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[Evening at 7:15 pm.]

[It was very dark everywhere, the kind of dark that seemed to swallow up all light and hope. The rain fell in relentless sheets, a ceaseless downpour that drowned out all other sounds. The road was totally deserted and the rhythm was continuing its melody. Someone maybe a girl was coming rather quickly walking from a distance. She pulled her raincoat tighter around her shoulders, her hair plastered to her face as she hurried down. Suddenly her phone rang, and she managed to pick up the phone inside her coat.]

[In voice call.]

The Girl: Yes mom! (Gently)

The Girl's Mom: Where are you baby? It's been so late.

The Girl: (walking) Yeah, I know. Actually that.... that librarian is a mess. He can't find a book properly.

The Girl's Mom: I can understand but..... Just look at the weather baby. You could go on another time in the day.

The Girl: (softly) Mom, please. I'm on my way. And I've my raincoat also.

The Girl's Mom: Uhh.... You and your obsession with books. Anyways, (sighs) get home safe, Amelia.

[Her mom cut the call. Within a minute the rainfall became heavier and she rushed to the nearest bus stop. Water drops continuously trickled from her coat. She took out her phone once again and the time was 7:35 pm. The bus stop was dimly lit and there was a lamppost also but there was no existence of a bulb on it.]

[As she was discovering surroundings her eyes fell on a figure huddled beneath the light. She drew closer and found the man sitting on the ground with his head buried in his knees. He was completely soaked, his clothes clinging to his form, making him look almost spectral in the eerie light.]

[In a mix of curiosity and concern, the closer she got, the more she felt an odd chill. The man didn't move or acknowledge her presence, his silence more unsettling than the icy wind. Suddenly she felt an awkward sensation in her. She clutched the book in her hand tightly and decided to approach him as if she could help him.]

Amelia: (softly) Hey, are you okay?

[The figure didn't respond. She took a tentative step closer, her heart was beating faster. She could see his hands clutching his legs tightly, knuckles white. All he was just shivering in the cold.]

Amelia: (again, very softly) Do you need help? What's your name?

[She tried again, her voice was louder this time. Still nothing. His stillness and silence were unnerving. He didn't move a single bit. She hesitated, looking around for anyone else, but the street was deserted.]

Amelia: Why don't you come and sit in the waiting seat? (Adding) Or you're gotta catch a cold. The rain is heavy.

[Her curiosity was increasing second after second.]

Amelia: Where do you live? I can help you get home.

[She persisted, as her concern for him outweighed her growing unease. At these words, he finally moved as he returned to life. Slowly, he lifted his head, revealing a pair of intense eyes that seemed to flicker with some inner torment. His face was pale, and rain streamed down his messy beard like tears.]

The Man: STAY AWAY (loudly) from me (slowly).

[His voice was a harsh whisper that sent shivers down her spine. Amelia took a step back, fear creeping into her. The light from the bus stop flickered, casting eerie shadows on his face, highlighting the dark under eyes of him and the hollow look in them. She parted her lips to speak again, but before she could, he bared his fangs in a furious way, his expression twisting into one of anger and pain.]

The mix of light and darkness played tricks with his features, making him appear almost monstrous. Panic surged through Amelia, she dropped the book beside him.]

Amelia: (screamed in fear) Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!

[The dim light fell over the book and it lightened with the name 'DRACULA'S GUEST' by Bram Stoker. Without uttering any other word, she turned and ran, her footsteps splashing through the rain-soaked street.]

[She didn't stop until she reached her home, heart pounding in her chest, the image of the stranger's haunted eyes and snarling face burned into her mind. As Amelia burst through the front door of her house, drenched and panting, her mother, who had been waiting anxiously by the window, rushed to meet her.

Amelia's Mom: Amelia! What happened? Are you alright?

[Her mother's eyes were wide with concern. She tried to catch her breath, her heart still pounding from the encounter.]

Amelia: Mom, there was this man... at the bus stop... he looked so... (Shivering) scary.

[Her mother guided her to her bedroom, where she immediately began fussing over her, grabbing a towel to dry her off.]

Amelia's Mom: Calm down, sweetheart. What are you talking about?

[Amelia shivered, both from the cold and the memory of the man's intense eyes.]

Amelia: He was just sitting there, in the rain, all soaked. He wouldn't respond to me at first, and then he yelled at me to stay away. His eyes, Mom... they were so haunting. And he bared his pointed teeth at me like... like an VAMPIRE."

[Her mother sighed and shook her head.]

Amelia's Mom: (giving her a cup of coffee) Amelia, it's late, and you're tired. You probably just saw some poor homeless man who was confused or frightened himself.

[Her hands trembled as she accepted the cup her mother handed her.]

Amelia: No, Mom, it wasn't like that. There was something really off about him. I've never felt so scared in my life.

Amelia's Mom: Sweetheart, (gently) you've been reading too many of those horror novels. They're filling your head with all sorts of wild ideas. I'm sure it was just a man who was having a rough night.

Amelia: But he looked at me like he was in pain, like he was fighting with some inner demon. And he was completely soaked, just sitting there in the rain.

[Her mother put an arm around her shoulders, giving her a reassuring squeeze.]

Amelia's Mom: Listen, honey, it's understandable to be frightened, especially with the weather and it being so dark. But you're safe now. Why don't you change into some dry clothes and we'll talk more about it in the morning? Things will seem clearer after a good night's sleep. (After a pause) Anyways where is your book? Did you not take any book from library?

Amelia: (patting her forehead) Ohhh no, I dropped it on the bus stop by mistake.

Amelia's Mom: Don't worry, I'll pay for it. Now just have a sleep. I'll call you whenever the dinner will be ready.

[She nodded reluctantly, but as she headed upstairs to change, she couldn't shake the image of the man's tortured eyes. The encounter had felt so real, so intense. She glanced at her reflection in the hallway mirror, her own eyes wide with lingering fear. She tried to push the thoughts away as she changed into dry clothes, but sleep didn't come easily that night. The rain continued to beat against her window, a relentless reminder of the stranger and his unsettling presence. Amelia lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering who he was and what had driven him to such a desperate state.]


Will she find her book?

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