a real introduction

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Going from her boyfriends mother's house, the two were to his car to be going to her father's for a real introduction.
Sandra and Diego started to talk first without really a meaning to it, got it to become a bit serious, Sandra then turned her head to eye over Diego at what he said.
"So..... You don't want kids?"
"I don't think so. After how I grew up with my parents, and how my mom had her kids, I don't know if I ever want to have them."
Sandra made a face to then look forward to watch has they were getting closer to her father's..
"Well, I know one day I want to have kids. Theres kind of this thing in my family where my grandma had 4 boys, then my dad had four girls, I kind of want to go in that direction. I always wanted a bit family."
"I want a big family but I don't think I want kids. They are expensive."
Sandra signed a bit to turn her head to look out the side window.
"That's true...."
But I want to eventually have kids, eh, you two have only been going out for the last 3 weeks, don't need to get to far ahead.
The two then drove in silence after that to then reach her father's house, they both got out to then go, where sandra went behind Diego at first to watch him on his phone, she made a face. Diego was up front to the fact he was still talking to his ex but said he didn't see her again after the shower thing. Sandra didn't want Diego to keep talking to his ex wife but there wasn't anything she could really do, going about Diego they went upstairs for Sandra to then open the door for them to go in where Diego placed his phone to his pocket for them to go inside for Diego to go straight to the couch to be eyeing the television, Sandra closed the door to lock to turn to eye over her father has he sat to his chair to be looking over her boyfriend.
Sandra took in a deep breathe to then head over to her boyfriend.
"Dad, this is Diego my boyfriend, Diego this is my father."

The two looked to the other for Diego to smile for them to start to talk a bit, but nothing really indepth, Diego then looked to Sandra to ask her for something to eat and drink, Sandra nodded to then go about to the kitchen to get him something to eat has she could hear from the kitchen them starting to talk about cars and things.
Coming back with the food, sandra gave him something to then sit, to watch over her boyfriend has he ate to then look to her father to talk to him about his health problems.
Diego ate to then look forward to not really be apart of the conversation.
Eventually her father got up to then go to bed, for Sandra to look to Diego.
"So how..."
Diego looked to Sandra.
"He's a nice guy."
Sandra eyed over Diego who looked back to the television to then move down a bit to relax.
Shrugging, Sandra then grabbed the plate to go to the kitchen to then do to think.
The two really didn't talk, but Sandra knew her father doesn't really talk to people, he was somewhat of a hermit, sticking to himself mostly.
Well....I guess the two liked the other. They seemed to anyways, just want them to get along.
Sandra then turned to eye over Diego who came to her with his phone in his hand.
"Let's do to sul. All my friends are there and they have drinks."
Sandra made a face to then turn her head to look into the sink. After Sandra turned 21 she drank maybe once or twice, with Diego she kept drinking and smoking with him to share in his interest but she didn't really care for it, rather go and do something, like a walk.
Sandra took in a deep breathe.
"Let me finish this "
"Okay, I'll be down in the car, hurry."
Sandra flexed her jaw to hear Diego leave to then finish cleaning the plate to then go about to go to his car, Sandra kept silent has the Mexican music filled the car to not like the fact they were going to suls. Now he wasn't a bad guy, sul seemed really cool but she didn't like the drug aspect of this. Sandra wasn't really about that. She just wanted to spend time with Diego and have fun with him.
Parking, Diego got out first for Sandra to follow for them to go straight to the garage where Diego went to get something to drink to then sit to talk to sul about things, Sandra sat to take out her phone to play on it a bit.
Sul then passed her the pipe and Sandra said no.
Sul nodded to then give it to Diego who smoked to then start to get all goofy, Sandra looked over him to see he was very happy to then look back down to her phone. She was happy she wasn't getting forced to do that, there had been a few times when they went Diego was kind of being forceful with this, but so far not today.
After they all talked, the two went to the car for Sandra to look over Diego.
"Are you okay to drive? You've drank and smoked a lot."
Diego nodded .
"I'm used to smoking and drinking that much. I can drive. I also know where police here usually are. I won't get pulled over."
Sandra took in a deep breathe to then look forward has he started to drive them to his mother's to sleep.
Sandras father used to be a cop and Diego's disregard with the law was starting to get to her a bit.
Shaking her head, she didn't want to rock the boat. She was a fool in love.

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