Part 2: Chapter 15

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Three weeks later: Abby's Pov

"Chancellor Griffin" 

I look up to see Byrne walk in. "Yes?"

 "Grounders at the gate" I get up and quickly move following her to see two grounders with more behind. "Open the gate" I say. "What is it?" I ask. 

"We've brought you something, a gift from the Commander. Something to help make your decision easier"

 I nod my head and two more grounders appear dragging a person. Covered in dirt, scratches, blood. I can't even tell if they're female or male. "Who is it?" I ask and one of the grounders jabs the person in the stomach making them whimper. 

"Me-Melantha Mer-" She drifts off but my mouth drops.

 "Melantha?" I was told she died in the battle. She isn't in mount weather according to Clarke and she wasn't with us. 

We thought she was dead. 

They drag her forward and drop her down as I glare fiercely, running forward and holding her head up. It is Melantha. 

"Sweetheart keep your eyes open" She nods just before her eyes close.



Strong enough to want to die. 

Blinding and unimaginable pain.

 I opened my eyes fully expecting to see the bars of the prison that was my home for weeks. Instead I see Abby working in front of me. 

"Abby?" I croak out and she turns around so quickly I'm surprised she didn't break something. 

"Melantha, Oh my gosh. Are you ok?" I feel my lip tremble and I can't form any words so I just shake my head. 

It hurts too much to cry though. I've learned my lesson many times. I bite down on my lip to control my emotions and breathe out deeply. 

"How am I here? How are you here? You died you all died" "No we made it, the Ark made it" She whispers and runs a hand through my hand. 

"B-but they told me you died. That y-you all died" she shakes her head smiling softly. "We are all ok" 

"My parents?" I ask somewhat scared for the answer. "Farm station, we haven't got in contact with them yet" I let out a sigh of relief. They aren't here. I push myself up sitting on the bed. 

"Woah slow down, you had some serious injuries" "Broken rib, fractured wrist and many cuts. I know" I wince. 

"Then you shouldn't be sitting up" 

"I want to see my friends" I feel queasy to the feeling that word friends slip out so easily.

 Her face is solemn and my hand shakes. "Are they dead?" I ask the question that I've been dreading. 

Three weeks ago I knew they were dead. In my heart I knew that they were all dead.

 She opens her mouth but Byrne runs in. "There back" I don't know who they are but I stand up limping out. "Melantha you need to sit down" 

"I've sat long enough" I grit out through the pain. I storm outside ignoring all of Abby's plees and step outside holding a hand to my eyes. 

Sunshine. I haven't seen sunshine for weeks. I breathe in deeply ignoring the pain in my ribs. I haven't breathed fresh air for weeks. The corpses and the blood weren't ideal.

 Laughter. They're laughing. Laughing while I was crying. I feel somewhat bitter that they were fine and dandy while I was living a nightmare. 

"Bellamy over here" 

My head shoots over to the sound and that's when I see him. 

His stupid smirk still on his face and he looks heather than before. A couple of scars line his face but nothing that won't heal. And those freckles, those stupid freckles.

 They told me he was dead. 

They told me he was dead. 

"George" I called but my voice cracks and it's nothing but a whisper.

 "George! I yell this time loud and use up the last of my voice. 

He looks over and freezes, dropping the gun in his hands as the person next to him scolds but he ignores him. He starts walking forward but it turns into a run. 

I do my best to meet him halfway but I'm not as successful. As I reach him I jump in his arms and he stays in places holding me tightly against his body squeezing just as hard. My ribs burn. Oh do they hurt but I don't care. I don't care at all.

 "Amy" He breathes out his voice shaking in my ear and that's enough for me to hold him tighter, tears falling down my face. All that passes through my lips is a small sob and he grips me tighter. 

There's no space between the two of us as I'm keenly aware that we are being watched. I don't care. 

A month on the ground and the only person I actually cared about is alive. 

He's alive. 

After a long minute he barely pulls back but enough to see my face. I notice the tears in his eyes. He thought I was dead too. "You're ok" His voice cracks.

 "That's debatable" I joke, letting a small laugh escape my lips. "I th-you were dead" "Can't get rid of me that easily '' he places a hand on my cheek slowly running a hand across each scare. 

"Pretty bad huh?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Still as beautiful as ever" I just stared up at him feeling so overwhelmed with emotions.

 "Do I get a hug too? Are you guys just going to googly eye each other for the rest of the day?" I pull back unfortunately, seeing Octavia. "Hey Tavia" I let her step forward and she hugged me and then pulled back looking at Bellamy. 

"Calm down big brother, you can have her all you want" 

Bellamy's face gets red and he clears his throat. 

"What's happened?" I ask but am quickly cut off. "Melantha," I sigh, glancing over my shoulder at an angry Abby.

 "Get your ass in the infirmary before I drag you there myself" I stick out my tongue and Bellamy grabs my arm. "Come on, I'll catch you up" I nod and limp back using him as a crutch. I glance up smiling wide.

 I have my George back. 

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