Fear From What?

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[She sighed and got up resting her both hands on her side of the waist.]

Amelia: (firmly) Enough is enough. Now just promise me that whatever happens you'll never hurt yourself like this.

Victor: (voice breaking) I'm sorry, Amelia. I didn't mean to... I was just so angry and hurt myself. I didn't know how to deal with it.

[She stretched out her arms before him.]

Amelia: (firmly and frowning brow) Promise? Otherwise I'll kill (gestured as a punch by making a fist) you.

[Victor was again dominated by her cute behavior and finally rested his right hand over her palm. Their touch became an evidence of a strong bounded promise.]

Victor: (smiling gently looking at her and whispering) Promise.

Amelia: (breaking the touch and smiled brightly) That's like a good Volcano.

[This time he laughed at her approached revealing most part of his fangs. She also smiled and handed him the breakfast tray.]

Amelia: Now just finish it.

[As he took a bite he was just about opened up to admire it but he was stopped by Amelia.]

Amelia: (gesturing her palm to stop) Mmmmmm.... Just have it. I know it's yum because it made by (pointing towards her) me.

[He smiled at her poutyness and nodded. She was just about to leave but he immediately stopped chewing and raised his voice.]

Victor: (resting the slice on the plate) Where...... are....... (Chewing) you going?

Amelia: (pointing outside) To the kitchen. (Added) what happened?

[He wanted to stop her but his unspoken mind could not allow him to opened up which is important.]

Victor: (lifting a piece of apple with the fork) No. It's okay. You go. (Hesitatedly) I mean you can go.

Amelia: (confused) Do you want to say something?

Victor: Nayyy..... (Forcefully smiled) Definitely not.

[She turned back one last time.]

Amelia: And yeah. One thing.

[He looked at her with an asking manner.]

Amelia: I'll take you to Doctor at lunch time. I think you need a Tetanus Injection as your cuts are severe.

[She left immediately without listening to him further.]

Victor: (mind racing) Injection? No way! I hate needles. I can't let her take me there.

[Victor fidgeted nervously in his chair, pushed the unfinished breakfast tray away. His mind was in a frenzy of fear and anxiety. The thought of a needle piercing his skin made his stomach churn. He had always been terrified of injections since he was a child.]

Victor: (muttering) I need to find a way to avoid this. Maybe I can convince her that it's not that serious.

[Victor looked down at his bandaged foot, wincing at the pain. He knew he couldn't avoid the doctor forever, but the thought of facing an injection was unbearable. He continued to eat his fruit bowl, trying to calm his racing thoughts.]


[Amelia returned to Victor's cabin around lunchtime, her face set with determination. She found him pacing the room, his limp more were more pronounced yet determined.]

Amelia: (firmly) Victor, it's time to go to the doctor.

Victor: (panicking) Amelia, I don't think it's necessary. I'm feeling better already. Look (pointing to his legs) I'm walking properly.

Amelia: (crossing her arms) You're not fooling anyone, Victor. (Frowning brow) Look at yourself, you can't even stand properly. Your foot needs proper medical attention. Now, let's go.

Victor: (childishly) But... but Amelia, I don't want to go.

Amelia: (sighing) Victor, this isn't a time for debate. Come on. Please, don't argue.

[Amelia grabbed his arm and gently but firmly guided him towards the door. Victor resisted, dragging his feet like a stubborn child.]

Victor: (whining) Amelia, please understand. I really don't want to go.

Amelia: (trying to understand) Victor, why are you being so stubborn? It's just a quick visit to the doctor.

Victor: (trying to free himself from her grip) Pleaseeeee. I'm fine, totally fine.

Amelia: (sighed and freed his arm) What did you said early morning that all was your fault. Right? And I think you've hurt yourself for repentance right? (Added) Then it is not completely done.

Victor: (gently) What do you mean?

Amelia: If you go to the Doctor, only then I'll accept your sorry. (Crossed arms and looked away avoiding his gaze) Now, the decision is yours. I'm waiting.

Victor: (childlike) Let's..... (Slowly) go....

[Reluctantly, Victor nodded, allowing Amelia to guide him out of the cafe as he was limping and into her car. During the drive to the doctor's office, he fidgeted nervously, his hands gripping the edge of his steering.]


[They arrived at the doctor's office, and Amelia helped Victor into the waiting room. They didn't have to wait long before a nurse called them in. The doctor, a kind-looking middle-aged man, examined Victor's foot carefully.]

[After examining.]

Doctor: (nodding) These cuts are quite severe. I need to give you a tetanus shot to prevent any further infection.

Victor: (eyes widening and thinking in his mind) No, no, no. Please, no injection.

[As the doctor headed to prepare the injection. He watched the needle with wide eyes, his breath coming in quick, shallow gasps. He immediately looked at her, his teary eyes pleading for an escape.]

[She immediately realized that it was all for the needle.]

Amelia: (holding his hand) It's okay, Victor. It'll be over before you know it.

Doctor: (smiling reassuringly) I promise it won't hurt much. Just a quick pinch.

[Victor squeezed Amelia's hand tightly, his eyes filled with fear. Amelia leaned closer, her face inches from his.]

Victor: (voice trembling) Amelia, I don't think I can do this...

Amelia: (soothingly) Look at me, Victor. You're doing great. Right? (Assuring him) You're brave.

[She twisted the sleeves of the sweater and the doctor rubbed alcohol swab on his biceps. Victor kept his eyes locked on Amelia's, trying to ignore the needle.]

Doctor: (calmly) Here we go. Just a little pinch.

Amelia: (whispering softly) Did you remember those jellybeans?

Victor: (laughing softly) Yes, and you were trying to became a juggler. (Added) And you can't.

Amelia: (giggling) Even you also couldn't.

[Victor's lips curled into a small smile, his grip on her hand relaxing slightly. The doctor approached with the injection, and Victor whimpered, squeezing Amelia's hand again.]

[Victor flinched as the needle went in, tears welling up in his eyes. He bit his lip, trying not to cry out. Amelia continuously stroked his hair gently, whispering words of encouragement.]

Amelia: (softly) Almost done. Mr. Fashionista.

[Finally, the doctor removed the needle and dabbed a cotton ball on the injection site. Victor let out a shaky breath, his eyes still locked on Amelia's.]

Doctor: (smiling) All done. You were very brave.

Victor: (sniffling) I... I did it.

Amelia: (hugging him gently) Yes, you did. I'm so proud of you, My Valiant Volcano.

[He was totally shocked to hear the unexpected word.]

Victor: (in mind) 'My'!!!!

[Victor smiled weakly trying not to reveal his inner thoughts and imagination. After taking the prescription, Amelia carefully guided him outside, her arm around his waist for support. Victor leaned heavily on her, his limp more pronounced than ever, but her firm touch was soothing him continuously. She walked slowly, matching his pace.]

Amelia: (softly) Are you okay? Just a few more steps.

Victor: (wincing) Yeah, I'm okay. But be careful, Amelia. Watch the injection site.

Amelia: (nodding) Don't worry. I got you.

[They reached the car, and Amelia opened the door. She gently helped, Victor lower himself into the driving seat, her movements were careful and deliberate.]

Victor: (grumbling) Amelia, remember the injection.

Amelia: (smiling) Don't worry man. I'm being as gentle as I can.

[Once Victor was settled, she closed the door and walked around to the passenger side. As she got in, Victor started the car.]

Amelia: Head to you home, not cafe.

Victor: (gently) But!

Amelia: (looking beside her) Victor, you need rest okay?

Victor: (nodding)... But can we stop for some ice cream on the way?

Amelia: This is already winter.

Victor: (twisting his bottom lips to make a cute face) Please... I've listened (pointing towards his injection site) to you naa....

Amelia: (laughing) Of course. Anything for you, my brave Volcano.

[Victor laughed softly, the sound filled with relief and warmth.]

[While driving.]

[As they passed an ice cream shop, Victor's eyes lit up with childlike excitement. He stopped the car outside the shop.]

Amelia: (smiling) Let's get you some ice cream.

[He was about to get out, but Amelia quickly stopped him, placing a gentle hand on his arm.]

Amelia: (firmly) No, you stay right here. You're hurt. I'll get the ice cream.

Victor: (pouting) But I want to choose my flavor...

Amelia: (smiling) Don't worry, just tell me your taste.

[Victor sighed but nodded, his pout turning into a small smile.]

Victor: Ummm.... (Softly) Black Current.

[Amelia got out of the car and walked into the shop. Victor watched her through the window, feeling a warm sense of affection for her. A few minutes later, she returned carrying two sundaes, each overflowing with scoops of ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate sauce, and colorful sprinkles.]

Amelia: (handing him a sundae) Here you go, Mr. Fancy. One sundae with black current, just how you like it.

Victor: (grinning) Thanks, Amelia.

[They both started eating their ice cream, savoring the sweet treat. The atmosphere in the car was light and filled with a playful sense of joy. Victor took a big bite of his sundae, his face lighting up with delight.]

Victor: (mouth full of ice cream) This is so good! I haven't had ice cream in ages.

Amelia: (laughing) You look like a little kid, Victor. It's adorable.

Victor: (pretending to be offended) Hey! I'm a grown man enjoying his ice cream, thank you very much.

Amelia: (teasingly) Sure, sure. A very mature grown man who pouts when he doesn't get his way and is scared about (chuckling) needles.

Victor: (grinning) Very funny.

[Amelia laughed at his funny anger, and in her amusement, she playfully swatted Victor on the arm, right where he had gotten the injection.]

Victor: (yelping in pain) Owww! Amelia! Ssssssss.

Amelia: (realizing what she did, gasping) Oh my God, Victor, I'm so sorry!

[Victor winced, clutching his arm. Amelia's face filled with guilt as she immediately tried to soothe him, making cute gestures to apologize.]

Amelia: (pouting, making puppy eyes) I'm so sorry, Victor. I didn't mean to hurt you. Please forgive me?

Victor: (still wincing) That really hurt, Amelia.

Amelia: (gently rubbing his arm) Here, let me make it better. I'll be your nurse.

[She leaned in and rubbed his biceps very softly over his sweater, her eyes were full of sincere apology. Victor couldn't help but smile at her efforts, despite the pain.]


"है ये नशा,
या है ज़हर
इस प्यार को हम क्या नाम दें
कब से अधूरी है इक दास्तां
आजा उसे आज अंजाम दें
तुम्हें भूलूँ कैसे मैं
मेरी पहली खता तुम हो..

मैं जो जी रहा हूँ वज़ह तुम हो..
वज़ह तुम हो..

क्या जाने तू मेरे इरादे
ले जाऊंगा सांसें चुरा के
सांसें चुरा के

क्या जाने तू मेरे इरादे
ले जाऊंगा सांसें चुरा के
दिल कह रहा है गुनेहगार बन जा
बड़ा चैन है इन गुनाहों से आगे
मैं गुमशुदा सी रात हूँ
मेरी खुशनुमा सुबह तुम हो

मैं जो जी रहा हूँ वज़ह तुम हो..
वज़ह तुम हो.."

('Wajah Tum Ho', Wajah Tum Ho)

"Is it intoxication,
Or is it poison,
What do we call this love?
For a long time there's been an incomplete story,

Come, let's give it an ending today.
How can I forget you,
You are my first mistake..

The reason I'm living is you..
You are the reason..

You may not know my intentions,
I'll take your breath away,
Take your breath away,
You may not know my intentions,
I'll take your breath away.
My heart says to become a sinner,
There's great peace beyond these sins.
I'm like a lost night,
You are my beautiful morning.

The reason I'm living is you..
You are the reason.."

Victor: (smiling) Okay, okay, I forgive you. Just be careful next time.

Amelia: (grinning) Deal. Now, finish your ice cream before it melts.

[They both resumed eating their sundaes, the earlier pain forgotten in the sweetness of the moment.]


[As they drove home Amelia helped Victor to get inside. As they made their way to the living room, Victor's mind was haunted with the thought of what her reaction was because of the mess he created by broken glasses. On the other hand, Amelia made him sit on a couch and knelt down before him. ]

[He looked at her, and she gave back a smile to him and started untying the laces of his sneakers.]

Amelia: (looking around, stunned by the mess) Victor... what is all these?

[She surveyed the broken glass and beer bottles scattered around the room, her eyes widening in shock. Her heart sank as she saw the extent of his anger and the result it had caused. Tears welled up in her eyes as she turned back to Victor.]

Amelia: (voice trembling) Victor, how could you do this to yourself? (Removing the shoes) Look at all this...

Victor: (looking down, ashamed) Amelia, I... I'm sorry. I just... I couldn't control my anger.

[Amelia knelt in front of him, her eyes filled with a mix of anger, hurt, and concern.]

Amelia: (emotional) Do you have any idea how scared I was when I saw you like that? Seeing you hurt, knowing you did this to yourself...just.... Just fo me.

Victor: (teary-eyed) I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just so frustrated and I didn't know how to handle it.

[Amelia took a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions. She reached out and gently touched his knees.]

Amelia: (sighing) You're my friend, and I care about you. Seeing you like this... it's...it's tearing me apart.

[Victor looked up at her, his eyes filled with regret.]

Victor: (whispering) I promise, I'll try to be a better version of myself.

Amelia: (sighing) Let me clean this up and you go to that (pointing towards the TV room. And next time, talk to me instead of taking it out on yourself. Deal?

Victor: (interrupting) I can cl...... (Stopped)

Amelia: (firmly) Deal?

Victor: (nodding) Deal.


Will he keep his promise?

What'll Amelia do if he broke his vow again.

Stay tuned for further updates.

Thank You for reading......

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