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"No, no, it's not like that!" Yanan said, shaking his hands.

"So, what was I? A chosen one?" Minghao giggled.

"I was drunk! I don't just pick up anyone! I swear. I'm not that type of person." The ashen haired boy said, trying to explain himself to the boy in front of him.

"So, you were randomly drunk in the park and you just randomly ended up kissing me, a random stranger?" Minghao leaned back in his chair.

"Hey, you accepted the kiss! Are you the type of person who just accepts kisses from anyone?" Yanan pointed his finger at Minghao.

Minghao leaned forward and furrowed his eyebrows. "What? No! I was drunk and... stuff happened."

"Exactly." Yanan snapped his fingers. "We were both drunk and it just happened."

Minghao sighed. "I don't even know why I did that."

Yanan took a sip on his frappuccino, looking down, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. "Did you not like it?"

The raven haired boy looked away. "Weird bitch."

Yanan jokingly scoffed and crossed his arms. "Wow. So, this is Xu Minghao."

Minghao raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, got a problem with that?"

Yanan took a sip from his drink. "No, I like it."

"Weird bitch."

"You said that two times now."

"Yeah, I know. Weird bitch."

The two of them just kept talking, enjoying each other's company, until two hours later, the two had left the coffee shop and Yanan had walked Minghao back to his apartment. Minghao was reluctant to it, but Yanan insisted on it, saying that he didn't want Junhui to kill him.

In all honesty, Minghao wasn't exactly in the best mood to go back to their apartment. Yanan had definitely helped in lightening his mood, but as they were walking back to their apartment, the 'lightened mood' slowly became heavier. He was distracted for a while, laughing with Yanan about their random drunk actions and drunk conversations. It was nice, being able to forget.

To be able to forget about his pain.

To forget about Jun.

If he could get over it, he would.

But how?

Minghao opened the door to their apartment and saw Junhui standing a few steps in front of him.

"Hao, you're here." The brunette said, a weak smile forming on his face.

Minghao smiled, trying to act naturally. "I'm here."

Junhui looked down, placing his hand on the back of his neck. "You're not mad anymore?"

Minghao closed the door behind him and walked closer to Junhui. "I wasn't mad." He replied, trying to put on a confused face to convince Junhui.

But Junhui knew. He knew that Minghao was mad, but figured that MInghao wouldn't talk about it.

Junhui knew that Minghao had tendencies like that. He knew that Minghao would sometimes hide his emotions and problems to himself. He knew that even though Minghao could be seen as rude, he always put others first before himself. He knew that Minghao doesn't like inconveniencing others or for anything bad to happen because of him. So, he just let it go, thinking that Minghao would tell him when he's ready.

But would he ever be ready?

Who knows?

Junhui walked over to their mini dining table. "Have you eaten yet? You didn't eat breakfast earlier." He pulled out some leftover pizza from their fridge. "Let's eat together."

"I ate a cake earlier when I was with Yanan." Minghao pulled a chair and sat down.

Junhui placed the leftover pizza on the microwave. "Who was he? I haven't met him before."

"You don't know all my friends." Minghao leaned back, crossing his arms.

Junhui turned to face Minghao. "You're an introvert and I'm your best friend."

Minghao was left rolling his eyes at how true the said statement was.

Junhui just chuckled, knowing that it was his win. He took out the leftover pizza from the oven and placed it down on the table and sitting down on the other chair, facing in front of the raven haired boy. He leaned his head forward, staring at Minghao, urging him to tell him. Back then, Minghao wasn't exactly... friends with a lot of people. So, Junhui had been a bit protective towards Minghao whenever he had new friends.

Minghao sighed, sitting down properly. "He's a friend. I met him in the park. I've been going there a lot lately to...uh... jog... and... take photos... of the sky and stuff. I like taking photos, you know that, right?" He replied, slightly panicking on the inside to find what excuse to say.

I could've just said I met him at school or stopped when I said I met him at the park. Why am I digging my own grave?

Junhui sighed, about to speak until Minghao had cut him off.

"He's nice! Don't worry. Don't worry about it." Minghao smiled.

"Okay, but don't hesitate to tell me when something's wrong alright?" Junhui said with concern plastered all over his face.

Minghao scoffed. "I'm not a kid. It won't end up like that anymore." He took a one of the slices of pizza on the plate. "Let's just eat." He said, taking a bite.

Junhui looked at Minghao a few seconds more before getting a slice.

"Where did you get the pizza from?" Minghao asked, taking another bite.

Junhui paused, looking at Minghao. "Oh, it was from the place that Yuna and I went to yesterday."

"Oh... okay." Minghao said, looking down, but raising his head up to the pizza, trying not to look at Junhui. "How was it? Your date with her."

"It was good. We had a great time." Junhui chuckled. "Yuna looked so pretty that day, you should've seen her. Also, her smile... it's amazing. Even the way she laughs! There's nothing better than it. You'll know when you hear and see it."


It was all Minghao could manage to say.

"She's also a really good listener. Not only that, she comes up with most random yet interesting topics and it's really cute." Junhui said, looking at his pizza, as if to reminisce the memory of being back in the restaurant with her. "She's just... different. I don't know how to explain it, but... she's just..." Junhui chuckled, not finishing his sentence.

Minghao couldn't respond. He just sat there, looking down at the leftover pizza on his hands.

"Anyways, what about you?" Junhui said, changing the subject. "What did you do yesterday? Why did you drink? And why beer? I thought you liked wine, you never really drank any other alcohol other than wine."

"I was with Yanan yesterday. We were drinking together. He had beer and asked if I wanted to drink." Minghao shrugged.

It wasn't completely a lie. It was all true, except for the fact that he just left out a few major details.

"Oh, okay, but-"

"Sorry, but can I go to sleep in my room? I still have a slight bit of a hangover and I have dance practice tomorrow." Minghao said, smiling, still trying to not soil the mood.

As much as Minghao wanted to act as natural as possible, he couldn't keep hearing Junhui talk about someone else in that way. He knows that he didn't have a chance. He knew that, but it didn't mean that he wouldn't be hurt from that.

"Oh, alright." Junhui stood up. "Rest well. Don't worry, I'll fix the table." He said with a smile on his face, trying to understand the boy.

"Thanks." Minghao uttered, leaving Junhui to go to his room.

He closed his door and sat down his bed, staring at the door that he had just previously shut. Then, he lay down the bed, arms spread wide across the comforters.

It used to be me.

I used to be the one you called cute.

The one that you said had the best giggles.

And me, who was always ready to listen.

But what else can I do when you already like her that much?


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