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Ryan and whole family listened as Lydia told her story, Aiden and Lora kept asking weird questions but Lydia would only smile and say nothing, her eyes was fixed on Ryan who only looked confused as ever as he sipped his wine.

Lydia walked towards Ryan and just as she did he stood up and walked straight to the balcony and Lydia followed as a deja vu glimpsed in her head.

"You know I use to loathe the idea of a relationship, after lora's mom died, I felt  a surge of pain that was incorrigible, I couldn't think straight anymore and I was only fifteen, you can't understand, that trauma affected me a lot, it changed me" Ryan said and sighed as he stared into thin air and Lydia only listened as her face was pale.

"And then again at 32 I learnt I was dying" Ryan scoffed, his eyes tearing up and continued "I was helpless, I didn't want the same thing to happen to Lora, I couldn't leave with the fact that I will die and she would suffer emotionally, I had to do something... I told my dad and his advice was for me to find love again, to get a girlfriend someone who would understand and be there for Lora, well my first attempt was a mistake and my second makes me so happy, I couldn't tell  her I was dying" Ryan paused as he heard Lydia sniff, he looked at her and saw she was crying.

"Hey babe, don't do that, I hate when you do that" Ryan said and he reached for Lydia and pulled her into his arms.

"I wanted to tell you but I was hurt and... And annoyed at myself, I hated the fact that I wouldn't be there to live that happiness for a while...but now I find out I am only guided to die by that same woman" Ryan released his hold and looked into Lydia's eyes.

"You knew me before right? Before I asked you to be my girlfriend at the restaurant right?" Ryan asked but Lydia only nodded slowly, she was crying she couldn't speak.

"If I didn't... If I didn't see your eyes glimmer, I would be dying LYDIA!" Ryan said again almost yelling as he stepped away from Lydia and dug his hand in his hair.

"I'm... I'm sorry Ryan... I... Couldn't tell you, I wasn't supposed to be your girlfriend... I was... Ju... Just meant to guide you in another way... Trust me I didn't plan this" Lydia stuttered still crying.

"I just... Did you help out willingly or because you had to?" Ryan asked as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Willingly Ryan... I promise... I did it willingly... I'm sorry Ryan... Please"

"You have my baby and... And... We are obviously in danger, how do you expect me to feel about all this?" Ryan said.

"I'm sorry" Lydia said again crying hard as she fell to the floor, she couldn't feel her legs again, her selfish desires caused all of this, it was all her fault and she knew this.

Ryan bent over kissed her forehead and pulled her up, he hugged her again and said "it's not  your fault Lydia, don't beat yourself up"

Just then did they hear a noise from the sitting room and they ran to see what happened. It was Ryan's stepmom

"What's is the meaning of this? How the hell does the witcher knows Ryan's dying?!, it all over the news and social media and he even said he has more to tell!" She yelled,she looked like she was going for an event when she heard, she was all dressed up looking like Cruella's mother in the movie Cruella.

"Oh my God it's true" Lora said as she widened her eyes at her phone.

Aiden went closer to Ryan's stepmother and said "Stephanie calm your nerves, it's not as bad as you think"

"Oh my God Aiden!, Don't you see this boy only brings problems to our family?, My friends and everyone are making fun of me"

"Right, this is just about you, you are not the only one in the Lucas family you know" Ryan said as he looked like he wanted to murder his stepmother.

"I have had it with you Ryan..."

"Oh mom! Please we are really not in the mood to listen to your tantrums, just go home and we handle this issue later" Johanna said speaking at the top of her voice.

Stephanie gasped as her eyes widened in shock "how dare you speak to me like that Johanna?!"

"Hey... Hey, we will talk about this later..." Aiden wanted to stop stephanie when Bella entered the room dragging Lia on the floor, her light formed a rope as it was tied around Lia's hand.

"Oh my god! What type of rope is that" Stephanie asked bewildered.

Lydia ignored and asked Bella " what's the meaning of this Bella?"

"You should thank me sis, I was looking for the restroom when I found this maid of yours playing a video... She filmed us when we were talking in the kitchen and then I found out she's the witcher, don't worry I deleted the video, I can't believe she wanted to leek that"

"I... I'm... I'm... So sorry... Please miss Lydia... I... didn't mean too" Lia said shivering as everyone gasped and looked really astounded.

"You?!" Ryan yelled he couldn't believe it, he wanted to moved towards her when Lydia stopped him but he continued talking "you are the witcher? What the fuck?! Why the fuck are you always publishing my story! What the fuck did I do to you?!" Ryan yelled obviously very annoyed, he was going through a lot and now that found out the witcher has been under their nose all along. Fury was burning inside of him he wanted to hit something so bad.

"Why the hell are you so obsessed with ruining my father's image?!" Lora said as no one noticed she was already closed to Lia and suddenly slapped her.

"Lora!" Aiden and Lydia scolded.

"She deserved it, what was she thinking?" Jane said.

"I... I... Am sorry... I wanted fame... So bad... I ... I... I Wasn't thinking... I just wanted to..."

"To fuck with my image in the eyes of the public!" Ryan yelled at her again.

"Can you all just calm down?" Lydia said calmly, her voice already cracked from the crying. "Get out of here Lia" Lydia said manipulating Lydia to forget all that just happened, including being the witcher and Bella released the rope as Lia stood up and ran out immediately, when the rope disappeared, Stephanie gasped.

"What the hell was that?"

"What was what?"  Everyone said in unison trying to make her think she was imagining things.

She left still angry and wanted to go with Aiden but Lydia made an eye contact with him and signaled that he couldn't go.

Then suddenly the blinding lights appeared again and they all met themselves in Ryan secret mansion

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