Song: Energy- Keri Hilson
I choked on my cereal while my agent Steven was on the phone with me. I continued coughing due to me choking.
"You w-want to talk about publicity? With Wyatt Oleff? " I asked coughing and coughing, Steven replied with a 'Yes' and that my car would pick me up in about an hour. Shit.
I decided to look through my instagram and saw all of the edits of me and Wyatt. Shit. Fuck. Damn it.
"@wyattoleff & @y/n l/n are so cute!"
"I ship them 🖕🏽🧡"
"They got ICE CREAM ahhhh 😭❤️"
"I don't know if I like them together. Wyatt's mine."
"What if they are dating? omg ship Ship 🚢 "
I exhaled and contacted Finn.
To: Finn 💕
From: Y/N 💛
Hey, I left the event because It was hard seeing you and Millie Kiss. I know it's your job but, I can't be around it. Anyway, I'm not angry at you and I still love you very much. Have fun with your photoshoot today, I remembered! Today I have a meeting about a publicity stunt so, hopefully it isn't something bad. Call me after your photoshoot baby."
I placed my phone down and called myself down.
I felt my phone vibrate and hoped it was Finn.
It was Wyatt.
"You know about the meeting?"
"Yeah I do. You nervous? I am."
I waited a couple minutes to for Wyatt's reply.
"I'm nervous... I have a feeling I know what they want us to do. If it is what I think it is... I hope nothing gets awkward between us."
I smiled at his text and replied quickly.
"No it wouldn't be awkward. Never. I think I know what they want us to do. I saw the Instagram edits and ect. I will say, we do look great with those ice cream cones." I replied just trying to enlighten the mood.
My eyes scanned the time. Shoot I needed to get ready.
I texted Wyatt quickly. "See you in an hour"
My legs rushed to the bathroom so I could hop into the shower.
Finn POV
I was reading over her cute text, until it came up with the word "Publicity". I clenched my jaw.
"Come on Finn. We need to change into our next outfits!" Millie yelled, I nodded and examined the text again. I decided to call her.
"Come on Y/N, pick up" I mumbled as I held the phone up to my ear.
(Y/N's phone was vibrating as she was in the shower getting ready. (3) Missed calls from Finn 💕 Wolfhard)
I placed my phone down and tried DM'ing her on instagram. That's when my eyes saw thousands of pictures of her and Wyatt. My nostrils flared. I could see that people shipped them, a lot.
"Dude c'mon!" Caleb spoke. I just placed my phone down and tried not getting jealous, I needed to be calm and get back to my ST photoshoot.
Wyatt POV
Me and my agent sat at the agency that managed me and Y/N. Yes we had the same agency, same with Finn and Gaten.
"They should be here soon." My agent explained, I nodded my head and looked at the other people who help me with my career. Mom was next to me.
"Sorry we're late. We're here!" A voice cooed as they door opened. It was Y/N's Mom. I smiled lightly as Y/N walked in with her mom and her agent, along with her helpers and ect.
"Have a seat guys. So... we're here to explain the Publicity stunt between Wyatt and Y/N. The press loved the new couple alert and fans have been approving of this couple. I say that we should make them a couple." The adults discussed.
I blocked them out and stared at Y/N who was sitting across from me.
"You okay?" I mouthed, she smiled lightly and nodded her head.
"I see no harm in this. But Y/N is dating Finn so how- Well, see there is no harm. Finn has his own publicity with Millie Brown." My agent spoke as he interrupted Y/N's Mom.
After a couple of minutes it was sorted. Me and Y/N were now a couple, not by choice but by our agents. It wasn't so terrible, our moms were good friends so...
As we were in the elevator leaving the building I looked over at Y/N.
"You okay with this?" I asked, she nodded her head lightly.
"You worried about what Finn will think?" I mumbled, Y/N agreed and faced me. Our moms thought it would be good to have lunch together and talk about this overall 'thing'.
As we walked out of the building in downtown LA my eyes were taken over by flashes and cameras. Damn the paparazzi.
Me and Y/N kept walking.
"New couple! Wyatt Oleff! Y/N!! Look over here!" They kept yelling and taking pictures. We just continued walking. Our moms followed behind us briefly.
I kept Y/N close to me. "Let's do our job" Y/N whispered, I clenched my jaw and felt as she interlocked our fingers together. We were now hand in hand walking through LA.
I will say, I blushed a little.
-chapter 4 ☺️🤭❤️💛 woah nelly we have a new couple.
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