The Tale

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Amelia: (poking) But Victor you're not looking like a Prince totally.

Victor: (confusedly) What do you mean?

Amelia: I mean, a prince should have a crown. What do you think?

Victor: (rubbing his temples) Maybe you're right. Do you have anything in your mind?

[She started thinking and started looking here and there, so that she could get something. Immediately she hurried to the kitchen and returned with a small blue colored bowl according to his head.]

Amelia: (quickly) Where is adhesive tape Victor?

Victor: (with widening eyes) It might be there (pointed towards the book shelf's drawer.

[After getting the tape she came closer to him, placed the bowl on his head and fixed it with tape by wrapping it to his ears, chin and beard. She giggled at his look.]

Victor: (disturbed) Hey, my hairs....

Amelia: (gesturing a nice sign with index and thumb finger) Now this is perfect!

[She picked Victor's mobile and took a click of him. He also chuckled at his look while seeing himself in his gallery.]

Victor: (suppressing smile) Is this really me?

Amelia: (snatching his phone) Yes it's you. (Giggling) The real Victor. (Added) Now let's start the story. I can't wait.

[They stood in the living room, their scripts were ready. They both had their dialogues in hand. The atmosphere was filled with excitement as they prepared to act out their story.]

Amelia: (as the Narrator) Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there lived a brave prince named Victor. (Reading from the paper) He was known throughout the land for his courage and kindness.

Victor: (dramatically) The people of my kingdom are in peril. (Harshly) An evil dragon has been terrorizing the villages, and I must put an end to its reign of terror!

[Amelia giggled at Victor's dramatic tone, but she quickly composed herself.]

Amelia: (nodding as other villagers) Indeed, brave prince. The dragon has captured our Princess Amelia, and only you can save her!

Victor: (determined) Yes. (More dramatically) I will not rest until the princess is safe and the dragon is defeated.

Victor: (as the narrator) With his sword and shield, Prince Victor set out on a perilous journey to the dragon's lair. He travelled forests, climbed mountains, and crossed raging rivers, facing many dangers along the way.

Amelia: (in character as a villager) Oh, brave prince, please be careful! (Rhyming) The dragon is fierce and powerful.

Victor: (smiling reassuringly) Do not worry, dear villagers. I shall return with your beloved princess and rid our land of this menace.

Amelia: (as the narrator) Finally, Prince Victor reached the dragon's lair. The beast was enormous, with scales as black as night and eyes that glowed like embers.

Victor: (shouting) Dragon! Show yourself and face me!

Amelia: (roaring like a dragon) Who dares to challenge me? (Loudly) I am the mighty dragon, and no one can defeat me!

Victor: (brandishing his spatula as a sword) I am Prince Victor from Elysium, and I will not allow you to harm my kingdom any longer!

Amelia: (mock roaring) Ha! You think you can defeat me? Prepare to meet your doom! (Raising voice) You, a pinch of soil.

Victor: (as a narrator) With a mighty roar, the dragon lunged at Prince Victor. But the prince was quick and agile, dodging the dragon's fiery breath and striking with his sword.

Victor: (swinging his spatula) For the kingdom!

Amelia: (as the dragon, dramatically falling) Nooooo! I am defeated!

Amelia: (as a narrator) With the dragon defeated, Prince Victor ventured into the depths of the lair to find the Princess. He found her chained to a wall, looking pale but hopeful.

Victor: (rushing to her) Princess Amelia, you are safe now. I have defeated the dragon.

Amelia: (sighing in relief) Oh, brave Prince Victor! I knew your bravery would definitely defend the dragon.

Victor: (smiling) Let's get you out of here.

Amelia: (in character) Oh, brave Prince Victor, you have come to save me from the evil dragon!

Victor: (dramatically) Fear not, Princess Amelia, for I shall defeat the dragon and protect you!

Amelia: (swooning) Oh, my brave prince, how can I ever thank you?

Victor: (smiling) Your smile is all the thanks I need, dear princess.

[As the scenes progressed, they became more engrossed in their roles. The final scene approached, where Prince Victor was about to return with Princess Amelia.]

Victor: (as the narrator) Prince Victor and Princess Amelia returned to the kingdom, where the people of their kingdom greeted them with cheers and celebrations.

Amelia: (smiling at the imaginary crowd) Thank you, brave prince. You have saved me and our kingdom. We're blessed to have you.

[She pretending to be knelt by pulling his jeans a little as a gown. Victor paced to him a little closer.]

Victor: (taking her hand) It was my honor, Princess. But my (softer) journey is not complete. There is one more thing I must do.

[A sudden shiver ran through her spine by his touch. But she composed herself, but hee facial reaction was still confusing.]

Amalia: (confused but softly) What is it Prince?

[Victor rolled his script paper. He bent it as a M shape and then held both the ends to make it a love shape.]

Amelia: (still confusing in mind) What is he doing? (Thinking) This was not in the script. Strange!

Victor: (kneeling, holding the paper as a rose) Princess Amelia, I have traveled far and faced many dangers for you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my queen?

[In that moment, something changed. Victor's voice softened more than ever, and his eyes held a sincerity that wasn't just acting. Amelia's heart skipped a beat as she looked into his eyes, feeling a rush of emotions she hadn't expected.]

[For a moment, Victor seemed stuck, still kneeling, extended the love shape paper towards her and his eyes locked on hers. Amelia, feeling a mix of confusion and something else she couldn't quite name, quickly snapped out of it.]

Amelia: (mocking playfully) Oh, Prince Victor, your dramatic skills are truly unmatched! (laughing) You almost had me there!

[Victor was still same as earlier. His eyes was delineating something else. Something which was beyond his behavior.]

Amelia stepped a little back and snapped before her.

Amelia: Victor??? (Again) Victor??

[Victor snapped out of his momentary trance, blinking as Amelia's voice brought him back to reality. He quickly composed himself, feeling a bit embarrassed but grateful that Amelia didn't seem to take his sudden sincerity too seriously.]

Victor: (laughing nervously) Ah, well, what can I say? I guess I got carried away with the role.

Amelia: (smiling) You did a great job, though! I almost believed you were a real prince for a second there.

Victor: (standing up) Thanks. (Nervously) Ummmm... It was fun. I guess I'm not so bad at acting after all.

Amelia: (giggling) Definitely not.

[They both laughed, the tension of the moment dissipating as they returned to their usual playful banter.]

Amelia: (glancing at the clock) Oh, look at the time! I should probably get going.

[Amelia excused herself to the washroom.]

Amelia: (standing up) I'll be right back, Victor. Just need to freshen up.

Victor: (smiling) Take your time, Princess.

[Amelia left her phone on the coffee table, its screen facing up. Victor glanced around the room, still feeling the warmth of their shared moments. He slightly removed the bowl from his head and smiled while looking at it.]

Victor: (in mind) After some time I was happy like this again. You are the best person I've ever seen in my life.

[His gaze eventually landed on Amelia's phone, and he noticed it vibrating. Curiosity piqued, he leaned forward to see the caller ID.]

[The screen lit up with the name 'Lifeline' accompanied by several heart emojis.]

[Victor's heart sank. He stared at the name, his mind racing. "Lifeline"? The hearts made it clear that this person was special to Amelia. His initial curiosity turned into a sharp pang of jealousy and insecurity.]

Victor: (inner thoughts) Lifeline!! Someone important... someone she cares about deeply.

[He felt a knot tighten in his chest, his joy from moments ago replaced by a crushing sadness. His mind spiraled, imagining all sorts of scenarios. Maybe this "Lifeline" was her boyfriend, someone she loved dearly. The idea tore at him, filling him with a sense of helplessness.]

Victor: (inner thoughts) Of course, she would have someone special. She's amazing, caring, beautiful... She deserves someone great, (sighs) not a mess like me. (Added) She saved his name like this, it definitely means he is everything to her.

[Victor's face fell, his smile was fading. He slumped back into the couch, his thoughts consuming him. The room felt colder, and the laughter from their play seemed like a distant memory.]

[Amelia returned from the washroom.]

Amelia: (picking up her phone) Hey Prince, I'm leaving. Take care of yourself (putting the phone in the pocket) okay?

[But she didn't get any reply to him. She looked at him and noticed the sudden change in Victor's demeanor. She walked over to the couch, a concerned look on her face.]

Amelia: (sitting beside him) Victor, are you okay? What happened?

Victor: (forcing a smile) Oh, it's nothing. Just... tired, I guess.

Amelia: (frowning) Are you sure? You were fine just a moment ago. Did something happen while I was away?

Victor: (shaking his head) It's nothing. Really.

Amelia: (sighing) Are you sure?

Victor: (nodding)Don't worry, I'm fine. (Softly) Bye.

[Amelia looked at him, her concern deepening. She wanted to probe further, but she also knew Victor well enough to understand that he would share when he was ready.]

Amelia: (gently) Okay. But remember, I'm here for you. Always.

Victor: (inner thoughts) Always... But for how long?

[Victor's mind was a storm of emotions. He felt an intense longing to be the one she called "Lifeline," but he couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy. His introverted nature made it even harder to ask her about it directly. Instead, he bottled up his feelings.]

Victor: (inner thoughts) She deserves someone who can make her happy, not someone who's broken like me.

[As Amelia left Victor's house door, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. She glanced back at him one last time, his forced smile lingering in her mind.]

Amelia: (softly) Goodnight, Victor. Take care.

Victor: (muttering) Yeah, you too.

[Victor closed the door behind her, the silence of the room swallowing him whole. He stood there for a moment, staring at the door, the name "Lifeline" still burning in his mind.]

Victor: (inner thoughts) Lifeline...What does he mean to her?

[He walked over to the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet. Amelia had always encouraged him to stay sober, but tonight, the need to numb his feelings was overwhelming again. He poured himself a glass, the amber liquid shimmering in the dim light.]

Victor: (inner thoughts) I'm just a burden to her. She deserves someone who can make her happy, not a mess like me.

[He took a long drink, the alcohol burning its way down his throat, momentarily dulling the ache in his chest. As he poured himself another glass, his thoughts spiraled further into despair.]

Victor: (inner thoughts) She's definitely happy with him. She doesn't need me at all.

[Victor moved to the living room, sinking into the couch. The remnants of their play still surrounded him, but the joy and excitement from earlier felt like a distant memory. He stared at the bowl on the coffee table, the makeshift crown that Amelia had made for him.]

Victor: (inner thoughts) I'm a fool to think I could ever be someone important to her. She's just being kind, as always. Actually she is kind for everyone.

[He took another drink, his mind clouding with each sip. The thought of Amelia with someone else gnawed at him, the insecurity eating away at his self-control.]

[He was taking another drink. The room spun slightly, but he didn't care. The numbness was preferable to the pain of his thoughts.]

Victor: (inner thoughts) I'll never be good enough for her. I'll always be just a friend, someone she feels sorry for.

[He closed his eyes, leaning back on the couch. The alcohol coursed through his veins, dulling the sharp edges of his emotions. But even in his inebriated state, the ache in his chest remained, a constant reminder of his unspoken feelings.]

Victor: (inner thoughts) I wish things were different. I wish I could be the one she needs.

[As the night wore on, Victor's thoughts grew darker, his self-loathing intensifying with each passing moment. The bottle slowly emptied, and with it, his resolve to keep going.]

Victor: (inner thoughts) Maybe it's better if I just disappear. She'd be happier without me.

[He drifted into a restless sleep, haunted by visions of Amelia with her "Lifeline," their laughter and happiness a stark contrast to his own misery.]


The bridge is breaking.....

What'll they do for reconciliation?

Next Update after 16th August (EXAM TIME)

Till then please enjoy my other writings and have fun.

Thank You for reading........

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