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After school that day, Taehyung is already at the gate inside his car waiting for Joy.

"You're really serious?"

He texted her that day that they will go on shopping as per her request since she hasn't used the card that he gave.

"If only your card can be used for school." She said regrettably, there's a school trip next month but some students are not fortunate enough to go, she wants them to be there as well.

"Why not? Use it."

"No, I can't. It's your money."


"Just- No, I can't."

"You're being unreasonable you know that?"

"I'm not. This is called logic." She retorted back.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and Joy did the same which brought a smile to their faces.

They arrived at the mall and went around the boutique for corporate attire because of the seminar that she's going to attend, she's got one in her closet but the color is already fading since she's been using it back in college. 

At first, the sales lady gave her some outfits of whatnot trends and everything. so she decided to try them all but much to her disappointment, Taehyung didn't like them whenever she lets him sees her outside of the fitting area.

She couldn't take it anymore so she asked him which part doesn't fit her and all he did was look away. Her eyebrows furrowed instinctively.

"What's wrong with the outfit?" She asked for the last time, if he's going to continue being like this, she'll walk out of the store.

The sales lady cleared her throat smiling at her.

"Ma'am, I think your boyfriend doesn't like it because it shows the curves of your body. All outfit looks good on you." she also commented on how she looks like Taehyung, saying that couples who lookalike are destiny but they are not surprised because a lot of people tells them that.

Joy glared at him, "This kind of clothing is supposed to fit."

He turned his head at her. "I didn't know you'll look good in them."

Joy rolled her eyes at his statement. "I'm going to wear a coat anyway, so don't worry okay?"

"Fine, just no skirts okay? You can only wear them around me."

She grumbled but listened to him anyway. After choosing and buying the outfits, both decided to eat in a fast-food chain inside the mall.

"Don't scold me later that I did not told you to watch what you eat okay?" Taehyung told her after looking at the table full of food.

"If I didn't know you have your period today, I'll assume that you're pregnant."

"Kim Taehyung, seriously?" How did he come up with that conclusion? He's really weird. She feel somewhat glad that he remembers her period cause she do have one today.

"Are you busy after the seminar?"

"No, wae?"

"I'll pick you up."

"Mister, it's in Jeju." She reminded him.

"Ah right."

The next day, Joy went to Jeju with a headache because she just regretted eating food more than of what she could eat and now she gained 2 pounds.

She badly wanted someone to blame but Taehyung told her so many times to watch what she eats! She should've told him to stop her even if she ends up beating him.

She went to the venue which has already people inside. She took a seat on the second row and made herself comfortable.

She read the pamphlet while listening at the spokesperson who is really good. After the seminar she got a call from Taehyung.

"Don't tell me you're going to pick me up again." She said as if reminding him about yesterday.



"Just kidding, I actually called because I have to leave the country for a few days."

"What? Why didn't you told me that yesterday." She suddenly feel getting angry at him but knows that she must understand.

"This is just also sudden, anyway, I'll be back in no time."

"Okay, call me when you have time, okay?"

"I'll still call you even if I don't have time. I feel even sorry at Katie now because I gave her a scolding."

"The poor girl, don't be so harsh on her." Though she feel good that he doesn't want to leave too.

"Don't worry, she's a tough nut to crack, she'll be fine."

Oh right, he told her she's been holding good being his secretary.

"There's one problem though..."

"What is it?" She asked worriedly.

"I can't even kiss you before I leave, it's frustrating me." He said directly.

She chuckled, "Bwoya."

"Be a good girl Park Sooyoung."

"I could say the same thing to you Kim Taehyung-ssi."

"God I already miss you, I haven't even left yet."

Joy laughed at his ridiculousness. 

"How about I cook for you in your apartment when you get back?"

"I'd love that."

The two of them talked a lot more before Taehyung said goodbye first.

"I love you Park Sooyoung." Taehyung says that almost everytime they talk to the phone but the butterflies on her stomach is still there.

"I love you Kim Taehyung." She said back and finally ended the call.

It really is true that words hold power, it can hurt someone and secure someone, but Taehyung's word, it assures her and it feels like there's magic in it because she knows it's true.

Joy then took a cab so she could go to her mom, she will sleep there for a night then go back to Seoul the next day.

She's got a hurdle herself, aside from Taehyung's mom, it's her mom, they are publicly dating now and she doesn't care at all but she's worried of her mother's reaction once she found out so she's planning to tell her later.

She's afraid of her reaction. She seemed to really hate people from high society maybe because of her father but Joy is planning to make her understand that Taehyung is different.

I hope it ends well...


Yeri followed the President with teary eyes, why is he blaming her? It's the other party's fault okay? Why did they called the company so late? She was glad that her things were already packed and the documents ready  already or else she'll get another scolding.

"Hand me the document I asked for." The President asked seriously Yeri have to be on her toes.

"The branch isn't doing good for the past five months and seemed that there are also unliquidated expenses." She informed him.

"Why didn't this appeared the first day I ask for the report from overseas? And didn't the accounting from the headquarters even noticed?"

"It seems that something is going on behind the scene."

"Coveting money from the company? They can try, but they can't get away under my watch. I don't tolerate those kind of people in my territory."

Shivers ran behind Yeri's back upod hearing the President's words, he's a force to be reckoned with!

Sooyoung unnie, the President is scary TT

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