Ryan took Lydia home but headed back to the office, he had a meeting with his employees from different locations and had to hear their complaints.
"People are demanding higher than we thought sir..." One of the employees was saying.
"That's good"
"Yes sir but then the other workers down at our locations are not satisfied with their salary, they are made to close up very late and resume early, many of them are old and some youths are married and have their families to attend to, they aren't complaining about that sir but they plead for increment".
Ryan was silent and numb, he knew this would happen but then he thought it best to hear the others.
Another employee said "sir it is said that in another location, their has been a problem of fraud, the goods has been exchange with a fake one, and it is affecting the sales at that location..."
"Where is that?" Ryan asked as he adjusted himself in his seat, he hates to hear that, he was starting to get annoyed.
"Los Angeles sir" the employee replied.
"Los Angeles?!" Ryan yelled as he turned to Miss Brooks. "Why the fuck I'm I hearing this now?!" Ryan yelled.
"It... It was two months ago sir... We... I... Sent the complaints to your email sir" Miss Brooks said stammering and shivering.
Ryan turned from her and tried to calm himself, he addressed the complaints and listened to suggestions as he made his decision on how to solve them.
Ryan left his office and drove to a restaurant, a very high class restaurant, he went straight to sit in front of an elegantly dressed woman and as she looked up from her phone it turned out to be his stepmother.
"You are late" she stated.
"I didn't wanna come" Ryan said.
His stepmother raised her eyebrow and said "Ryan Lucas, we both know that woman wouldn't stay forever...."
Ryan was quiet, he knew she had more to say.
"This woman doesn't want anything but your money, how do you know she's not the same as Ma...?"
"I don't wanna hear her name" Ryan said cutting her off "did you call me here just to make assumptions?"
"I don't want anyone absolutely anyone to tarnish the image of this family and you haven't seize to always try to do that! Ryan whatever you do, don't drag your family into the mud.... Again!"
"That's all you care about and you and I both know it's not about tarnishing the family's image" Ryan paused giving her a numb look "don't you ever call me again" he said and left.
Ryan got home and walked in with haste, he was angry about his stepmother, he ignored Mrs boston and didn't care to hear what she said. Ryan freshened up to cool down before seeing Lydia, he didn't want to vent it all on her.
He went to lydia's room but found Mrs Boston and the other maids tiding up a huge mess, everywhere was scattered and stuffs were broken.
"What happened here? Where's Lydia?!" Ryan asked frowning.
"That's what I was trying to tell you sir..." Mrs Boston said and she looked really scared "we just started hearing noises from her room, we ran up and tried to get the door open but we couldn't, Miss Williams kept shouting for help and when Rob and Corner broke the door open she was sitting on her bed with a messy hair and the room disfigured".
Ryan confused asked "Where is she now?"
"She's upstairs sir at the balcony" Lia replied.
Ryan went upstairs immediately as he strode to the balcony as fast as he could, he saw Lydia kneel to the ground her hand covers her face as she cried and kept mumbling.
Ryan bent over and held her shoulder, Lydia looked up immediately, her eyes were dark and her face was red, Ryan hated it. She reached out for him immediately and hugged him tightly he caressed her back and was quiet. Ryan thought that that was the only reasonable thing to do at that moment.
Lydia cried harder, then Ryan said "hey it's okay I'm here" he hates when women cries, Ryan didn't ask her anything because he thought it's best she cools down first.
Ryan carried her to his room and laid her on the bed as he saw that she was already sleeping. He went back to her room to access the stuff when he met the maids still trying to arrange the room. Ryan noticed a crack on the wardrobe and furrowed his eyebrows, wondering how it happened.
He called Rob and Corner and asked them their side of the story.
"We were outside sir when Mrs Boston and the maids came running and yelling to help Miss Williams" Corner said.
"But everything was quiet when we broke the door open, she told us not to call the police sir, we would have" Rob said.
"Why didn't anyone call me?" Ryan said with a frown on his face.
"You were not picking up sir" Rob answered. Ryan sighed and dismissed them.
On the other hand one of the maids found something weird while cleaning but ignored it and she swept it away.
Lydia sat on her bed, her head was bowed and her hand which was folded into fist was in-between her laps. She fell into trance as she stared at the white sheets not blinking ones. Lydia had a lot going through both her head and mind.
Her heart and mind kept telling her to do what she planned to do, to save Ryan and tell him who she really is but her brain kept saying other wise. What has she learned in the millenniums she has lived?. Lydia was still childish and still an introvert, her kinds are now professors, rich activist, billionaires on earth but she choose to stay at the middle class level but then who was she kidding a lot of her kinds also choose to stay low-key.
But she has to save Ryan, she was starting to fall in love with him and she just wouldn't let him die.
"I hope you are not about to do what I feared Lydia... As a matter of fact what the whole of Kogaris feared" her superior said making Lydia jolt from her sitting position.
"Ughhh... Go away!" Lydia said annoyed.
"I won't let you do it Lydia... I will seize your stone until you finish your mission with Ryan Lucas, only then will you get it back" he said as tried to move towards her.
Lydia scrambled back yelling "no!"
"Lydia don't make this difficult, we can't hurt each other and I won't hit you" he said again.
"No!" Lydia said as she placed her hand on her chest.
Her superior ran swiftly towards Lydia but in a swish she rolled away from the bed and stood far away from him as her night gown fell and stopped at her knee.
"You can't hit me but I sure can and I will with pleasure" Lydia said to him making her superior roll his eyes.
"Oh so that's how you wanna play"
Lydia lunged at her superior but before she could hit him with her fist, he held it and sent her flying making her hit the wardrobe, she groaned in pain as the wardrobe almost fell from the impact but Lydia held it and made it stand again, distracted, her superior guised with an effulgent in front of her and grabbed her neck.
Lydia yelled and grunted, her eyes were starting to get watery as the pain shoot through her neck, choking her. She struggled out of his hold to no avail, she held his wrist as her effulgent emitted and burnt his skin, he jerked away and gave her a blitzing blow in her stomach making her hit the chase longue in her room to the ground, she rolled away hitting her make up stand as the stuffs on it fell, some of it broke and the substance in it flowed out.
Her superior hand glowed and as he reach for Lydia's stone it glowed brightly and floated out of her chest making Lydia gasp in agony but before he could evanesce with it, Lydia held his hand hitting his head with hers, she dislocated his wrist releasing her stone from his hand, it fell and rolled away, making a clinging sound while her superior groaned and stumbled away but the pain soon stop, he put his wrist back in place as he tried to look for the stone but Lydia stood up swiftly and grabbed him by the neck, lifting him in the air whilst slamming him on the ground making a loud thud.
He ignored Lydia and tried to reach for the stone, she kicked his hand off making the stone roll out of sight. Lydia's superior stood up, skittered towards her and held her hand spinning her around, he pinned her to the wall as his eyes roamed the floor in search of the stone.
Lydia kept struggling out of his hold but then an idea hit her head she started yelling for help so the maids or Rob and Corner could hear her.
Her superior released her making her fall to the ground. She turned around swiftly lunging her effulgent in his eyes, he jerk away grunting, his face turned red for a second but it healed back. Scrowling his brows, his eyes scintillated with anger as he tried to grapple her again but their head jerked towards the door.
Then they heard Lydia's bodyguards trying to break down the door, they have been ignoring the maids cry's before.
"I will be back Lydia... Don't do it... please" he said, his face suddenly fell into a pale one before he evanesce. Lydia soodled back to the bed and sat down bowing her head again as her bruises healed while Rob and Corner broke the door open.
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