[Marinette's POV]
Chat noir had just left for patrol and Marinette was left alone in her room. She felt a little cold, but wasn't quite sure what from, but when she looked up...
"That stupid cat left my window open!" She yelled, and ran up to close it.
She sat down at her desk. She was unfortunately officially cold now and heaved a sigh of annoyance. She decided that she would turn her heater on to warm up, and do something to try and keep herself busy until Chat got back. She opened her browser and started searching for inspiration.
At some point she stumbled across some really well drawn pictures of her as her alter ego, and some fanart of her and Chat, and she started thinking about their superhero costumes, and her kwami. She got lots of inspiration and kwami sized clothing popped into her head, and then she knew what she was going to make.
She started sketching out some ideas, but she was still feeling cold! Its as if the heater wasn't doing anything at all! She stood up and slowly put her hand against the metal.
"Ugghhhhhhh It's not working!" Marinette grunted. She knew that the heater was connected to the geyser so she went to find the trouble.
[Adrien's POV]
"I have to tell Ladybug"
Chat reached for his weapon and tried desperately to call his lady, but came to no avail. Instead, he tried to leave a message, hoping she'd hear it soon enough.
He spoke into the staff, "Hey Ladybug, call me asap. I just found out something big, and i think it has to do with Hawkmoth. Meet me tomorrow at 8, normal spot." He said and put his weapon away.
His patrol was almost over, but with what he had just witnessed, he wanted to take a good look, to make sure no more evil was lurking around.
After a while of jumping from roof to roof, he was finally convinced it was safe to return back. He extended his baton and made his way back to the bakery.
As chat soared through the air and the small house came into sight. Marinette's lights were still on, so thats good, that meant she was still awake.
The hero landed softly on the balcony and tapped on the trapdoor.
No answer...
He knocked
Still no answer
He knocked louder
At this point he was worried. He opened up the trap door himself and saw that Marinette wasnt in her bedroom, but she had a heater there that wasnt there before. He checked the heater and realised that it wasnt warm even though it was on.
She must've gone to the geyser to check the heating, so thats where I'll go. He followed the pipes that were attatched to the heater and eventually found the geyser...
And suddenly he was frozen. His heart stopped and he lost all colour from his face.
His princess was now lying on the floor, right next to the geyser with burns all over her body, which was wet. Probably from boiling hot water.
Without thinking, he swiftly picked up the girl and ran up to her bedroom and layed her down lightly on her bed.
"Marinette?" He asked, voice shaking, "Princess wake up!" He started panicking and shook her shoulders lightly to try and get her to open her eyes. After many tries, she finally showed some movement.
"Mmmhhh" the girl made a barely audible noise, but it was enough for Chat to go off of. She was going to be alright. He left the girl on her bed and rushed down to the kitchen to get some cold ice water and came back up.
He placed the glass of icy water aside and put some on his fingers so he could lightly splash it on her face, and luckily, she finally opened her eyes.
Slowly, the wounded girl woke up fully and tried to move, but instantly regretted it.
"Aghhh" she hissed and grabbed her wounds instinctively, but as if it were a burning hot iron, she pulled away.
"Princess, what happened? Are you okay?" Chat said, clearly worried as his eyes, written with concern, met hers.
"Calm down Chat, its just some minor burns, ill be fine" She said in a voice that clearly was not fitting with her body language. She looked like she was in a lot of pain, but was handling it with strength.
"Marinette....you have burns up and down your body, you cant expect me not to be worried about you! Im no medical professional, but these could easily be at least 2nd degree burns!" He said with a mildly raised voice. "When I saw you lying on the floor, with those big burns all over your body, I thought I lost you! You need to be more careful."
She looked down at her burns. They were pretty bad. She had been burned so badly that blisters were starting to form around the skin that wasnt raw from the burns
"Im sorry Chat. I didnt mean to, i swear." She said softly. The girl looked up, into bright green orbs filled with genuine worry.
"Im going to grab a wet cloth to put on your burns...I assume they must sting hehe..." She said while going down the steps from her bed.
Chat ran down the stairs, to the bakery and took a big cloth and ran some cold water into it. He noticed some chocolate croissants laying out on the display and took two to bring back upstairs.
The hero came back with the cold cloth and chocolatey treats and started to softly apply the cold clith to each if her wounds. Every time he would touch the area, she would flinch or hiss.
Chat finished it of by placing some cloth bandages over the wounds, for until he was able to get her to a doctor and she could get some sleep.
"Okay princess, you need to get some rest. You will feel much better tomorrow, I promise." Chat said, taking her hand and kissing the top. "Dont be afraid to wake me up if you need anything, i don't want you to get yourself any more hurt than you already are."
"Yes sir" Marinette replied with a small giggle. Chat gently tucked her in and said goodnight.
He went to the chaise he was going to sleep on and unfolded the blanket. It was a different one. Black. It had a little note on it too.
I hope this can make you feel a little more at home
[1095 words]
A/N: Finally she updated!! Ive been a teeny weeny bit inactive, but to my own credit, it took me a while to write this chapter. I had it ready, but i reread it and didnt like where it was going, so i redid it (multiple times). Sorry if its poorly written, im not exactly in a great place right now, but i felt guilty and needed to update, so here you go...Please, I would love for you to leave a comment with criticism or tips on how to improve the story or my writing etc. Love you all and see ya in the next chapter!!!
(P.S Its 4:39am and Im living off of Hamilton songs and a strong will to make coffee. Suffering. but y'all got a chapter out of it so goodie!! XD!!!)
Cya laterrrrr
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