Chapter 20

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*Arias POV*

I got up at about 10 today and went and had some breakfast before getting ready. Once I was ready, it was about 12ish and Demi text me saying she was outside my house so I said goodbye to my parents and left. I got into Demi's car and we went off too the nail shop.

It took the nail artists about an hour to do our nails but when they were done they looked really nice to be fair. I had black nails with my fourth finger black and white stripy with a bow on it. We went to the shopping centre next and went into the first clothes shop.

We were on like our third shop when my phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket without looking at the caller ID and answered it.


"Hey babe"

I gestured that I'd be back in a minute to Demi as it was quite loud in the shop and made my way outside.

"Oh my god Luke! I miss you so much"

"I miss you too"

"How are you, have you performed at all yet?"

"I'm fine thanks and no not yet but we have rehearsal in about 10 minutes"

We spoke about anything and everything for the next 10 minutes before he had to get to rehearsal and I returned back to Demi with the biggest smile on my face."I'm guessing that was Luke?"She giggled and I nodded.

We stayed out until it was like 6pm and that's when we decided to go back home. Demi was stopping at mine tonight,she had her uniform with her for tomorrow, and we had just brought loads of sweets and shit and loads of DVD's and we ordered a a pizza.

*Lukes POV*

We had to be on stage in 20 minutes and me and the guys were sitting in the dressing room whilst the 1D boys were doing a last minute rehearsal. My phone buzzed from beside me and I picked it up and it was a text from, Sasha? It read:

I heard you and your band are away for like 2 months or whatever, pity little Aria couldn't come, I wonder how her school life will be without her little boyfriend by her side, guess we'll just have to wait and see won't we Lukey😏💍😘

"What the fuck" I whispered to myself. "What's up with you?" Calum asked,obviously hearing me. I didn't say anything I just passed him my phone. "Luke just ignore her, she's jealous of your relationship with Aria, she won't do anything to her she just want's you too think that because she want's you but she can't have you" He told me and I nodded in agreement before we were called out and told it was 2 minutes until we had to go on stage. 

When we finished our set we ran off the stage buzzing. We high-fived the 1D boys and ran into our dressing room. "That was amazing!" Ash exclaimed and we all agreed. We all went and showered and got changed. 

*Arias POV* 

It was about 9pm when my phone started ringing. I answered it and heard shouting. 


"Luke! have you performed?"

"Yes and it was fucking amazing, this whole thing is I just wish you were here with me"

"I'm so glad your having fun and it doesn't matter whether I'm by your side or on the other side of the world,I'm always with you"

"I love you so much"

"I love you so much too"

"Enjoy school tomorrow and be careful"

"I will as much as I can, you know its school it's nothing to be excited for"

"I've got to go, I miss you and love you"

"I miss and love you too"

With that he hung up.I was confused as to why he told me to be careful tomorrow but decided to forget about it. I saw Demi put her phone down too and I assumed she must've been talking to Ashton. She came and sat down next too me."What's up, you look really confused?" She asked."Luke told me to be careful at school tomorrow,he's never said that before" I explained."Maybe he's just showing he cares for you because he's always by your side at school and he's not going to be so maybe he means it like a good luck" She said. I really hope she's right. We lay and watched movies for the rest of the night before deciding to go to bed round about 11:30pm else we wouldn't be up in time for school. 

*Lukes POV* 

We were in London again tomorrow so we didn't have any travelling anytime tonight or tomorrow. Me,Ash,Cal and Mikey are all just sat in our hotel room with the 1D boys aswell. "So Luke what's put you into an either angry or worried mood cause from your facial expression its both" Niall asked. "Nothing I'm just missing Aria really" I replied which was true but I was also pissed about the fact the Sasha may or may not be ready to make Aria's life hell. We lounged about for a while before deciding to go to bed so we're ready for tomorrow.

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