Chapter 1

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Here We Go Again (Book Number 1)
Always Here(Book Number 2)


Hey! I'm Aria, Aria Smith. I'm 15 and I live with my mom, dad and younger brother who's 13. I have these 3 bestfriends. Ashton, Michael and Calum. I've never really gotten along with girls, I mean I have got friends that are girls but I just get along with the boys more, its less drama.

It's Monday morning and I'm getting ready for shitty school. Yay! Note the sarcasm. When I finished getting ready, I went downstairs and had breakfast then left to walk to school. I have to walk to school with Liam as we go to the same school. I know, embarrassing right. We left the house and began walking to school. Halfway there and my name was called. I stopped walking and turned round and Ashton ran up to me.  "Hey Ash" I greeted him as I hugged him. "Hey Aria, Hey Liam" Ash said. "Hello Ashton" Liam replied and we all began walking to school. One of Liams friends met Liam so they went off to school together. "Anyway, we've got Science first haven't we?" Ashton asked. I nodded in response. We walked through the schools double doors and met up with Calum and Michael. "Hey Cal, Hey Mikey" We greeted them. "Hey" They replied. We made our way over to our lockers and went to the canteen for 10 minutes as we stillhad time to kill before first lesson. We sat down at our usual table. "There's a new guy joining our year today, He's coming in second period and he will be in our form group" Mikey told us. "Maybe he could hang with us" Calum said. "How do you even know this stuff Mikey?" I asked. He shrugged and I just laughed. Mikey knows like everything that's going and that no one else knows about. 10 Minutes passed and we all made our way to our first lesson. Me and Ashton were in the same lesson so we walked together. "Do you reckon this new kids gonna be alright?" Ashton asked. "I don't know Ash, I mean I haven't met him yet but we'll soon find out" I smiled. We walked into the Science class and we sat down at the back. We got told tog et into pairs and we were doing a practical. I never usually pay attention during these. We were basically just burning stuff  so I let Ash do most of it and I basically just sat there. I couldn't help but think about this new boy that's coming. I mean what if he's stuck up and cocky and just a general prick. But on the other hand he could be charming and sweet. I didn't realise how much I'd been thinking about this because soon enough an hour was over and we were leaving to go to out form rooms. Me, Ash, Cal and Mikey are all in the same form room. There's 5 seats at our little table thing and I sit inbetween Mikey and Ashton and Cal next to Mikey. We just chatted about random shit throughout the form time as it is only fifteen minutes long. We then left and went to our next lesson which for me is maths, the boys had a different maths class to me so I left them and went my separate way. I sit next to Brad in maths which I don't mind at all he's a right laugh! We do get into trouble quite often though because we never stop talking, we are quite good mates. I walked over to my maths class and walked over to him. "Hey Brad" I said and he greeted me back and we stood outside the maths classroom waiting to be let in just having a general catch-up. "There's a new kid joining isn't there?" He asked "How'd you know?" I asked. "I overheard Michael shout it at you Ashton and Calum" he said and we both laughed. "Oh, he does that and yeah I guess there is he's supposed to be coming round about now and no doubt I'll hear all about him at break from them 3" I told him and we laughed again as we were let into the classroom. This lesson went surprisingly quick as it was just a revision lesson for a test we're gonna be having and so I grabbed my bag and left the room. I went into the canteen and went to our table and Cal was there. I went and joined him. "Hey Cal" I greeted "Hey" "Where are the other two?" I asked. "I don't think they're out yet but they shouldn't be too long. I reached into my bag to find my drink and I heard them. "Aria, Cal, meet Luke" No, it couldn't be. "Hey, I'm Luke." I knew that voice from anywhere. I looked and I couldn't believe my eyes. I never thought I'd see him again. Especially not here. I froze.

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