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You rolled over feeling your stomach twist with excitement. Tonight you would be going to your first real party. Of course your older sister would be taking you but a party is better than none! There was a knock on your door and you jumped up opening it up.

"Sorry sis, but I won't be able to take you this time...." She said sadly. You were confused.

"But why?" You asked. She shook her head.

"I don't think it's safe and I promised...." She started. You slammed the door closed. She had promised mom, but she had forgotten that she had broken her promise to you. Again. You plopped down onto your bed.

"Screw it all." You whimpered. Getting back up you pushed open your window and crawled out landing on the soft grass. Wanting to be anywhere but home you raced off in search for the park. It wasn't as much as not going to the party or not, it was the promise that she had broken for the hundredth time. She never kept her promises and that was what got to you so much. Finally you came to the park and you raced for the swing set. One of your very old favorite pass times, but you stopped in mid run and hid behind a tree spotting someone else sitting on the opposite swing. Slowing your breathing you peeked over. They were still there. 

"Uh.....Hello? It's okay, I didn't mean to scare you if I did." They called. "Are you still there?" They asked. You peeked again and slowly stepped out. 

"You didn't scare me, you just surprised me is all." You huffed. That's a total lie and you know it! You accused yourself silently.

"Well sorry if I surprised there's still a seat left you can sit with me." He murmured. Taking the invitation you rushed over plopping into the seat.

"Thanks." You said.

"For what?" He asked.

"For letting me swing with you, you know I used to swing all the time when I was younger because it calmed me down." You said. He nodded.

"I used to do the same, but now I'm only able to at night since master won't let us out at day." He sighed. You glanced over.

"You mean, you have to serve someone?" You asked. He nodded solemnly.

"Yeah, he makes us call him master." He grimaced.

"That's horrible!" You cried. He smiled lightly.

"Yeah, and for some reason I always seem to anger him, but it's all fine." He smiled.

"No....No it's not." You cried. You lunged forward hugging the boy tightly. "I can't even imagine being in your position!" You whined. He patted your back a little surprised.

"It's not that bad......" He trailed off. 

"No, it sounds horrible!" You sniffled.

"Don't cry, I don't want to see you cry!" He stressed pushing you back and wiping away your tears. "It's not right when others cry." He whispered. You sniffled. 

"I'm sorry..." You sighed. He shook his head.

"You don't have to apologize." He smiled. You wiped your cheeks dry and looked back up at him pulling away and plopping back into your swing. 

"It's been a while since I've cried." You said. Silence settled in and you both just sat there swinging lightly back and forth. After a while the boy stood.

"I should be getting back before master or the others find out I'm gone." He sighed. You kind of didn't want him to leave, he seemed to comfort you somehow. You nodded standing also.

"Same here. I guess I'll be seeing you then.....?" You prodded. He smiled.

"I'm Latvia." He said. You smiled. You already loved the sound of his name. 

"Well, I hope to see you around here again...Latvia." You smiled. The two of you shared an awkward hug and you walked a little until you reach the tree and hid looking back the way he had walked off on. You felt your stomach flip as he glanced back. Was he trying to see if I was still there? You wondered. You shook the thought away. Stop thinking like that! You almost snapped aloud, but no matter what you always thought about the short yet heart lifting conversation between the two of you. Racing home you didn't pay mind going through the front door. Well lucky for you your sister was off having fun at a party, but who cared, you got to meet and talk to someone who made you smile, and that's what mattered. For the rest of the night you laid awake thinking of the encounter and wanting to go see if he was at the park again, but you knew better. You must've passed out because you awoke to your alarm clock blaring into your ear. Climbing out of bed (more like falling) you scrambled over to your closet and opened it up. Not really caring about what you wore you slipped on a large T-shirt and some jeans that had holes here and there. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes you brushed your hair and teeth then found your way out of your room and into the living room. Once in there you flopped down onto the couch and flipped on the television. You started to slump over your eyelids closing, and you jolted up suddenly remembering. Jumping up you raced over to one of the windows and looked out towards the drive way. You sighed. 

"Great, empty, I hope she already went ahead and headed over to school." You mumbled. Well, since the class lasts till three maybe I should go out for a bit....You thought. 

"No. She would get upset if I did....." You countered. You tilted your head. "Then again I'm always stuck inside this prison." You groaned. You knew if you didn't get up and do something that you were absolutely going to pass out. Picking up a coat you slipped it on and grabbed a home key and made sure to lock the door as you raced down the steps. You felt like going back to the park but thought better. Instead you chose to head down to the corner store and see if they had some of your favorite snacks in stock. You jumped over the puddles that loitered the ground and hummed a song that had been stuck in your head for quite some time. Finally as you turned the corner you crossed the small parking lot and entered the small cafe looking shop.

"Hey _______! Long time, no see!" The cashier called. You smiled and took a quick look around.

"Did you guys restock?" You asked waltzing over to him. He sighed.

"I'm sorry not yet, it's taking those trucks forever and the shipments aren't getting any better." He almost whined. You pouted.

"Dang it..." You muttered.

"But, still, take a look around, no one really comes in and it gets really boring." He cried. You laughed.

"I'll think about it." You sighed. Turning away you traveled down one of the aisles. Seeing nothing that sparked your interest you gazed across the next isle. Still nothing. You sighed going onto the third and finally you stopped looking at a small package of special chips. Reaching for them you came to a stop as you realized some one else was also. Looking over you tilted your head, and sighed leaning back.

"Go ahead take them." You murmured. The white haired man picked up the package and dropped it into his basket.

"Latvia, come, home we go." He called. At the name you froze. The guy had a deep accent and seemed a little intimidating. Slowly you linked it together.

"Um...wait did you just say Latvia?" You asked. The man nodded.

"Da, how do you know him?" He asked. You shook your head.

"We're friends.....of sorts." You explained. The guy nodded. You glanced over spotting the dirty blonde trot down the isle slowing down and looking frightened as he spotted you and the taller man.

"Ah, I see...." The guy smirked. "Latvia, there you are, why haven't you talked about your friend here?" He asked. The blonde shook slightly which sort of made you grow more alarmed. 

"U-Uhm....sorry sir, but I did not think that you would be interested in knowing." He looked down. You tilted your head. You felt a little insulted but let it slide by. 

"Mhmmm, and why would you think that Latvia?" He asked looking a little upset. Latvia opened his mouth but nothing came out.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt, but my name is _________." You interjected quickly. The man moved his attention back over to you. 

"Ah, nice name, Russia." He said. You nodded.

"Anyways, well you two look busy, so I guess I'll let you guys carry on, but it was nice seeing you again Latvia." You smiled brightly turning towards the blonde who blushed glancing at anything but you. Russia watched closely and smirked. 

"You don't seem busy yourself, tell you what, I'll leave Latvia with you, but I will need him back home." Russia said. Latvia looked a little stunned and surprised.

"Oh, wow, thanks Russia sir." You smiled feeling yourself want to burst with happiness. The Russian only nodded and shuffled off, leaving behind Latvia. Glancing over you laughed seeing him stand there with his mouth in a perfect oval shape. Rushing over you felt like your face was going to stiffen with how much you were smiling. 

"I can see you're very astonished. How about we go looking around town?" You asked. He nodded finally his shocked expression pulling into a large smile.

"Very, I'm surprised Russia would even dream of doing that!" He laughed. Pulling him along you two walked out of the store.

"Come back soon _______!" The cashier called. You smiled back at them and continued on.

"So you're name is _______?" He asked. You mentally kicked yourself. You had forgotten to tell him your name! You nodded.

"Sorry for not telling you earlier I guess it just slipped or something." You laughed. He nodded. 

"It's fine, at least I know now." He smiled. You looked around a little.

"How about we check out that store?" You asked. With out waiting for him to answer you grabbed his wrist and practically dragged him into the store. Through out the day the two of you practically covered the whole city, including stores and little patches of woods. By the time the sun started to dip down in the sky the both of you were already headed back home. 

"Today was nice." You sighed. He nodded.

"Yeah, can't say I've had this much fun in a long time." He smiled. You smirked. Silence seeped in as the both of you continued walking on. Rolling your eyes and giving yourself a mental talk down you slowly reached out intertwining the both of your fingers. Glancing over you smiled spotting the deep blush on his cheeks and his flustered state. You tugged his hand.

"Come on, calm down!" You laughed. He smiled lightly his blush lightening a little as he gripped your hand in return. 

"_______, is that you?" You jumped and whirled around. You almost could race off, and almost did as your sister came racing over. "Where have you been?! You know how long I've been looking for you?!" She cried. You made a face.

"Yeah, keep me locked up all day and night so you can go partying with friends!" You growled. Your sister looked guilty. 

"I know that, that's wrong, but..."  She started.

"No it's not, ever since mom and dad died you've been laying back not giving a care in the world!" You cried. Latvia fidgeted a little with your hand. Realizing that he was still there you turned dragging him along racing away from your sibling and back down the street.

"______, are you okay?" He asked. Ignoring him you turned a corner and stopped trying to recapture the breath you had lost. "_______?" He asked again. You leaned over trying to rest.  "_______!" He almost yelled. You jumped at the sudden outburst.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine Latvia." You stuttered. Instead of nodding his head and waiting for you to stand back up and start walking again, he leaned over hugging onto you tightly. 

"You're crying." He whispered. Sniffling you touched a hand to your cheek and was surprised to find it soaked with your tears.

"I-I'm sorry..." You mumbled. Latvia pulled away from you making you want to reach out and continue hugging him.

"Don't say that! I would cry if I was you to!" He protested. You laughed sadly and nodded.

"Okay." You said.

"Now I don't want you crying anymore okay?" He asked. You laughed.

"I can't promise anything." You snickered. He frowned.

"You don't have to, just try okay?" He asked. You nodded. Grabbing his hand again you pulled him forward meaning to hug him but instead he did something awkward. He leaned farther in than expected and smashed his lips into yours. After a few seconds it became a more soft and lighter kiss. Deepening the kiss you entangled you fingers into his hair. Finally the two of you pulled apart.

"You. Have. No. Idea." You breathed. He laughed.

"Oh, that's what you're saying." He snickered leaning forwards again.

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