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TWs: Mentions of the end of the world, brief lying, playful teasing. Stay safe :)



AstroDude stared wide-eyed at the other Star in the distance, watching it playfully banter with the Sun. Taking a step back, the human slowly sat down in his seat.

"What is my life..." He uttered to himself, "They can talk, they can- I dunno, shape-shift into humans, they can move out of their orbits-!? Years up here has made me officially lose my mind..."

Beep-beep... beep-beep...

"It appears your boss is calling you." The computer spoke.

A sigh escaped the astronaut's lips, "Of course, he is- he's probably going to tell me I was right all along."

The computer brought up the call screen as the green answer button was pressed.

"AstroDude!" Houston yelled, prompting the human to stand on end, "As it turns out, there is a second Star that has moved into our perimeters!"

'Finally, he noticed...' AstroDude frowned, "And what are we going to do about it, sir?"

"Absolutely nothing!"

"I'm sorry- what?"

"This is a Blue-White Star we're talking about! I've already gone over the plan with the world leaders, which is to gather as much resources as we can and go to space."

"You mean to colonize Mars?" AstroDude perked an eyebrow.

"Exactly! How'd you know?"

"A hunch." AstroDude rolled his eyes, "As much as I, er... 'love,' this plan, I don't think we have anything to worry about."

"What!? We have everything to worry about! Like the Earth getting sucked into that second Sun!" Houston yelled.

"Uh, sir, that's Spica B-"

"I know that, NasaDude! I'm only trying to get my point across!"

"What about everyone else on Earth?" AstroDude pointed out.

"It's one man for himself in this world-"

"Seriously? We're literally doing this?" The astronaut huffed, crossing his arms, "Well, I hope you have fun running away when we can actually be doing something for ourselves. I mean, imagine the stories we'll tell when we make it through this-"

"If we make it through this." The computer spoke from behind this.

"Thanks for the input, Computer." AstroDude droned.

"You're welcome." The AI spoke, not understanding sarcasm.

"Look, I'm just saying- maybe, the Earth is capable of handling itself? It did great when the asteroid wiped out 70% of its life. Sure, the dinosaurs went extinct, but it's for the best. Life still found a way to thrive on its surface."

There was a moment of silence as Houston's display icon went dim. AstroDude raised an eyebrow, looking at his computer to see if there was a glitch.

"He's right." A new voice spoke.

"Huh...?" AstroDude looked at the screen, "Are you with someone, sir?"

"Oh, yeah- meet Mr. Spherical." Houston grunted, "I told him he was excused, but he wanted to meet the guy in space, so here we are."

"Wait- you mean the Mr. Spherical!?" AstroDude's eyes widened, hands going up to his mouth, "Awhhh...!"

"Pull yourself together, AstroDude! He's not here to listen to you fangirl over him." Houston spoke, then said away from the speaker, "Sorry about him, Mr. Spherical... he's very weird."

AstroDude deadpanned, hearing what he had said.

"That's, uh- alright, Houston."

"That's not my-"

"Anyway, AstroDude, I agree with your sentiment in protecting our Earth." Mr. Spherical spoke.

"You do?" AstroDude smiled.

"You do...?" Houston sounded exasperated.

"Of course! The Earth is worth protecting no matter how many... world-ending wars happen." Mr. Spherical gritted his teeth before letting out a small hum, "Say, AstroDude, you're in space, how is it looking right now?"

"Uh... well, the other Star isn't doing much other than talking to the Sun." AstroDude shrugged.


"Talking to the-?" Mr. Spherical turned to Houston, who awkwardly smiled.

"Ah, that AstroDude and his inside jokes that no one else gets, am I right?"

Mr. Spherical frowned, his pointer finger adjusting his sunglasses, 'Interesting...'

« × »



"Hey, Sun- can I ask a question?" Mercury asked, slowly inching toward the Guardian while keeping his distance from Spica.

"You just did!" The Sun beamed, grinning at his best friend, "But go ahead, Mercury!"

"Is it true that you see and know everything?" The small Celestial questioned.

Sun faltered, his smile falling from his sphere, "Eh... well."

Spica laughed beside him, "You told them that, Sol?"

Sun sputtered, "Wha- I-I had a perfectly reasonable explanation!"

"So, it's not true?" Mercury frowned.

Spica peered at the Celestial, "In all honesty, little one, no one Star has the power to see and know everything. Knowledge comes from hardships faced along the way, and we've dealt our fair share of them, but I can tell you that when Stars come together, it's a force unlike anything you've seen before..."

Sun nodded, humming in agreement, "Exactly!"

"Then why'd you lie...?" Mercury crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow as he looked up at the Sun.


"Yeah, Sun, why did you lie?" Spica leaned in, a smirk rising on her face as she already knew the answer.

"Ugh..." Sun groaned, glaring at the other as he responded, "Because I wanted to be intimidating!"

The response caught Mercury off-guard, prompting the small Celestial to laugh, "Hahahahah!"

Sun flared up, feeling the plasma rising again as he glared at him, "Wha-What's so funny, Mercury!?"

"It-It's just, pfft-" Mercury covered his mouth, trying to calm himself down as he took a couple of steps back, "Y-You're already intimidating without even trying! I mean, look at yourself, Sun!"

The Sun blinked as he realized he was leaning over Mercury with a raging fire and a sharp scowl. He coughed, straightening himself out as he crossed his arms and looked away, "Ah, well, this is..."

"Sun, you don't have to pretend to be tough." Mercury spoke, his eyes softening, "We all know you're the most powerful being here, with or without us."


"He's right, Helios." Spica nodded, "Stars are on a whole different wavelength than planets and their moons; we're the Guardians of this vast universe- we have to protect it no matter the cost."

Sun looked between them, his eyes burning from plasma. He slowly smiled, "You're right."

Spica met his small smile with a grin. She passed by him, brushing against his shoulder, "Now, I have someone I need to meet, but I'll see you all later."

"Who...?" Before Sun could ask his question, Spica had flown off. He huffed, "Blue Stars..."

After a beat of silence, Mercury peered up at the giant Celestial with a smile toying his face, "Sooo~ you and Spica~?"

"Hermes." The Sun turned to him with a glare that could kill.

"Just kidding!" Mercury raised his hands, shifting away.

« NOTE »

Whenever someone interacts with my stories, I click on their profile to see what they write...

Is that weird?
Let's just say I've found some... wild stuff while doing this.

Anyway, join my Discord for future updates (link on my profile/about page)

Comments are appreciated <3

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