*Arias POV*
I turned and saw Luke. "What the fuck are you playing at kissing my girlfriend" Luke spat at Brad. "She's not your girlfriend anymore Luke get over it" Brad told him. "Keep away from her" Luke growled. "Why should I?" Brad said. "she doesn't like you, in anyway" Luke told him. "How the fuck would you know?!" I exclaimed getting involved. Ashton Mikey and Calum came behind me. "Aria why the fuck are you with him all the time when you know damn well you bestfriends hate him" Luke asked. "No one can choose who I'm friends with leave us the fuck alone" I spat. "She's not your toy anymore" Brad sneered. I stood there gobsmacked. Luke swung his fist back and went to hit Brad "Luke don't you dare" I told him sternly and he stopped and looked at me. "Yeah Luke listen to her" Brad cooed and something inside of Luke must've just snapped as he connected his fist to Brads jaw. "Luke!" I screamed running over to Brad. Before I could say anything Brad swung at Luke and then they both started throwing punches at eachother. Ash Mikey and Cal broke them apart and I'm glad they did. I walked over to Luke who was being held back by Mikey and Cal. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I exclaimed. "What's wrong with me? You tell me you love me then I see you making out with him a day after we split up!" He spat. "You cheated on me!" I screamed. "It was a mistake" he said. "Yeah, a mistake that lasted two weeks with a fucking slut" I snapped. "Takes a slut too know one" he spat. I stood there shocked before connecting my hand to his cheek forcefully. "Don't ever come near me again" I spat before walking over to Brad. "You Okay?" I asked and he nodded in response. "Come on let's get your face cleaned up" I said and I said bye to ash and walked off with Brad.
Once we cleaned his face up and break was over I made my way to my next lesson which was History which I was not looking forward to at all. I made my way to my lesson and took my seat. We were told to carry on with the posters we were working on last lesson and Charlotte wasn't in today meaning I'd probably have to do most of the work myself. "Aria" I heard and I knew it was Luke so I just completely ignored him. "Aria talk to me" he said. I again ignored him and carried on colouring in. He grabbed my wrist to stop me. "Get. Off. Me." I spat. "Speak to me" he said. "No why the fuck should i" I asked. "I need to apologise" he said. I scoffed. "Fuck you and your shitty apology" I spat and carried on colouring. "Luke just leave her" Ashton mumbled. "She needs to listen to me" he replied. "I don't need to do anything. You're just gonna apologise and i don't want to hear it, you apologise time after time and I always fucking forgive you but you've gone to far" I snapped. "Aria please" he pleaded. "No luke" I said. He seemed to give in and carry on with the work he was doing.
After history we had Music and I work with Demi in there seeing as that's the only lesson we have together besides Spanish but the other 4 were in there too so this is the only lesson we have on our own to. I walked in and took my seat next to her still fuming about what had happened with Luke. "what's up with you?" she asked as soon as I sat down. "Just Being around a prick too long" I stated. "Luke?" She asked. I sighed and nodded. "What's he done now?" I explained the whole situation to her about Brad asking me out and then us kissing on the field and Luke coming up and them having a fight and him calling me a slut."Aria I honestly don't see what his problem is he doesn't deserve to have you in his life whatsoever" She said. I thanked her and we got on with our work.
When music ended it was lunch and Demi has stated hanging out with us which is a good thing so we met up with the 4 of them in the canteen and sat at our usual table. I ignored through the whole lunch hour and when Lunch was over I headed over to my final lesson which was Spanish, all of us were in there. We walked up and took our seats.The tables are in sixes and we can sit where we want on our table me and demi sat at the top together and to the left was Ashton and Michael and to the right was Luke and Calum. The teacher doesn't really care what we do so we basically just muck about and sit on our phones and all that. This was also another time I would ignore Luke.
After that lesson we went down to the front of the school and said bye to one another and me and Ashton walked back. Liam walks back with his friends so we didn't have to wait for him.We were walking over a field when Ashton spoke "Aria I think you and Luke should talk" he said. I stopped and just stared at him. "Are you serious?! He called me a slut and beat Brad up for no reason!" I exclaimed. "I know but I can see where he was coming from in a way, not the slut part but with Brad, he saw you kissing him the say after you split up" Ash replied."He cheated on me!" "I know that but I'm not suggesting getting back together at all but I think you should try and at least be friends again"He said trying to reason with me. I sighed. "I'll give the friendship thing a shot but if he beats anyone up for being with me no matter what's going on, I will be finished with him completely, no friendship, no nothing he will be cut out of my life" I told him and he nodded and agreed and then we went our separate ways home.
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