That uncomfortable feeling.

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Y/n's POV
"W-what are you d-" all of a sudden I feel my hood being pulled down and quickly pull it up and climb the closes tree to my house. "I thought I could trust you" I shout down to them and they laugh. "We just want to see your face. If we don't get to know your name we would like to see your face." Aaron says walking up to the tree I was in. "Well how come i can not see your face then" I said firing back. But the thing that shocked me the most was that.... He took his mask and hood off to revile Raven black hair and beautiful button black eyes. Wait did I just say that. No remember no emotions. I jump down from the tree. "So now it is your turn" Aaron said walking up to me and placing his hands slowly on my hood just in case I didn't want him to and hurt him. He takes down my hood to revile my h/l, beautiful, h/c hair and my shimmering e/c eyes. He steps back in shock and I quickly lift my hood up again, the other boys didn't see because Aaron was in the way. The way he looked at me make me feel hideous and I climb the tree again but this time crying at how ugly I must be, because of the look on his face.

Aaron's POV
I walk up to her and place my hands on her hood, she was shaking a bit but that was probably because she was nervous. I slowly pull her hood down savering every moment. I saw her beautiful h/l, h/c hair and slowly revile her shimmering e/c eyes. I step back in shock of how beautiful she was. Then she pulled her hood up and climbed the tree behind her. As I look up I could hear faint crying. "What did you do to her and why is she crying." Laurence said in a worried tone. "I er I saw.......her......face" they stair at me in shock. "What does she look like" they all shout at the same time. "Er she looks....." I was cut off by the unknown girl jumping down and saying "here thinks I look ugly. Well that's what I gathered from your expression" she looks at me. I think. And wipes tears from under her cloak. "Well let us see and we will be the judge of that" Dante said in an understanding tone. All she did was shake her head and walk back into the metal enclosed house. When we could not see her the boys all crowded around me. "What does see look like. And is she really that ugl-" I cut all the boys off. "No. She was absolutely beautiful. But I guess because I did not expect it, I was shocked. She took it the wrong way" I slowly walk away and the boys just pull me to the floor. "Tell us or you are going to be sleeping out her-" they were cut of by the unknown girl walking towards us. "Get off him. I may have slightly overreacted. S-sorry" she said and the boys all crowed her. She tryed to walk away but they just surrounded her. "Let us see what you look like" Laurence said. She just looked down "no. I think I can live without showing you my --" she was stopped by all three boys pulling down her hood. Showing her h/l, h/c hair and amazing e/c eyes. The boys stood in shock and the girl just walked away pulling her hood up again.

Dante's POV
OMI she is so so so beautiful. She is like an angel. Wait what did I just say. No I do not like her. Come on a girl who kills, that should be a man's job. But I will not say that to her because I know she will hurt me.

Y/n's POV
I can not belive they pulled down my hood. I feel violated, I kèp my hood up for a reason and now that they all know, they can us it to their advantage mind those memories I am still trying to forget. Ugh I am so mad. I storm of into the woods. I don't care if they take my stuff, I will happily die if they can un see me. "Where are you going?" I hear a deep shaky voice shout to me. I just pick up some speed and run further and further into the woods. Ugh why do I care about what they think of me. I have no emotions non at all. Why do I care. Ugh life is never fair. "Please wait. We don't know your name. And how can you trust us with your stuff?" I turn around to see Laurance running at me with no instinct to stop. He collided into me and we both fell. Lucky my hood staid on but his face was only centimetres away from my face. I could feel heat flow through my face. Almost burning up, do I have a cold? I probably do knowing me. Laurence did not move from the position we were in and just tryed to stair into my eyes from under mu hood. "Please. Let. Me. See. Your. Beautiful. Eyes." He begged whispering every word in my ear, in a saductive tone. L - Laurance. W-what are you d - doing? " dam I stuttered. He just smirked at me and whispers in my ear. "I can tell you are nervous and blushing." "What do you mean" I quickly fire back. No no to quick now he knows I am. Ugh why. "Heh we I guess it is true. You do have emotions. You just don't show them to people you don't trust so I guess you trust me. Oh well ill do this anyway." He smirked still whispering in my ear. I slowly feel uncomfortable and Laurance moves closer and closer to my face. We are about a milometer away and then........

(Hi guys hope you enjoyed the latest chapter. Left it on a cliffhanger just for you guys again. Lovez ya bye~)

Words : 1050

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