head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry Ryan but know that I would not let anything happen to your family... My family" Lydia said and Ryan hands slide away from his face slowly as he looked down at her.
"Let's pray" Luis said.
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