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"Woah! They sell jianbing here?" Minghao gasped, as he was looking at a food stall in the mall. "Can I get one jianbing please?" He said to the cook behind the stall.

He took a bite of the of the jianbing, gasping for air since it was a bit hot.

"Minghao?" A voice called.

He turned around and his eyes grew wide. "Jun?"

Junhui chuckled. "Wow, I wasn't sure if it really was you. So, I was hesitating on whether I should call you or not."

"Wow, what a coincendence." Minghao chuckled. "It's been a while, Jun."

"Yeah, it has." Jun smiled. "So, what are you doing here? Are you here alone?"

Minghao shook his head. "I'm waiting for my boyfriend. He went to the restroom."

"Oh, okay."

"Uncle Minghao!" A small girl yelled, running towards Minghao.

Minghao caught the girl and lifted her up in his arms. "Wow, Yumi, you've gotten so big now. How old are you now?"

"Five!" The child replied, raising five of her fingers.

"You're five now?"


"You look so pretty just like your mom." Minghao smiled, booping the child's nose.

Junhui cleared his throat. "I think you mean her dad."

"Oh, come on, if you think about it, Yuna's definitely the better looking one." Minghao said.

Junhui crossed his arms together.

"Yumi, who do you like better, your mom or your dad?" Minghao asked the kid.

The child named 'Yumi' turned to look at Junhui and back to Minghao.

Minghao whispered. "Don't worry. It'll be our secret. We won't tell anyone."

Junhui chuckled.

The child put a finger on her chin, thinking. "I love mom and dad both!" She exclaimed.

Minghao pouted, unsatisfied with the answer the kid gave.

"But I love Uncle Minghao too!" She hugged Minghao.

Minghao pat her head. He put her down and bent down to her level. "Yumi, where's your mom?"

The child pointed her finger to a direction at north. Yuna was there walking up to them.

"Minghao, you're here too. Good to see you." Yuna smiled. "What a coincidence. I was surprised when Yumi suddenly ran off."

"Hi, Yuna." Minghao smiled. "Good to see you too."

"What brings you here?" Yuna asked.

"I'm just checking out stuff with my boyfriend for our new house."

"Oh, that's right." Yuna clasped her hands together. "I heard from Jun that you and your boyfriend got a new house together."

"Yeah, we've been busy with looking for furniture and appliances and stuff like that." Minghao chuckled.

"Babe!" A voice called.

"Gyu, you're here." Minghao smiled.

Mingyu smiled at Minghao and only realized that he was talking to someone.

"Oh, Jun, Yuna, it's been a while." Mingyu said.

"It has." Junhui chuckled.

"Hi, kid." Mingyu gave a high-five to Yumi, which the kid happily returned.

"The last time we met like this was when we ate at your house, right?" Mingyu asked.

"That's right. It was really fun." Junhui chuckled.

"The chicken Yuna cooked was delicious. I loved it!" Minghao smiled, his eyes smiling with him.

"Really? I'm honored." Yuna smiled. "All the food you cook are amazing."

"Wanna trade recipes?" Minghao asked, excited.

Yuna gasped. "Should we?" Her eyes beamed up.

Junhui checked his watch. "Honey, we're gonna be late for our movie."

"Oh, right." Yuna frowned from being unable to discuss more about food with Minghao.

"Sorry, guys. We gotta get going." Junhui pat the two boys on the shoulder. "See you again soon." He smiled.

"Imvite us to your housewarming, okay?" Yuna said, waving.

"Sure thing!" Minghao smiled.

The three of them left and went to the escalator.

"Should we get going, babe?" Mingyu asked.

Minghao held the taller's hand. "Yeah, let's go."

"What's that you're eating?" Mingyu asked as they were walking, hand-in-hand.

"Oh, it's jianbing. It's Chinese food."

"Can I have some?"

Minghao fed the taller boy.

Mingyu took a bite of the food that Minghao fed him.

"How is it?"

"It's good." Mingyu smirked. "But you taste better."

Minghao turned completely red. "Gyu, can you not make R-18 jokes on such a fine day?"

"I'm not joking though. It's true." Mingyu chuckled.

"Oh, god." Minghao looked away, flustered. "L-Let's just go home, okay?"

"But you're already my home."

"Gyu!" Minghao smacked the taller boy's arm.

Mingyu chuckled at the boy's cuteness. "I love you, Hao."

Minghao looked away, hiding his face from blushing. "I love you too..." He muttered quietly.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." Mingyu teased.

"Sh-Shut up!"


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