Minghao turned around to where the voice was coming from and saw a man standing a few steps from him.
"It really is you, Minghao!" The man walked up to him, standing in front of him.
"Yanan?" Minghao stood up, surprised from the unexpected face. "What are you doing here?"
Yanan raised the shawarma he was holding in his hands. "I came to get shawarma."
"Shawarma?" Minghao raised an eyebrow. "All the way here in the park near the college?"
"Yeah, I'm actually taking my Master's degree there." Yanan replied, taking a bite on the shawarma. "Can I sit here?" He pointed to the spot in the bench beside Minghao.
Minghao sat back down and scooted over a bit. "Yeah, of course."
Yanan sat down, groaning a bit, as if he was an old man with arthritis. "What brings you all the way out here? Didn't you work at that big company?"
"Just because." Minghao shrugged. "Also, how did you know where I work?"
Yanan raised an eyebrow. "Uh... you're kinda famous?"
Minghao took a second to think. "Oh, right, right."
Yanan burst out into laughter. "Did you just forget that you were a celebrity choreographer?
Minghao scoffed. "I didn't know someone here was interested in the field of dancers."
Yanan chuckled. "I'm not. My boyfriend is. He's a fan of you by the way."
Minghao's eyes widened. "A fan of me?"
Yanan smiled. "Yeah, he looks cute when his eyes sparkle like crazy when he talks about his favorite celebrities."
Minghao chuckled. "Someone's head over heels."
Yanan smiled. "I know. The funny thing is that when we first met, he and I didn't really like each other and we bickered a lot. Somehow, we just ended up dating."
Minghao giggled. "Sounds like a classic haters-to-lovers romcom plot."
Yanan chuckled, taking another bite of the shawarma. "So, what's wrong?"
Minghao blinked twice. "Huh? What?"
Yanan sighed. "You're alone in a park, staring at the river with that expression in your face."
Minghao raised an eyebrow. "What expression?"
"That expression when you're trying to pretend like everything's fine." Yanan said. "I know that much about you. I'm your ex."
Minghao smiled, but turned into a frown. He kept silent for a few seconds, hesitating. "Jun's getting married to Yuna."
Yanan paused, definitely not expecting this scale of a worry.
Minghao looked at Yanan. "I know. I'm the pathetic loser who still likes him even though he's getting married."
Yanan put the shawarma down. "No, that's not what I-"
"Yeah, I know." Minghao smiled. "And I need someone to listen, not someone who pities me."
Yanan slightly furrowed his eyebrows. "You still like him."
Minghao laughed, as if Yanan's statement wasn't already obvious. "Sadly." He turned to Yanan. "And wanna know the worst part? He asked me to be the dude who brings the ring thing." He burst out in a satirical laughter.
"Yikes." Yanan blurted out. "Sorry, I mean- I didn't- I- I should stop talking." He covered his mouth with his hand.
Minghao chuckled. "Wow, your reaction's been the most unique one so far."
"Sorry." Yanan said, still covering his mouth.
"I don't even know how I can laugh like this." Minghao closed his eyes. "Maybe it doesn't feel real yet? I don't really know. It's like I'm sad, but I'm smiling and laughing at the same time. I just- I-I don't know."
"What do you plan to do?" Yanan asked.
"It's funny. It's not like there's anything I can do." Minghao said, eyes still shut. "I feel like I'm forcing myself to keep moving on. I haven't even cried once after hearing it from Jun. It's hardest at night, when all the lights are closed, the deafening silence in my room, while I'm lying down in my uselessly big bed."
"Have you tried dating someone else?"
"We both know how that ended with us." Minghao replied, opening his eyes to give a 'duh' look to Yanan.
Yanan sighed. "Oh... right." He faced forward, looking at the river. "But you know, sometimes, other people really can heal you. Sometimes, the love that one gives can give you strength. Yeah, we, the two of us, didn't work out in the end, but maybe someone else is the one for you. You never really know. "
"Thanks, I get what you mean, but I'm not really in it for dating anyone right now." Minghao looked down. "I tried it too, but it's just... " He sighed. "Just not now."
Yanan looked at him. "Minghao, to be honest, I don't know what to tell you. Even I'm in shock right now. I can't even begin to imagine how you feel. But what I do know is that it's okay to lean on people. Knowing you, you're probably keeping everything bottled in, trying to convince yourself that if other's don't see your pain, then, it's alright—that you would be alright. You're probably gonna try to move on with your life regardless. You're probably gonna convince others and yourself that you're okay. But it's alright to break down every once in a while. It's okay to take a break and just let it all out."
Minghao clenched his fist. "I know that. I know. I know it. I know it well, but..." He placed both hands on his forehead, taking a deep breath. "I know that already."
Yanan sighed. "You know it well, but you still won't do it. You'll just still continue doing what you've been doing, ignoring the pain building up. You think that if you don't think about it, it'll eventually go away."
Minghao grit his teeth.
It had hit way too close to home.
"I'll get going. It was nice to see you." Yanan stood up. "You know, I really only wish the best for you. Good luck."
And Minghao was left alone.
He was sitting there again alone.
He felt like crying, but at the same time he couldn't.
He took something out from his pocket. It was his old SIM card. He had brought it everywhere he went. Weird, right? Who the hell casually carries a SIM card with them?
He raised it up in the air, clenching it in his fist. He could throw it in the river right now. It would be gone forever and he'll never find it. He'll never have to see it again. He wouldn't have to worry about it.
But he couldn't.
He put his hands down, giving up.
He took out his phone from his pocket, removing the case.
What am I even expecting from this?
There probably won't even be much anyways.
Yeah, that's right.
There won't be much in it.
So, I can look at it.
I can.
It's okay. It'll be fine.
He put the SIM card in.
SIM card inserted.
SIM card has previous data. Recover all previous data?
Recover | Delete
Please wait a moment...
Recovery complete.
did u get home safely?
i hope ur alright
make sure to drink some honey water or hangover pills when u wake up
Delivered Aug 16
how are u hao?
i heard u were working on smth big these days
don't forget to take breaks every now and then
drink water and eat healthy food
Delivered Aug 21
u seem to be busy a lot
take care of yourself hao
Delivered Sept 8
it's chuseok
Delivered Sept 20
it's hangul day
do u remember all those days when i used to teach u hangul?
ur accent was still a bit weird before when u spoke korean
i had to teach u a lot
i missed those days
Delivered Oct 7
ur so busy that u dont check my messages to u
message or call me once in a while
Delivered Oct 19
i miss u a lot
have a great day today:)
if u have time just tell me
i'll take u out if ur free
Delivered Nov 7
seems like u were busy yesterday too
it's okay hao
happy birthday again:)
Delivered Nov 8
i heard that u don't use this number anymore
i asked wonwoo but he said he didn't know it either
why am i still messaging u here if u don't use this number anymore?
bye, i guess
Delivered Dec 5
Minghao closed his phone off.
This is why I changed my number.
Minghao's eyes welled up.
Why do you make it so hard for me to let you go?
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