Chapter 35

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*arias POV*
~A few weeks later~
Quite a bit has happened in the past few weeks. I'm officially dating Cameron. He asked me to be his girlfriend on about our 3rd date and I gladly said yes. Lukes got a new girlfriend too, Megan. i shouldn't be bothered but she's a bitch. I still talk to the boys(Ash, Mikey and Cal) but not as much as they're near enough always together meaning Luke would be with them and I can't be bothered with his shit.

My phone rang and I checked the caller ID: Cal💞 I answered it (Aria Cal)
Hey Cal
Hey Aria, we was just wondering, there's a party tonight and we was wondering if you and Cameron wanted to come?
Will Luke be there?
Yes but you don't need to talk to him, you don't even need to see him or be near him if you don't want too, Aria please.
Okay I'll come, I'll ask cam but he'll more than likely be coming, where's it at and what time?
Yayy! It's that bug house opposite the park?you know the massive one?
Yeah I know which one you're on about
Be there for about 7:30
Okay cal see you there

I hung up. I need to ask cam about tonight. I sent him a quick text and decided to have a bath. I ran the bath and as it was running I had a text back off cam saying he was up for it and he'd be at mine just before half past.

*Calums POV*
I out the phone down and I was glad Aria  had agreed to come. I joined the boys and this bitch Megan in the living room, we were all at Ashtons. None of us like Megan, Luke says some shit like he loves her but we all know he's just using her to try and forget about Aria.
"Who were you on the phone too?" Luke asked
"N-no one important" I stuttered.
He didn't look convinced but shook it off.
Megan said she was going home and that she'd see us at the party and then she kissed Luke. We were glad she went and so we played Fifa until it was time for the party.

When we were ready we made our way to the house the party was at(we had to stop to pick Megan up though) we walked over to where the drinks were and each grabbed one. I noticed Aria and Cam walk in and I motioned for them to come to us.aria rolled her eyes slightly when she saw Luke but shook it off.
"Demi's coming aswell but she's coming a bit later, she had to watch her brother for a while" she told us and we saw Ashtons face light up, bless😂 Cameron and Aria grabbed a drink each and we all basically split up.

*Arias pov*
A few hours later and I'd lost count of how much I'd had to drink. I'd also lost cam, I didn't know where cal, Mikey, ash or Lusk was either, God knows where any of them are. I was drunkenly dancing in the middle of the floor when k felt a pair of front arms wrapped around my waist. I spun round and wrapped my arms round his neck.
"I was beginning to wonder where you were" I smirked. He smashed his lips to mine and when we pulled about be pulled me upstairs, let's just say I was going to regret this in the morning.

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