[Adrien's POV]
The next morning
Chat groggily opened up his eyes. It took him a second to realise where he was, but he quickly remembered and stood up.
He had woken up early because he had to go and get his stuff from his hou-.... his dad's house. When he got up he never even realised that he detransformed overnight. He went to the bathroom and soon realised when he looked in the mirror that he was now Adrien and no longer his alter ego.
Adrien quickly transformed and quietly ran back into Marinette's bedroom. He didnt want to wake her up so he looked all over her desk and found a piece of small paper and a pen and started writing.
My Dearest princess
Un-furr-tunately I had to split early this morning and won't be here when you wake up. I am su-purr sorry.
I had to go back to my house to get a few essentials. I hope you don't miss me too much! I purromice I will be back. Cat's honour.
Until then...
Your pawsome prince🐾
Once he was done writing the letter, he placed it by her desk for her to see when she woke up.
Chat quietly exited the bakery and jumped to a rooftop and started running. As he ran he saw young children with their parents...their loving parents....
Chat slowed down. He started feeling more and more dejected with each step he took. He had to go somewhere to think. He couldnt go back to Marinette's house...she was still sleeping. He was close to the park, so he jumped down into a close alley way to detransform.
Adrien dropped into a nearby Alley way and said the words to drop his transformation. Plagg fell into the boy's plam and put his hand to his head dramatically, "Adrien! You haven't fed me in dayyyssss~!!!" The magical creature whined. He flew up a little as Adrien took away his hands.
"Plagg, i swear!!! I fed you this morning before we left Marinette's house! I'll give you your cheese when we get to the mansion okay?"
Plagg rolled his eyes and quickly zoomed into his holder's jacket, and yelled "it better be really gooey" once inside
Adrien quickly made his way out of the alley and started walking towards the park. He got stopped by a few fans askinv for an autograph or a picture but he eventually made it
Adrien checked the time and sighed. Marinette was probably awake by then. He smiled a little at the thought of her reading his note.
He sat down on a bench and got out his phone and texted Nino. He didn't feel like being alone, so he decided that he wanted to have his best friend with him.
______________________________________[Adrien]: Hey dude, you mind coming over to the park?
[Nino]: Sure I'll be there. Whats up?😋
[Adrien]: It's a long story...I'll explain in person😅
[Nino]: Ohh damn...😬ok dude. I'm on my way
Nino soon arrived and Adrien motioned for him to sit down. He told him all about how his father kicked him out and how he wasn't allowed to go back
"Oh my gosh dude! How could your dad do that!? You're his son!" Nino yelled, "Hey, where are you gonna stay?" He asked.
Adrien hadn't thought about what he would say if he asked that...
"Oh im staying at an old friend from modelling." Adrien said, lying as well as he possibly could. He hated lying to his friends and especially Nino, but what else could he do? Say he was staying at Marinette's and accidentally reveal his secret to him?! Out of the question.
"Oh cool. If you had told me, you couldve stayed at my house. My parents are chill, so they wouldnt mind" Nino said, slightly jealous
Okay...Adrien would be lying if he said he didnt think about going to Nino's house, but he decided not to because he was his best friend who knew him better than anyone else. He might even see through his disguise. And he would most definitely be confused if suddenly, the "Charming superhero of Paris!" came to his house crying about daddy issues. He'd been to Marinette's house a few times already and they were already sort of friends so he was comfortable asking her.
"Sorry man, I wasn't really thinking when i did it. Sorry." Adrien lied some more. He actually was thinking when he chose Marinette's house over his.
"Nah dude, its chill" Nino said, and then his phone started going crazy with notifications. "Oh shoot! I forgot I was supposed to see Alya today! Sorry man, i gotta run. Good luck with your pops though!" And with that, he ran out of the park and out of sight.
Adrien stood up and sighed. He had stalled this long... it's probably time to go to his father's house and get his things...
Time skip cuz I'm lazy
Adrien arrived at his mansion with sweaty palms and rang the doorbell. No sooner than when he pressed it, the big camera came out and moved straight into his face.
A voice answered, "Adrien? Is that you? I thought your father kicked you out?" Adrien instantly recognised it to be Nathalie's voice
"Hi Nathalie...Father told me to come back and get my stuff...could you please let me inside?" Adrien asked feeling rather embarrassed.
There was a short silence on the other side, "Uhh...Adrien, your father never told me about this, let me just ask him"
Adrien patiently waited for the big gates to open, but suddenly got a shock by what he heard next, "I'm sorry Adrien. It seems your father has changed his mind. He told me to not let you in. Im very sorry Adrien..."
Adrien stood speechless. How could his father do this to him? Now what was he going to do? He had no clothes to wear, no charger to charge his phone or anything to freshen up with. What was he going to tell Marinette?
"Nathalie you can't let him do this to me I-" Adrien tried to talk her out of it, but got cut off
"Im sorry Adrien."
And then the camera disappeared, leaving a very dissapointed Adrien feeling completely helpless.
All Adrien could think to do was turn back into Chat Noir and let his feelings run, somewhere he could be alone.
"Plagg...Claws out..."
[1083 words]
A/N: So! It turns out i do my best writing when im sleep deprived😂 Or at least I think its a good chapter, I dont know about you guys. Let me know what you think (maybe I should do some editing)
Feel free leave a comment on any critisism or tips on how to improve the story or my writing! Love you all and see you in the next chapter!
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