*Lukes POV*
Well that went well. Not. All I wanted from this was to be friends at least. I reckon she hates me even more now. I sighed. I grabbed my bag and walked to my class. I walked in and all eyes went on me. "Where have you been Luke?" The teacher asked. "I was with the head" I lied. She nodded and I went and sat with Ashton, Michael and Calum. Thank god she bought that else I would've been in detention. "Where have you really been?" Calum asked. I just shrugged in response. They dropped that question. "Do you know where Aria is?" Ash asked. I slightly tensed but I don't know if they noticed or not. I've really fucked up here, I shook my head in response. Next thing the door opened and Aria walked in. She gave some excuse to where she had been and she got let off. Man this teacher believes anything. Instead of Aria sitting over here she went and sat at the back on here own. I could tell she'd been crying, god I feel awful. But, I couldn't help but notice marks on her arm as her sleeves were riding up slowly.
*Ashtons POV*
There's something up with Aria it's obvious. It's also very obvious she'd been crying as she had tear stairs down her cheeks. Luke and Aria both disappeared on the way to Geography and something tells me they were together and when Luke came in late on his own I just knew something had happened and she just ran, that's what she does. Aria sat at the back of the class instead of sitting with us which just goes to prove she's upset and wants to be alone. Her sleeve had come up slightly revealing a few red marks. Oh god. Please tell me she hasn't fallen back into old habits. She was doing so well. Geography ended and everyone left the classroom. I told the guys to go on without me and I went over to Aria who was putting her things in her bag. "Hey" I said. No reply. "Aria?" Still no reply. "Aria please talk to me" She looked up at me and tears were glossed over her eyes. "Aria whats happened?" I asked pulling her into a hug. We were both still stood in the classroom. She sobbed in my arms and when she oulled back she wiped away her tears with her sleeve. I took her arm in my hand and pulled up her sleeve revealing cuts and they weren't just scars. These were recent. But I could tell they weren't all from today. What has she been keeping from us? "Aria why?" I questioned. "I-I- I cant do it anymore Ashton I don't want to be here. I mess everything up! I almost lost my 3 bestfriends and now I know ive lost Luke because I love him and I just ran off from him and I've done nothing but try and convince him I hate him and I think he believes it now and I just feel so worthless, I cant be here. It's just not worth it!" She let it all out. She slapped her hand over her mouth obviously not wanting to reveal as much as she had. "Aria look at me, you are worth it do not ever think other wise! You're the strongest girl we know. You mean so much to us all and we wouldn't cope without you! Youre our little Aria! We love you and need you. We're here to take care of you, just promise me, promise me you will never hurt yourself ever again" I told her. She nodded her head slowly. "Ill try Ash, I really will try" She told me. That's all I needed shes going to try and we will help her. "Now, what about Luke?" I asked. She sighed. "I still love him" She told me. "Have you told him" She shook her head. "He told me..." She told me. "He told you he still loved you?" I asked and she nodded in respojnse. "Well then whats stopping you from being together again?" I asked. "I don't want to get hurt again" She told me again. I nodded understandingly. "I totally understand you, just give it time if you and Luke were meant to be together you will end up together one way or another" I told her. She nodded and gave me a smile and I embraced her in a hug. "Thanks Ash" She mumbled "Anytime" I told her and then we got our stuff and made our way to the guys in the canteen.
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