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(This will be a bit different from my normal lemons/smut chapters. It's still a lemon, but... A bit less hardcore. It's a mix between fluff and lemon. I'd still say 15+ tho. Anyways Enjoy and tell me if you'd want more of these types of 'lemons' in the future.)

Herobrine's POV

I ran threw the woods, avoiding arrows. I had been wounded badly and was loosing my vision slowly.
  "Don't let him get away!" Steve yelled.
I tried to teleport away, but couldn't. I was to weak to do anything. I turned right and ran towards a bridge. Once I made it to the other side, I used my sword to cut both the ropes holding the bridge up.
  "Damn it Herobrine!" Steve shouted from the other side.
I continued running through the woods, in search of shelter. A light appeared in the distance. It was a house. I ran to it. I then stopped. I can't just go up and knock. They'll know who I am, and kill me with how weak I am. My head began to hurt. I had no choice. I ran up to the door and knocked on it.
  "Coming!" Someone said from inside.
They opened the door. It was a girl. She noticed my wounds. But then she noticed who I was.
  "Wh-what... You won't hurt me...? R-right..." She stuttered.
I nodded.
  "P-please help me..." I muttered.
She nodded, stepping aside to let me in. I don't know what happened next because I blacked out.

// Time Skip //

My eyes opened and I looked around. I was in a house, laying on a bed.
  "Good morning. Nice to see you're awake. I mean you are immortal, but I was starting to worry." A voice said.
I looked to my left and saw the girl sitting in a chair, reading.
  "What's your name?" I asked, sitting up.
  "Y/N. You? I mean... I think I know but just wanna make sure." She said, shutting the book and standing up.
  "Herobrine." I said.
  "That's what I thought. What happened? If you don't mind me asking." She asked.
  "Just... It's nothing that important." I said, looking away.
  "Ok. Would you like something to eat? You've been out for 3 days." Y/N said.
I got out of the bed, standing up.
  "I really should get out of here. I'm too much of a problem." I muttered.
  "No please, I insist. And you aren't a problem. I promise." Y/N said.
I looked over at Y/N. She smiled. I smiled a little too. She seemed nice and I sensed no fear in her.
  "I guess I'll stay a bit." I said.
  "Ok. I'll go start lunch. You can look around or whatever." She said.
I followed her out of the room and into the kitchen. I couldn't believe she took care of me for 3 days. I sat down at the table, not knowing what to do or what to say. I didn't wanna look around and seem weird.
  "Is there anything you prefer to eat? I can see what I have." Y/N said, opening the fridge.
  "Um... I'll eat almost anything. Whatever's easier for you." I mumbled.
  "For being the king of the nether, you sure seem shy." Y/N said, chuckling.
I chuckled a little. I know I can't die, but that night kinda had me shook. And the fact that this girl knows who I am and still help me was also shocking. After a moment, we ate. Y/N kinda explained how she fixed my wounds and was also saying how she was shocked I healed as fast as I did. I was silent the whole time. I felt this weird feeling go through me. I couldn't make eye contact with her or anything.
  "Hey you ok?" Y/N asked.
  "J-just tired." I muttered, looking away.
I felt my pants tighten and I knew exactly what was going on.
  "Oh. Ok. If you want you can go rest." Y/N said.
I nodded and stood up, walking back to the room. I closed the door behind me and sighed. I looked down, seeing the buldge in my pants. I panicked slightly. Why was this happening? I turned even more red. I walked over to the bed, sitting down. I didn't want to have to fix this right now. There was a knock on the door.
  "Um... Yeah?" I muttered, crossing my legs.
Y/N opened the door.
  "Are you ok? Did I say something to offend you? I'm sorry if I did." She said, walking up to me.
  "N-no... It's not you." I said.


I noticed how red he was. I then sat down next to him. I noticed he seemed slightly uncomfortable.
  "What's wrong?" I asked.
  "It's nothing, really." He said.
He looked away. I looked down, seeing the buldge in his pants. I blushed slightly. I then felt myself getting a bit heated down there. I placed my hand on his thigh. He looked over at me shocked.
  "I-I..." I stuttered, looking up at him.

Herobrine's POV

Y/N placed her hand on my thigh. I looked over at her, shocked.
  "I-I..." She stuttered, looking up at me.
I uncrossed my legs, embarrassedly. Her hand slid up to my zipper and buttons. We kept eye contact though. She started to undo them and then slipped her hand inside my pants and boxers, grabbing my member. I shook slightly as she did. She brought her free hand up to my face, placing it on my cheek. I leaned in and she kissed me. I closed my eyes, kissing her back. She began rubbing my member slowly. I moaned, but they were muffled. She kept her pace the whole time though. My legs were shaking and I leaned back. Y/N pulled away from the kiss. She removed her hand from my cheek and pulled my pants and boxers down a bit more.
  "A-A little faster please..." I moaned.
She nodded, picking up her pace. I put my head back, panting. Y/N took her free hand and pulled her pants and panties down, fingering herself. She moaned softly as she did so. I grabbed her hand and removed  her fingers. She looked at me confused. I then pulled her a bit closer, and thrusted 2 of my fingers in her. She moaned more, but a bit louder than before. I then kissed her again, as I continued to pleasure her and as she continued to pleasure me. I thrusted my tongue into her mouth. Her walls tightened around my fingers and I began to thrust faster while also rubbing her clit with my thumb. She started to rub my dick faster as well. I pulled away from the kiss, panting heavily.
  "Harder please..." Y/N moaned, beginning to pant.
I nodded, thrustig harder. She yelped a little in pleasure as I hit her g-spot. Soon we both were panting. I then came all over her hand. Not to long after, she came too. I pulled my fingers out and watched her cum leak onto the bed sheets.
  "T-that... Was... F-fun." Y/N said, breathlessly.
  "Agreed." I said, laying down.

(I may do a part 2 to this also :p)

(1224 words)

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