*Arias POV*
I was currently watching tv as I put the twins down to sleep, the guys haven't long gone and when they found out about the twins they were shocked to say the least, they wanted to know who the dad was but I couldn't tell them it was Luke, although I think Mikey had a slight incline because he was the only one who knew I slept with Luke at the party.
About half an hour later the door knocked so I got up and went to open the door, I unlocked it and when I opened it I was speechless.
"L-Luke?" I said getting his attention as he was looking at the floor.
"Aria, I can't believe it's really you, you're back" he said.
"Y-you can come in if you like" I said slightly regretting it.
He came in and sat on one of the sofas.
"So, urmm how've you been?" I asked.
"Stuff with the bands been great but I honestly missed you like crazy" he said and I shook my head.
"Don't Luke" I said.
"Don't what?"
"Don't tell me things like you've missed me when last time i was here you were confessing your love for me whilst you had a girlfriend not to mention you cheated on her whether or not your still with her doesn't matter I came back for my friends and family, not to go through any of this again" I told him.
"I do love you aria and I have missed you, I'm not with Megan anymore I broke it off with her not long after you left because I fucking love you so much it hurts you don't understand how it feels to-" he was cut off by crying, a baby's crying. I walked away from him, going into the twins room aware Luke was following close behind, it was Logan crying so I picked him up rocking him back and forth.
"A-aria w-what is this?" He stuttered, ignoring him I put Logan back in his cot as he'd fallen back asleep and we left the room.
"Who's kids are they?" He asked when we were back in the living room.
"Mine" I stated.
"What do you me 'yours'" he asked but I ignored him and made my way to the kitchen turning away from him but he grabbed my wrist and spun me round.
"What do you mean yours" he repeated.
"I mean I had sex and got pregnant or do you not know how that works" I snapped, getting angry.
"Is that why you left because you were fucking sleeping round with people, do you even know who the dad is? God, I cannot believe this" I was taken back at his outburst and quite hurt but this only made me angrier.
"Yes I do know who the fucking dad is, do you want to know, well think back to that party, we slept together, they're your kids Luke! I can't believe you've just accused me of sleeping round with anyone possible, fucks sake they're your kids Luke" I shouted but said the last part quieter.
"They're your kids" I repeated.
"T-they can't be" he said.
"Well they are"
"Why would you not tell me, is this why you left?" He asked
"Yes this is why I left and I didn't tell you because we weren't on good terms plus the fact you had a girlfriend and your career Luke, this could ruin everything" I told him as a tear ran down my cheek.
"I would've dropped everything for you aria, can't you see how much I love you, I'll love these kids no matter what buri want to see them whether we're together or not but I will always love you, did you think I wouldn't be able to stand by all of you or something?" He asked.
"I don't know Luke I love you so much but you can't always be there for us, you've got the band to think of too" I explained.
"I will always be here for you, all of you" he assured me and we both just looked at each other and began leaning in before our lips crashed. Next thing I know, we heard cheering. I turned to see Mikey, ash, cal and Demi all stood there clapping.
"We were waiting for that to happen" Ashton said with his arm wrapped round Demi's waist, yes there together they got together while i was away.
"How the fuck did you get in?" I asked.
"Door was unlocked and we heard shouting" Mikey explained and I rolled my eyes laughing slightly.
"So are you gonna get back together or...." Cal asked whilst they all stared at us.
"Well, aria, will you be my girlfriend...again?" He asked hopefully.
"Of course I will Luke" I said flinging my arms round his neck.
"Wait does Luke know about the, urm, the twins?" Demi whispered but we all heard her. I nodded.
"But do you walk wanna know something" I said, and they all nodded.
"They're his kids too" I stated smiling.
"You're not kidding?!" Cal exclaimed and I shook my head.
"This is so adorable" Mikey said
I turned round and Luke had disappeared I looked back at the guys and they all pointed toward the twins room so they all went to sit in the living room whilst I went to find Luke.
When I walked into the twins room Luke was stood there rocking Leah back and forth. I picked Logan up and walked over too him.
"That's Leah and this is Logan" I told him.
"They're gorgeous" he stated.
"They look like you" I told him.
"What do you mean"
"Well I can already tell there going to be the spitting image of you, they've both got the same eyes as you and they're beautiful so.." I explained
"I love you" he said
"I love you too" I smiled and pecked his lips. Leah started to giggle in his arms which made us both smile.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered. I took a deep breath and decided I'd tell him everything.
"I found out I was pregnant and I was a mess and I knew they could only be yours because you were the only one I slept with, I didn't feel like I could stay round here knowing I was carrying your child whilst you had a girlfriend and the band so I left, I went to live with my aunty throughout my pregnancy and whilst I was there I was told I was having twins and I was over the moon because I was really coming to terms with being a mum and when I gave birth, I found out that I'd had a boy and a girl and I was so happy but then signing the papers and giving them names was hard because they have your last name but you didn't know, I wanted you to know but I didn't want to ruin anything and I'm so so sorry I didn't tell you Luke, I know your going to be a great dad and I can already tell how much you love them and o wish I'd told you sooner instead of running off" I explained.
"I will never leave you or the kids, I promise" he said leaning over and pecking my lips, well today's been eventful.
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