let him slim his way back in

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The next day, Sandra stayed silent with what she could remember of the bon fire to eat what Diego's mother's made her to then be able to leave when she could.
Thoughts raced in her head.
She couldn't believe Diego would have said such a thing to his ex wife, Sandra knew there relationship wasn't always the best for him to actually text her that, she really didn't know where they could go from there.
Going to her father's, Sandra needed time with her family and to get over the hung overness.
To her side, Sandra had her arms wrapped about herself to be looking to the television to feel so lost in her life.
Sighing, Sandra went to her back to look to the ceiling to make a face.
Where are we to go from here? I know he sent his ex wife those texts, I saw them, he said we were a mistake and he missed her.
Sandra placed her hand over her eyes to then cry.
A few hours later, she made food for herself to be still to her father's house to still not really know what to do. Sandra for foolish reasons loved Diego even though he did what he did. This was her first relationship and she couldn't really understand how Diego was being, Sandra then started to think of the reasons why he would be acting like this. Maybe it was her fault.
Sandra's face started to fall and she was starting to go into despair with that type of thinking.
Looking up, her father came in from the store to eye over Sandra to smile to then close the door to close to then go to the kitchen to place his things down.
"Hi Sandra. Didn't know you were here."
"Thought I'd surprise you. Also I went..... Drinking a bit last night. Didn't want to drive all the way to my dorm."

"That's okay. And yes you shouldn't drive if you drank the night before. Rest."
Sandra smiled to place the plate to the side to then sit herself back to wrap her arms about herself to think again about what was going on with her life.
After a few hours, Sandra was to her side to try to sleep to then peer her eyes down to look at her phone, to then grab it to go to her back to unlock to eye over some messages by Diego, Sandra made a hard face. He was telling her how sorry he was, among other things like telling her he loved her and all that.
At the time Sandra did not realize Diego was love bombing her and gas lighting her.
Sandra: I don't know Diego, what you texted, if you feel like we're a mistake why should we keep dating?
Diego: I'm telling you Sandra, I don't know what you are talking about, I never texted her that, I love you. Want to be with you.
Sandra signed.
Sandra: I read them.
Diego: I don't know what to tell you. You were drinking. I love you Sandra, please stop acting like this.
Sandra made a hard face to then place her phone down to then go back to lay to her side to look to the blackened television to stare at it.
What am I going to do? I know I saw those texts, don't know why he is telling me I didn't, I wasent that drunk.
Sandra wrapped her arms about herself again to hold herself together to sign here and there, she also started to think about when they had sex, she did tell Diego to stop and she didn't want to, also didn't want to after what happened.
Sandra darted her eyes to then look down to eye her phone that lit up.
Sighing she grabbed her phone to then open to make a long face. Diego was telling Sandra how much he loved and cared for her and he would stop talking to his ex wife if that would help the situation.
Sandra took in a deep breathe.
Sandra: if you doing want to be with me you don't have to.
Diego: I want to be with you, Sandra I'm telling you, I have no idea what you read, I didn't say those things, I love you.
Sandra signed and hard.
Sandra: I..... Love you too. I don't want to hang out with your ex wife anymore.
Diego: we can do that.
Sandra shuffled to her back to move her phone over her head to text Diego for them to do that for a few hours until she fell asleep.
The next morning, sandra woke early to then get ready to go back to her school dorm, to be to her father's door to eye him sleeping to think.
I wonder if this is the type of relationship you had with my mother. Is this how relationships are?
Sandra looked over her father to then turn to leave to go back to her car to then go up to her school to take the Sunday to just be herself.
By the end of the day, she was doing her homework to then shut the lap top down to move it to the side to lay to her side to look across the way.
She was feeling extremely lost at the moment, she really didn't know how to think or what to do. This whole situation she didn't know if it was normal or not, didn't know if Diego really did love her or not, didn't really know where she stood with him. This all was getting to a bad point for her.
Sandra squeezed her eyes tightly has the tears fell to wrap her arms about herself to rock a bit.
He loves you Sandra, wouldn't let go of his ex if he didn't, wouldn't be fighting this hard to have you in his life if he didn't love you.
Sandra kept rocking herself back and forth to cry herself to sleep, this wasn't the first time in which she had done such a thing and it was not going to be her last.

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