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After lunch everyone went to their class. Ming is happy that he already made friends and have brotherly seniors as a friends. He also felt happy for yo. His long time crush respond his feeling. Ming is sure p'kit will accept his cousin this time.

He also happy for p'forth. His boyfriend p'beam not only beautiful and handsome but really a good soul.

Ming have slight uncomfortable because of that senoir phana. He is the one looking at ming like he will gulp him in one go yet ming didn't felt any ill feel from his gaze.

At 3 pm ming and his fellow freshers went to auditorium for sotus meeting.

There they meet their head hazer p'kongpob and other hazers from third year. They explained about importance of sotus and meaning of gear bracelet.

And they  finally announced ming and Maila is the one represent for this moon and star competition from their faculty . And they also informed them , from tommorrow onwards  freshers must be attend sotus meet daily from earlier 7 am to 2 pm. And for ming and Maila tjey need to attend  star moon competition from  3 to 5 pm without fail.

Ming felt bad that he can't spend more time with his son. He and yo came to their house. Yo picked him from his faculty as he said.

Oon crying voice is the one welcome them when they enter their house. Ming run into his son who is carried  and cooed by his mother.

He hugged his son and kissed all over his face.

While rocking his son ming asked his mom...why is my baby crying like this mom. And why you didn't call me.

    He felt bad that he made his baby cry.

Baby...its not like what do you think. He is alright till 5 mins back. But suddenly loud music is heard from neighborhood. That made our sleeping oon startled and make him cry. poor baby. Who the hell that idiot. How they act irresponsible and listening music this much loudly. They don't know kids and elderly people also here.

I will give them ear full after feed my baby.

Okay...but both of you freshen up and have some snacks and drinks. I want to hear your first day  experience at uni.

    Ming mom shouted at both of them and went kitchen to make some juice for yo and ming.

Ming went to his room with his son. While wayo also went to his room after kissed his nephew.

New Neighbour:

After feed his son ming put his baby on cot and went to have his juice and drinks.

Before he came to dinning table wayo already finished the stories. He told his aunty what happen at lunch.

Baby congratulations. Yo told me you two are choose to be your faculty moons. I am so happy for guys. I will make special dinner for you both. What would you like to have guys.

Thanks mom. But... you cook what yo like to have. I am okay with anything.

Ming mom felt sad. Once her baby who is acting spoiled and more lively now he acting he is not interest in anything.

Yo noticed how his aunty face changed.

Its okay aunty. You cook ming favourite steak and for me i am going out with p'kit aunty. I may come late aunty.

Oh...okay yo. I am so happy for you. Go and impress your crush and make him your boy friend at the end of date. I will go to near by super market and buy some meat. We are out of stock. You guys want anything else.

   Its okay aunty. You just buy meat. I will get other things tommorrow.

Yes mom. I don't want anything.


   Ming mom left and after 10 mins yo also left from there.

Ming and oon is all alone at their apartment. Ming went to his room at look at his sleeping son face. He smiled how cute his baby is.

Suddenly loud music is started to hear. Ming startled and oon started to cry badly.

Ming got angry. This is the second time they make his baby cry. This time he won't tolerate. Ming pick his son who some what stopped his cry and snuggle to his mother chest.

He directly went to next apartment and ring the bell. Even the music stopped now he want to warn this irresponsible neighbour.

No one open the door. Ming didn't give up but started to knock the door. After 5mins finally door opened.

There stood half naked phana with only his sweat pant and towel around his neck.

Both are stunned.

Oon giggled voice is snapped out from their shock. .

Nong ming...what are doing here..??

    Pha open his door wide and went to put t-shirt quickly.

Ming blushed while looking at pha.

Sorry...i was in shower. I didn't hear the bell. Come in. Have a seat.

Thank you p'phana.

Pha came to sit on single couch while ming seated 3 seater. do you know where am leaving. And what are you doing here...??

That's when ming realized why he came to here first. Ming become serious.

P'phana i am not here for you. I dont even know you are living here. Actually i am looking for the irresponsible idiot who is listening  music loudly.

Pha was shocked how ming looking at him angrily.

Mmm...but nong i didn't have speaker or i didn't listen music loudly.

Ming felt confused. He thought then where is that loud music coming from.

Then who is that p'phana. I want to give them ear full. They disturbed my baby sleep 2 times.

Oh...i am so sorry for that. May be opposite flat mate done that. Don't worry i will ask them to reduce the volume while they listen music next time.

You don't need to say sorry for other mistakes. Thanks p'phana. But i will talk to them personally.  You don't need care about that.

    Then ming got up from couch.
  Mmm...Okay then...i am get going. Sorry for accusing you and disturbed your shower.

Its okay ming. I will inform them i knew them. So we are neighbour.

    Pha smiled at him.

Yes...p'phana. I don't want to disturb you more. I just get going.

Wait ming...why don't you have juice or coffee before going. You are coming to my house first time.

Its okay p'phana. Mom will be back soon from market. Yo also not at home.

Mmm...ming you just call me p'pha.

Ming felt some weirdness from this sudden request.

Okay p'pha. See you later.


  pha gain stopped him.

Is he your brother. He is so cute. Can i hold him.

No...i mean yes he is my younger brother. You can carry him. But i warn you, he may cry.He is not comfortable with stranger.

But to surprise ming, oon grap pha hand when he try to carry him.

Not only oon grap pha hands lightly but snuggle to pha chest and blubbering to himself.

Ming was shocked at his son behaviour. His son who is not comfortable with stranger. Now he is comfortably lay his head on some stranger chest and happily giggled.

P'pha you are really something. My so..i mean my oon won't behave like this to anyone before.

Pha felt proud himself. Some what he felt happy when ming compliment him.

Pha kissed the kid head. He felt somewhat familiar with this kid. He felt some comfortable when this kid tiny body touched his own body.

I like his name. Oon such cute and adorable one ming.

Thank you p'pha.

10mins later ming phone started to ring.


Sorry p'pha. I think mom already came home. She must be worried where we went. We are leaving now. Ming carry his son who is look like he is not happy to leave from pha and viceversa.

Pha felt sad. He also don't like when ming snatched oon from him. He liked the cute kid already.

Ming who is near the main door turn to pha and said....p'pha why don't you join us dinner. My mom going to cook steak today. If you are free...before ming complete...

   I will be there ming. Which time...pha who heard dinner invitation quickly said yes. He is nothing to do now. He may get take out or went to near by resturant.

So its a good idea to have free meal also he can spend some time with oon and......also ming.

Ming chuckled.

Okay...p'pha. Dinner will be on 7:30pm. I will inform to my mom. Don't hesitate and feel free to come. We will be waiting.

Ming went to their apartment with grumpy oon. Where you went with my grandson.

Ming explained what happen after she went out.

Mmm...Thank god... its your senoir otherwise what will they say if you accused them wrongly. p'pha is really kind person. Oon like him.Ming unconsciously smiled .

Hmmm...ming mom hummed knowingly. But didn't comment about his smile.

Oh...why my grandson looking so grumpy. Come to grand ma my baby oon.

Mom i think oon don't like his mommy separate him from that handsome uncle.

    Ming chuckled and he didn't realise that he already admit to his mom how pha is looking handsome.

Mmm...okay baby go get some rest. I will call you when dinner is ready.

Okay mom. Ming went to his room with his son.

P.s.please bear with my poor english and grammatical mistakes

Pic credits goes to rightful owner

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