Part 24: Overrun

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I was sitting in the living room reading my book. When I feel someone sit down beside me on the couch cushion.

I look up and I see Carl, he gives me a small smile. I smile back at him, putting down my book and giving him my attention.

"Hey Mackenzie." He says.

"Hey Carl." I reply. "How are you?"

"Not as upset anymore. My dad talked to me."

"Carl, I'm sorry I didn't want to tell him. He made me though. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. Shane would've told him if you didn't."

"What do you mean?"

"I gave him the gun to give back to Daryl. I didn't want to touch a gun anymore." He looks down at his lap. "He gave it to my dad and he gave it back to me. Said I need it, and no more kid stuff."


"Dad also told me to apologize to you. I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings Mackenzie. I didn't mean to."

"It's okay. I forgive you and I understood that you were upset." I say and smile at him. "It's not your fault Dale died Carl."

"I know dad said that too."

I slide over and pull him into a tight hug. He hugs me back. When we pull away I speak again.

"This might sound bad, but I'm really glad Otis shot you." I say, he looks at me weird.

"What? Why?!" He asks. I giggle.

"Because if he didn't, me and you would've never met each other Carl. You're my best friend."

"Oh." He chuckles. "Then..I guess I'm glad I was shot also." He laughs some more.

We continue talking and I catch a glimpse of Patricia and Lori smiling at us from the kitchen. I am truly happy that the group found our farm when they did.


Almost everyone was inside the house, Patricia, Carol and some of the other girls were preparing a dinner.

Rick and Daryl were preparing to take Randell out.

Me and Carl walk out onto the porch and sit on the chairs, talking about our lives before, and some things we miss. Something we do a lot considering we don't have much else to talk about unless we want to talk about walkers or the animals.

As Rick and Daryl walk closer to the porch where we are, we hear T-dog shouting.

"What's wrong?" Rick asks him when he gets to us and as the people inside come outside.

"Randall's missing." T-dog informs.

"Missing? How?"

T-dog leads everyone down to the shed that they were keeping Randell in.

"How longs he been gone?" Rick asked t-dog.

"What's going on?" Lori asks loudly, but is ignored.

"Hard to say." T-dog answers Rick. "Cuffs are still hooked."

"Must of slipped them." Daryl said.

"Is that even possible?" I ask furrowing my brows. Everyone looks towards me, Rick nods while Andrea says.

"It is if you've got nothing to lose."

"The door was secured from the outside-" t-dog starts but is cut off.

"Rick! Rick!" We hear shouting, and then look towards the woods, seeing Shane with a bloodied face. My eyes go wide Maggie grips my shoulder protectively.

"What happened?" Rick asks Shane.

"He's got my gun." Shane said and I look up at Maggie worried. Daddy takes a step closer to us with Beth standing behind him.

    "Are you okay?" Lori ask him.

    "I'm fine. Little bastard just snuck up on me. He clocked me in the face."

    "All right, Hershel, T-Dog, get everybody back in the house." Rick orders, I feel someone grab my arm and look behind me to see daddy had walked over. "Glenn, Daryl, come with us."

    "T, I'm gonna need that gun." Shane said to T-dog, who passed the gun to him.

    "Just let him go. That was the plan, wasn't it, to just let him go?" Carol asks. I nod wondering the same myself.

    "The plan was to cut him loose far away from here, not on our front step with a gun." Rick corrects her.

    "Don't go out there. Ya'll know what can happen." Lori pleads.

    "Get everybody back in the house. Lock all the doors and stay put!"

    It was then that all of us went back inside and Glenn, Daryl, Rick, and Shane left to go look for Randell.

    The women, aside from Andrea, were cleaning up around the kitchen. And daddy was reading a book sitting with me in the living room, while t-dog and Andrea kept looking outside and pacing like they were keeping watch. Not sure where Carl was, somewhere in the house though. I fiddle with my fingers nervously, and keep looking at the front door worried about the guys outside, sort of worried for them, not Shane, but Daryl, Glenn and Rick.

    "Mackenzie, they're fine. They know what they're doing." Daddy reassured me. I just nod. "Why don't you find Carl, you two can hang out to pass the time." I nod again.

    I get up and walk upstairs looking for Carl assuming he wasn't downstairs. When I get upstairs I hear movement in my room. I open my bedroom door, and I see Carl trying to climb out of the window.

"Carl?! What are you doin'?" I ask him. He jumps hitting his head on the window frame.

"Ow, Mackenzie! You scared me. They've been gone for a while. I'm going to find my dad, and help find Randell." He answers. I shake my head. "What?"

"Carl that's not a good idea, in fact it's a very bad one. Your dad told all of us to stay here."

"So? Come on Mackenzie don't be boring." I roll my eyes.

"It's called being logical not boring."

"Well I'm going. You wanna come wi-" I cut him off.

"No! No sir, you've done got me into trouble enough times. You wanna do something stupid you're goin' alone." I say.

"Okay, I will." He says, he goes to leave again I get a bad gut feeling.

"Carl just please don't get yourself killed."

"I won't, don't tell my mom. If she asks you tell her I'm taking a nap." He orders and I nod. He goes out the window. And I watch him run toward the field, I then go downstairs.

I walked down the stairs, and into the kitchen. Lori looked over at me.

"Where's Carl hon?" She asks me.

"He wanted to take a nap, so I just left him alone." I answer and she nods at me. "You guys need help?"

"No sweetie we've already gotten almost everything clean. You just relax." Patricia says to me, I nod and go sit down.

I close my eyes, falling asleep for a few minutes until I hear the front door open. I jump up and look over seeing Daryl and Glenn are back, I smile knowing at least they're okay. They look at everyone.

"Rick and Shane ain't back?" Daryl asks.

"No, we heard a shot." Lori says panicked. I stand.

"Maybe they found Randell." Maggie suggested. Daryl and Glenn shook their heads.

"We found him." Daryl said simply.

"Is he back in the shed?" Andrea asks.

"He's a walker." Glenn said.

"Did ya find the Walker that bit him?" I ask softly. Walking over to them, Patricia puts her hands on my shoulders after I ask the question.

"No, the weird thing is he wasn't bit." Glenn said. I get confused after that.

"His neck was broke." Daryl informed us. My eyes go wide.

"So he fought back?" Someone behind me asks.

"The thing is, Shane and Randall's tracks were right on top of each other. And Shane ain't no tracker, so he didn't come up behind him. They were together."

"Would you please get back out there, find Rick and Shane and find out what on earth is going on?" Lori asks him.

"You got it" Daryl agreed.

Then we hear the sound of growls. My eyes go wide again with fear. Daddy and Daryl look outside stepping onto the porch.

"Patricia kill the lights!" Daddy ordered. She let's go of my shoulders and runs to get every light off, Beth goes to help her, while Maggie pulls me closer to her. I look and see what looks like hundreds of walkers in the fields walking closer to the farm.

"Maybe they're just passing, like the herd on the highway. Should we just go inside?" Andrea asks.

"Not unless there's a tunnel downstairs I don't know about. A herd that size would rip the house down." Daryl replied.

"Carl's gone." We hear Lori's panicked voice.

"Maybe he's hiding." Beth said making me realize she came back.

"He's supposed to be upstairs. I'm not leaving without my boy. Mackenzie you said he was asleep! You know where he is?" Lori looks at me.

"He went outside." I admitted. Lori's eyes went wide. She put a hand over her mouth.

"What do ya mean, Mackenzie?" Daryl asks me. Looking down at me.

"He went out to go find his dad."

"Okay, he's with Rick, he's okay." Daryl nods, probably seeing how distressed I was.

"Why didn't you tell me!" Lori snaps, Carol grips her shoulder. My eyes fill with tears, I look down feeling guilty.

"Lori he's fine! He's with Rick alright." Daryl stops her.

Maggie walks over with two guns, handing one to daddy and cocking the other for herself.

"Maggie." Glenn says shocked.

"You grow up country, you pick up a thing or two." She says back to him.

"I got the number... It's no use" Daryl announced, I look at him. That means we have to leave the farm, doesn't it? My eyes tear up again.

"You can go if you want." Daddy says.

"You gonna take 'em all on?"

"We have guns. We have cars. Kill as many as we can, and we'll use the cars to lead the rest of them off the farm."

"Are you serious?" Glenn asks.

"This is my farm. I'll die here." Daddy says, tears start falling down my face, from how scared I am.

"All right. It's as good a night as any." Daryl's says loading an arrow into his crossbow.

I look around as most of the adults grab guns. Or whatever guns we did have. I feel a light tap on my shoulder as a tear fell down my cheek. I jumped and turned around, seeing Daryl. He holds out a little hand gun. I just look at his hand then up at him. He kneels down.

"Here, yer probably gonna have to use this okay." He says, and I shake my head not sure if I could, with how scared I was. "Yes. Take it Mackenzie. You don't have to use it unless it is necessary, just keep it on ya."

I blink tears from my eyes, and reluctantly nod, he hands me the gun.

"It's on safety alright. Just stick it in your pocket and use it if ya have to." I nod put it in my pocket and wipe my cheek. He stands.

"I'm scared." I admit.

"It's okay. Just try and be brave. Go stand over there with them." He points to where Patricia, Beth, Carol and Lori are. I nod and run over, Beth brings me closer to her.

They start shooting, and after a bit, I see the barn go up in flames. I look up and Patricia and Beth.

"The barns on fire!" I shout.

"Maybe Rick set it to draw 'em in." I hear Patricia say.

"They're all over the place. There's no corralling them." Maggie sighed. "We're gonna run out of ammo before we even make a dent. We need a new game plan."

"I need to find Carl!" Lori shouts going to walk away. Carol grabs her arm.

"No, you'll lead 'em right to him. We can't stay here!" Carol says.

"That's my boy!"

"You're gonna have to trust. If we find him, he's gonna need his mother. We've gotta go."

"Get the others." Lori says. Then shouts. "Carl!"

Carol grabs my hand, ready to make a run for it I'm guessing. I grip her hand tight.

"Beth, Patricia, come on. We've gotta go now." Carol yells. "Lori. Hershel."

"Hershel. Hershel! Hershel, it's time to go!" Lori shouts at daddy who is still shooting. "Hershel! Hershel! We gotta go. We gotta get out of here."

We run, and I hear screaming, looking back seeing, Patricia being eaten. I yell, crying. But Carol keeps running so I have no choice but to run too. Until we are trapped by walkers.

I cry and Carol just hugs me close to her. "It's okay. Mackenzie it's all gonna be over soon." She tried to soothe me but it just made me cry harder.

Then I hear a gunshot, and the walker directly in front of us falls, and we see Andrea.

"Andrea look out!" Carol yells as a walker walks over to Andrea, we see the woman fall. I then remember the gun in my pocket.

I take it out, and with shaking hands I shoot the Walker in front of us, it taking me two bullets to do so.

Then I hand the gun to Carol, she grabs my hand and we run to the driveway. Seeing a red car pass.

"Rick! Rick! Wait!" Carol shouts, but he didn't see us. I sigh frustrated, and scared until me and Carol hear the sound of a motorcycle. And Daryl pulls up beside us.

"Come on, I ain't got all day!" He says to us.

Carol helps me get on and then gets on behind me. As Daryl drives away I have my arms wrapped very tightly around him, sort of nervous cause I never ridden a motorcycle, but mostly just terrified of the events that took place tonight.

We soon start following a car, and make it to the highway. As soon as it was safe to I jumped off the motorcycle and ran to Maggie, Beth, and daddy. All of us hugging each other. Daddy kisses the top of my head.

    "Thank god you girls are okay." He says to Maggie, Beth and I.

    "Where'd you find everyone?" I hear Rick ask.

    "Well, those guys' tail lights zigzagging all over the road... figured he had to be Asian, driving like that." Daryl said back. Looking over to Glenn.

    "Good one." Glenn says. "Where's the rest of us?"

    "We're the only ones who made it so far." Rick answers.

    "Shane?" Lori asks. No one answers so I assume that he is dead.

    "Andrea?" I hear Glenn ask.

    "She saved Mackenzie and me, then We lost her." Carol informs the group, I shudder remembering being surrounded by walkers.

    "We saw her go down." T-dog adds.

    "Patricia?" Someone asked. My eyes tear up, I knew she was dead already.

    "They got her, too. Took her right in front of me. I was..." Beth cried. Daddy hugged her close, while Maggie wrapped her arm around me. "Did you see Jimmy?" Beth asks.

    "He was in the RV. It got overrun." Rick answers her.

    After the adults discussed going back to look for Andrea and shelter, we got in the cars and drove until, we started running out of gas and the adults decided to stop. Me and Beth sat down leaning on one of the cars, I close my eyes feeling sort of tired.

    "We can't just sit here with our asses hanging out." I hear Maggie say frustratedly.

    "Watch your mouth." Dad scolded her. "Everyone stop panicking and listen to Rick."

    "All right, we'll set up a perimeter. In the morning, we'll find gas and some supplies. We'll keep pushing on." Rick orders.

    "Glenn and I can go make a run now, try and scrounge up some gas." Maggie suggested. Rick shook his head.

    "No, we stay together. God forbid something happens and people get stranded without a car."

    "Rick, we're stranded now." Glenn states.

    "I know it looks bad, we've all been through hell and worse, but at least we found each other. I wasn't sure... I really wasn't... but we did. We're together. We keep it that way. We'll find shelter somewhere. There's gotta be a place."

    "Rick, look around. Okay? There's walkers everywhere. They're migrating or something."

    "There's gotta be a place not just where we hole up, but that we fortify, hunker down, pull ourselves together, build a life for each other. I know it's out there. We just have to find it."
    "Even if we do find a place and we think it's safe, we can never be sure. For how long? Look what happened with the farm. We fooled ourselves into thinking that that was safe." Maggie said.

    "We won't make that mistake again." Daddy said to her.

    "We'll make camp tonight over there, get on the road at the break of day." Rick made a plan.

    "Does this feel right to you? What if walkers come through, or another group like Randall's?" Maggie asks.

    "You know I found Randall, right? He had turned, but he wasn't bit." Daryl said.

    "How is that possible?" Lori asks. "Rick what the hell happened?"

    "Shane killed Randall. Just like he always wanted to." Rick replied. "We're all infected." He said making everyone look to him.

    "What?" I ask confused.

    "At the CDC, Jenner told me. Whatever it is, we all carry it."

    "And you never said anything?" Glenn asked.

    "Would it have made a difference?"

    "You knew this whole time?"

    "How could I have known for sure? You saw how crazy that mo..."

    "That is not your call. Okay, when I found out about the walkers in the barn, I told, for the good of everyone." Glenn snapped cutting Rick off.

    "Well, I thought it best that people didn't know." Rick snapped back. Then walked away I'm guessing to cool down. 

    A little while later we made a fire by a stone rubble area.

    "I think we should take our chances." I hear Maggie whisper to Glenn and dad.

    "Don't be foolish. There's no food, no fuel, no ammo." Dad replied. We all hear a twig snap after.

    "What was that?" Beth asked.

    "Could be anything. Could be a raccoon, could be a possum." Daryl suggested.

    "A Walker." I said and everyone looked to me.

    "We need to leave. I mean what are we waiting for?" Maggie sighed.

    I decide not to listen to much else already scared enough.

    "I am doing something! I'm keeping this group together, alive. I've been doing that all along, no matter what. I didn't ask for this. I killed my best friend for you people, for Christ's sake!" I hear rick snap. Catching my attention again. "You saw what he was like, how he pushed me, how he compromised us, how he threatened us. He staged the whole Randall thing, led me out to put a bullet in my back. He gave me no choice. He was my friend, but he came after me. My hands are clean. Maybe you people are better off without me. Go ahead. I say there's a place for us, but maybe... maybe it's just another pipe dream. Maybe... maybe I'm fooling myself again. Why don't you... Why don't you go and find out yourself? Send me a postcard. Go on, there's the door. You can do better? Let's see how far you get."

    He paused waiting for someone to speak up I guess. No one did. Everyone was either looking down or looking at him.

    "No takers? Fine. But get one thing straight... you're staying. This isn't a democracy anymore."

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's really long since I haven't written in a LONG time. But I hope you like it.
I am just letting y'all know if I get the dialogue wrong like the wrong person says whatever line I'm sorry I'm trying to remember haven't seen s2 in a while. If that happens just go with it lol.

Chapter ? 👇
Who is you're favorite character? And why?

(PS. With everything going on in the world today, especially in America if you live there. It's crazy! Just remember you matter, be kind to everyone and treat people with love<3 sending love to you all❤️)


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