You were so close. Just one more minute and you would have been whacking your head into that window. Your parents disgusted you sometimes. They were to over protective, they hated every one of your friends, and always were wanting more of your academic skills. You already knew the history of all countries, their flags, and even when they started out, and even the kingdoms before them. Slamming the door shut you threw your suit case to the ground and let out a exaggerated sigh.
"Spain, why don't you hand me a gun and let me just shoot myself." You called.
"I'm afraid Antonio wouldn't do that, but I would." Someone responded walking into the living room. Shaking your head you sighed.
"Hey Italy, where the hell did Spain go?" You asked. He smiled, a little to deviously.
"He's out with mio fratello, I think they're on a drug run again..... I'm not sure." He thought. You rolled your eyes.
"Well last I checked, I'm supposed to be rooming with Spain, not you." You snapped slightly. His eyes scrunched up into a light glare.
"Is there a problem with hanging around me?" He asked. You laughed.
"Kind of, you scare the shit out of me." You laughed sarcastically. He smiled lightly holding up a kitchen knife.
"Well that's good the hear, want to help me out in the kitchen?" He questioned innocently. Nodding and watching him carefully you followed the brunette as he waltzed into the large kitchen.
"Right now the side dish is cooking, I need help cutting up the veggies and put them with the Lasagna so that they can season it." He ordered waving over at the counter. Nodding you walked over and pulled out a standard kitchen knife.
"So just cut them all up, and then what?" You asked. He laughed.
"Let me take care of that okay?" He snickered. Nodding again you began to cut into the vegetables slowly trying to make sure that it was perfect. Like you had always been taught growing up. Always make everything precise...You thought bitterly.
"You're cutting it to slow!" Italy snapped waltzing over and wrapping his hand around yours, basically trapping you against the counter.
"God, I'm trying to help." You scoffed your cheeks flushing a bit, and you shivered slightly. Rolling his eyes he gripped your hand tighter.
"Shut up, I'm the cook here....unless you intend to be the main dish...." He whispered into your ear. Slightly jumping you let out a loud huff.
"Your antics don't scare me, so you might as well give it up asshole." You hissed. He smirked slightly and started to guide your hand making the knife cut into the food quicker. Finally you pulled away pushing him back. He let out a tiny hiss at you out of annoyance and sighed. You turned facing him.
"I-I'm going to go unpack okay?" You stuttered. Before he could say yes or no, you turned racing off into the guest room dragging your luggage along with you. He shrugged and thought nothing of it as he turned continuing to chop up the vegetables. As you entered the privacy of your own guest room you set your suitcase on your bed and sighed flopping onto the bed.
"Damn he has problems!" You growled. Rolling over you sighed. "I really hope Spain and Romano show...." You grumbled. You turned onto your back and stared at the ceiling. You must have taken a nap because someone prodded at your shoulder trying to awake you.
"Five more minuets~" You grumbled rolling over. There was a cold laugh and you were suddenly pinned. This woke you up right away as you stared into amber eyes that gazed at you playfully. You grimaced.
"What?" You almost snapped. It wasn't the brightest idea, but you were angered some one had disturbed your slumber. He smiled innocently tilting his head to the side.
"Well I'm hurt _________, " He pouted. You took in a breath and raised an eyebrow.
"Sorry sorry..." Your murmured. He smiled.
"Thanks, but you're going to have to pay~" He whispered. You froze. Oh god I'm dead.....You thought. Italy reached behind himself and tugged out a pair of handcuffs. You stilled. No. This was worse. He smirked grabbing your hands quickly and locking them together around the head of the bed. Shaking you lay there.
"What the fuck are you going to do?!" You asked. He smiled crawling on top of you and smiling as sweet as can be.
"Oh nothing~" He hummed. You struggled once again, but he stilled you by forcing your hips down. Gritting you teeth you bit back a harsh comment and relaxed slightly. You knew he would kill you if you fought against him. He smiled victoriously and planted a lustful kiss upon your lips lodging his twiddle fingers in your hair. You started to find yourself kissing back and hated what stirred in your stomach as he lightly pushed his hips against yours. He nipped at your bottom lip and you shook your head refusing entrance.
"Only a kiss." You growled. He rolled his eyes.
"This is considered kissing!" He hissed. You laughed.
"Nope, no sir." You stated firmly. He smirked evilly.
"I can make you." He snickered. You opened your mouth to laugh at him but it was cut off as he smashed his lips onto yours sloppily and shoving his tongue into your mouth. You moaned as his tongue massaged yours and then toying with it. You bit down making him let out a surprised moan and deepen the kiss.
"Hola chika~" Spain started entering the room. He froze his eyes moving from you to Italy and back and forth. You two pulled apart and Italy giggled like a little boy who had been caught doing something naughty.
"Spain!" You smiled. You tried to sit up but couldn't and grumbled as the chains cuffed at your wrists.
"Feli, why do you have ______ tied up to the bed?" He asked.
"Oh no reason~" Italy snickered. Spain sighed shaking his head.
"Give me the key." He held out his hand. Italy pouted and handed it over.
"You're no fun Toni~!" He cried. Spain snorted and walked over unlocking the handcuffs. You smiled and hugged him.
"Thanks." You sighed. Italy snuck a jealous glare over at the two of you before standing and slipping away.
"No problem, now come on, we need to get some food~!" He smiled jumping up and pulling you along into the living room with him. Romano sat there counting up some money and smiled lightly as you entered, Italy sat at the other end of the couch looking pissed.
"I'm going to go get an apple." He sighed. Spain gave him a questionable look as he passed the both of you. He shrugged and pushed you down on the couch next to Romano. You smiled as Spain babbled on and on about everything you had been missing. You smiled nodding and scowling when it was needed.
"So I'm a free man now, and I was wondering," He started. You tilted your head hoping he wasn't about to ask you out. Sudden a knife was impaled into the table by Italy who had returned and was glaring at Spain viciously.
"Will you go out with me?" They both said in unison. You froze.
"Wait what?" You asked. Once again they both rushed to say it and ended saying it in unison. You felt your heart beating wildly. They both looked at you hopefully and took small chances to send each other harsh glares. You stood.
"Uhm...I need some fresh air." You said turning and leaving the house. Racing down the steps you took a fast pace as you walked down the sidewalk. What had just happened? You turned over everything in your head as you walked on.
"Oi, babe, over here!" Someone called. You came to a stop glancing over and shook your head ignoring the man who was whistling at you.
"As if." You grumbled. You continued walking and soon a car drove up keeping speed with you. The window rolled down.
"Come on baby, jump on in! We'll be gentle~!" The guy cooed. Laughter erupted from the car. Your rolled your eyes and ignored them walking on. "Oh, silent treatment? Come on I ache for you!" He cried. You turned opening your mouth to say something but you didn't have the chance to before a fist was slammed into the car door.
"Get going she's mine you hear it? I see you again you'll be found in ditches." Someone growled flashing them a cold, deadly, and calculating glare. That quickly scared them away as they sped past. You sighed in slight relief.
"Thanks." You grumbled. Italy turned nodding his mouth not doing that usual curl when he smiled. It didn't look natural.
"So......I followed along just to talk, and I'm saying you can date that Spaniard, I won't be happy, but, you can." He grumbled You laughed telling he wasn't used to giving up. Shaking your head you two walked on.
"I would love to date him~" You snickered. Italy's head slumped over more in utter defeat. "But Italians are better lovers~" You smiled. Italy's head shot up a questioning look plastered on it.
"W-what? So who is it?" He asked. You snickered shaking your head.
"You stupid!" You sighed. He smiled that usual smile that creeped you out, but now you realized, maybe it wasn't what creeped you out, it was the way your stomach flipped and your heart did a sickening dance every time.
"Really?" He asked. You nodded. "And you're not lying to me right?" He asked hesitantly.
"Nope, why would I?" You asked. He smirked wrapping an arm around your waist.
"Ah, because I scare the shit out of you." He laughed kissing your lips sweetly and giving them a sudden sharp nip that made you yelp.
"Don't do that you Idiot!" You cried chuckling.
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