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Junhui sighed, tossing away the comic book he was trying to read.

This used to be fun when I read it back when I was in highschool.

He crossed his arms, looking around, trying to look for something that would hopefully cure his boredom. His eyes landed on a black haired boy who seemed to be typing things on his phone, smiling every few seconds.

Junhui sighed loudly, hoping it would catch the raven haired boy's attention.

But there was no response. He didn't even glance at Junhui.

He sighed again with the same amount of volume,  thinking that the other boy might not have heard him.

And once more, to his surprise, there was no response.

He furrowed his eyes and sighed for the third time, but this time even louder and more dramatic.

"Yes?" The black haired boy asked, still not looking away nor stopping from what he was doing.

"Hao, what are you doing?" Junhui asked, moving closer to Minghao, trying to take a peek.

Minghao immediately hid his phone away. "What? I'm chatting with someone."

Junhui pouted. "Who?"

Minghao sighed, opening his phone again. "Yanan." He said while typing.

"Yanan again?" Junhui said, crossing his arms. "Haven't you been hanging around Yanan too often these days?"

Minghao closed his phone off. "So, what? Most of the time, you aren't even inside the house. You're usually out until night with Yuna. What else am I supposed to do?"

Junhui scratched the back of his head. He couldn't say anything about that. After all, Minghao was right.

The brunette sighed. "I'm just saying we should hang out some more. I miss the times when we used to hang out and have fun all the time back then."

Minghao crossed his arms. "You're just saying that because you're bored and your girlfriend went on a vacation with her family."

"No, I'm not." Junhui protested. "I really do miss it. Remember back then when the two of us went on an amusement park together? I really enjoyed that. Also, our sleepovers and so much more."

Minghao sighed. "We live together in one apartment. Why would you miss having sleepovers?" 

"Because even if we live in the same place now, it... I don't know... it's just not the same, I guess." Junhui ruffled his hair in frustration from the inability to find the right words. "Anyways, we should go somewhere together. Let's set up a date."

"You already said that a few weeks ago." Minghao said, placing his phone on the small wooden in front of the couch he was sitting on.

 "Yeah, I did. So, let's do it now. Let's set up a date right now." Junhui said cheerfully.

"Last time we set up a date for our hangout, you didn't come." Minghao said, clearly disappointed at what had happened back then. 

"I'm really sorry about that. I really am." Junhui tried to go closer, but Minghao shooed him away. "But I'm free for the whole week. Let's go out somewhere. We can invite the others if you want. Actually, it might be hard to invite the others since they're in different colleges. We can have Wonwoo, Gyu, and Chan with us though. What do you say?"

Minghao sighed. "Okay."

As if he could say 'no' to Junhui.

"Yay!" Junhui exclaimed in victory. "When are you available? Are you available tomorrow?"

"Oh... tomorrow..." Minghao glanced at his phone and then back to Junhui. "I'm not. I'm going out with Yanan."

"Yanan again?" Junhui whined, emphazing 'again'. "Is he your new bestfriend now? Have I been replaced with Yanan?" He muttered.

"No, I... Yanan... he..." Minghao stuttered.

Should I tell him?

The question in his thought dawned on him.

What will happen if I do?

How will he react?

What's he gonna say?

Is he going to care?

Is he gonna hate me because I'm gay?

Will he not want to be my friend anymore?

Am I going to lose him?

I can't lose him.


No, I have to.

I have to tell him.

But what if he hates me for it?

What if he doesn't want to talk to me anymore?

No, I have to do it.

I need to do it.

Jun won't hate me.

He won't...


"Jun, I'm... actually going out with Yanan." Minghao said seriously.

"Yeah... you just told me." Jun said, confused at why the boy was repeating what he had just said.

"No, I mean..." Minghao bit his lip, his hands shaking. "Yanan... and I...  we're dating." He said as he closed his eyes, frightened to see how Junhui would react.

Scared at what Junhui would say.

Scared to see what expression Junhui would have.

What would he think of me?

Would he be disgusted?

Minghao didn't hear a response from the brunette.

"Jun, I'm gay." The raven haired boy said, firmly this time, eyes still closed. He grit his teeth upon still not hearing a response from the other boy. He got up, trying to head back to his room, but he felt something tug onto his hand as he tried to walk away.

"Hao..." Junhui said, holding Minghao's hand.

Minghao slowly turned around, eyes still closed.

Junhui hugged the boy. "I'm proud of you. Thank you for telling me."

Minghao's eyes opened wide, tears pouring down. 

"It's okay." Junhui said, gently patting his back. "Thank you for trusting me."

Minghao gripped the back of Junhui's shirt, sobbing.

"I'm so proud of you for having the courage to tell me." Junhui whispered, gently combing the boy's hair with his hand. "It's okay."

Minghao rubbed his eyes, but only resulted in more tears falling down his face. He slowly pulled away from the hug, looking at Junhui's eyes.

Junhui was looking at him, smiling warmly.

A smile that comforted him.

A smile that made him feel safe.

A smile that said 'I'm here for you'.

A smile he wished would stay forever.

Forever for him.

"It's okay, Hao." Junhui said, wiping the boy's tears away. "Stop crying. You're gonna look ugly." He chuckled.

Minghao chuckled, smiling. "Thank you for... everything. For accepting me."

Junhui smiled, placing his hands on the boy's cheeks. "Of course, you're my bestfriend. To me, you're just you. You're the one who was always there for me. I wish I'd be able to do more for you."

Minghao shook his head. "You've done more than enough for me."

You were... my everything.


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