(Catnap's pov)
I tackled the other version of me and had him tied up within a few seconds. As he struggled to break free of the restraints, I walked over to the dropped walkie- talkie and picked it up. I brought it over to my prisoner and ordered him to speak to his boss or I would end him right there. I saw the look of terror in his eyes, he would definitely comply.
"M-master? This is Catnap speaking." He said. There was a little static before someone answered. "Catnap? Where are you? Why haven't you been active on this channel?"
I held the walkie-talkie up and answered it. "Hello 1006."
I heard something crash on the other end before The Hand spoke again. "Where is my Catnap? What have you done to him?"
I slyly smiled even though he couldn't see me. "Nothing yet, but if you want him or the phone child back alive, you'll return my brothers to me in one piece, unharmed." I replied. I heard a laugh on the other end of the line.
"And why would I do that? How could you stop me?" He scoffed and shut off the connection.
I was furious, furious enough to rip his pathetic followers to pieces right here and now. I turned to them.
"I would rip you both into pieces if I didn't need you alive." I saw the kid shiver and the other version of me looked scared. Good, having them scared of me might give me some answers.
(Ollie's pov)
I was in shock. The other Catnap had just said that he wanted to rip us apart, but that wasn't even the worst part. My boss, whom I used to trust with my life, had basically just told the other Catnap that he didn't care what happened to us. I felt the last of my loyalty to him snap.
The prototype, The Hand, had really just sacrificed two of his most loyal subjects. I was so torn between what to believe anymore. The prototype was supposed to be someone that I could trust with my life, yet he had just thrown me away like I was nothing more than a piece of trash or something.
Not knowing what to do, I banged my head into the metal pipe sitting next to me. "At least now I can get some sleep." I told myself, as I fainted away.
(Prototype's pov)
I woke up and saw that Catnap was sitting against a wall watching both the phone kid and the other Catnap. My legs were starting to cramp so I decided to stand up and stretch.
He noticed me but didn't say anything. "Catnap look-"
"Save it Prototype." He snapped.
"It's about your brothers. The Hand has Daylight under his influence and Nightlight rescued me. He turned to me. "What do you mean Night rescued you, and Day under his influence..."
I took a deep breath and explained everything that had happened after our fight. I explained how The Hand had manipulated Daylight and how Nightlight had come and saved me, how I got away and had been looking for him ever since. Catnap seemed to be in shock for a moment. "You mean, you know where they are? You know where The Hand's base is?" I nodded.
For the first time in a while, he smiled. It wasn't a sly or sadistic one, but a true genuine smile. "Take me to them.... We can discuss the fight and shit later." He said. I got up and extended a claw to help him up. He took it and then pulled himself the rest of the way up.
We were on our way towards saving Day and Night.
(Daylight's pov)
I reported back to the prototype and decided to try my luck.
"Sir?" I asked.
"My dear friend, there you are." He turned to me with something in his hand. I backed up a little bit. "Sir, have you seen Catnap? He promised to take me and see N- I mean the heretic."
He looked grim for a moment. "My dear follower is in a little bit of a predicament but I have something for you." He responded happily.
I wondered what kind of predicament his version of Catnap could be in but had no time to find out.
The prototype motioned for me to come closer. I did it so that I wouldn't be punished. He snapped something on my neck and whispered in my ear, "I don't like traitors, Daylight." I gulped as he held up a small remote. "This little device will control the shock collars you and that heretic, Nightlight, are wearing." His voice was thick with the acidic tone now.
"I was wrong to believe in you and your stupid lies." I said. "Well that's true, I am very good with manipulative tactics. You fell into my trap so easily." he smirked. I wanted to punch him but thought better of it.
"You'll never find Night and you'll never get that pathetic collar on him." I snapped. "Are you sure about that?" He asked, holding up a walkie-talkie. "Olivia bring him in." He said. I gasped. There was no way that Night had been captured, not again...
I watched in horror as Olivia, the phone child, dragged a fighting Nightlight into the room. Quick as lightning, the prototype snapped the collar on him.
"No!" I cried out, biting down on the prototype's leg.
He hissed in pain and clicked the button on the remote. I felt an awful zap of electricity go through me and was horrified to see Night fall to the ground. I dodged the prototype's claws and ran towards Night, only to be grabbed right when I reached him.
"Night! No! Get up Nightlight!" I cried.
The prototype zapped me again and I fell unconscious.
(Nightlight's pov)
I woke up to find both Daylight and me sitting against the walls, chained up again. The prototype was sitting in his swivel chair across from us. "So, the freaks have awakened." He smirked. I gritted my teeth in answer.
"You two are either going to find and capture Catnap for me or I'm going to continuously zap you both." He said. I growled at him in response.
The prototype ignored me and stood up. "Are we clear?" I slowly nodded my head. Anything was better than this torture. I turned and saw Daylight also nod. He understood as well as me that the prototype was a cruel and vicious person or toy, whatever he was. I couldn't wait until my brother killed him.
"You will pay, prototype for everything that you've done." I seethed. He just rolled his eyes at me and walked away, leaving us chained to the wall for the time being.
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