*Arias POV*
I told the boys me and Luke we're going out and it was fine for them to stay here alone as long as they don't trash my house seeing as it'd just be the 3 of them as my parents are away until late tomorrow now and Liam is at our grans.
Me and Luke walked round to Sashas and knocked on her door waiting for her to answer. When she answered, she look shocked. "Whys she here?" She asked Luke gesturing to me. "Leave us alone" Luke told her. "Luke you know you can do so much better that her slutty self" she said. "How can you call anyone a slut?" I asked. "I just did" she replied cockily. "Oh honey, I'm not the one who goes round fucking everyone else's boyfriends" I laughed. "True but you do go round cheating on your boyfriend, don't you? Whilst he was on tour weren't you fucking around with that Brad kid?" She smirked. "What?" Luke asked. Okay obviously that's not true, yes I hung out with Brad a few times but nothing ever happened. "That's not true" I stated. "Why were you always glued to his side then?" She asked smirking even more. Luke began to look really angry and I turned too him. "Luke you cannot seriously be believing a word she says" I said. "Wouldn't be there first time you're fucking about with him" he snapped. "What the fuck? For your information I've never fucked around with Brad at all. So now you're actually telling me you believer her over me?" I asked pissed off. "Well..." He trailed off. "You dick" I snapped before storming off back to my house.
*Lukes POV*
I watched as Aria stormed away and I turned back to Sasha who had the biggest smirk on her face. "Don't think just cause she's gone I'm going to 'do' anything with you" I told her. "Oh Lukey, you'll do what I tell you too do, remember I can make your little girlfriends life hell" she said. Oh this bitch. "Right, listen to me, you need to stop your petty little 'threats' I'll never like you let alone love you" I told her. "Luke you know you don't love Her" she said before pulling me into her house and shutting the front door. "Now that's where your wrong" I told her. "I'll never love a bitch like you, you were the one who made me and my girlfriend break up before, you literally a little scrawny bitch" I snarled. "Now Luke I know you don't mean that" she said. "But I do and-" I was cut off by he lips connecting too mine. I began to kiss back before I processed what was actually happening. I pulled away and glared at her. "That should never have happened and keep away from us you stupid little slag" I growled edits storming out. God how could I be so stupid?!
*Arias POV*
I walked back home absolutely fuming, why would he believe her over me?! I mean I'm his girlfriend and he believes the highest slut of our school over me. I'm so glad we finish school for good after next week we have graduation on Friday ten high school is officially over.
I walked upstairs to where the boys were all playing Xbox. I just sat behind them on the bed just watching them. "Aria, what's up where's Luke?" Ashton asked pausing the game. I shrugged in response. "What's happened now?" Calum asked. "He believed that fucking slut over me" I told them. "What do you mean?" Mikey asked. "Basically sasha kept texting him saying if he didn't do what she said they she'd make my life a living hell, so we went round to tell her to leave us alone and then she made up that I was fucking Brad whilst you guys were on tour and Luke believed her" I explained to them. "What the fucks he playing at" cal said. Just then my door opened and Luke walked in. "Shouldn't you be at Sashas believing all the bullshit she's telling you" I snapped. "Aria" Ashton warned. "Can we talk in private?" Luke asked and I sighed and nodded and we went into the spare bedroom. "What's there too talk about Luke?" I asked. "Right listen after you left I spoke to her and told her that I'd need like her let alone love her and I love you Aria please believe me" he pleaded. "What? Just like you believed me?" I asked sarcastically. "I was just scared I was going to lose you" he told me. I grabbed his hand and we say on the bed. "You're not going to lose me okay? You don't need to be so paranoid I love you and only you" I reassured him. He nodded and then Looked at me like worried with a mix of guilt? "Look I need to tell you something so you find out from me and not someone else I need to be the one to own up to my mistakes." He said. "Luke you're worrying me what is it?" I asked. "We'll after you went I snapped at sasha and then she kissed me and I kissed back hit it was for literally a second nothing else I swear but I stopped it almost instantly and told her I loved you and to not come near us Aria I swear, oh my god I'm so sorry" he confessed. "Luke how could you" I felt tears brimming my eyes. "Look Aria I love you, I love you so fucking much" he cried. "This is like the third time Luke!" I exclaimed as a tear rolled down my cheek followed by numerous more. "I'm so sorry god I'm such a fuck up!" He exclaimed putting his head in his hands. Yes he's fucked up but he's not a fuck up and he completes me, I can't lose him. I can't be without him an he owned up to what he had done which I'm greatful for that he didn't hide it from me. "Luke I forgive you" I told him. His head shot up. "Thank you! Thank you so much! You don't understand how much I love you!" He exclaimed before pressing his lips too mine
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