Chapter 17

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"You disappeared again" I stare at my hands looking down. "Sorry"

"You knew he was going to die, I heard you whispering" He sits next to me looking at my hands.

"Mercy kill, I did the same thing" I swallow the bile wishing to come up.

"Amy-" "I'm just saying I understand why she did it, Finn would have suffered intensely. H-he came to me, said goodbye I did-I didn't know ""You couldn't have ""I should have" I said stubbornly.

He shook his head. "You came here for something" I say and he nods. "Just came to say goodbye" "Bye?" "A group of us are going to meet with the commander to settle the truce"

"I'm coming" "No" He quickly says. "Bu-"

"You can barely stand, stay. Get better ""Bellamy you ready?" Octavia asks, coming up from behind us with Lincoln. "Mel" I let a small smile pass my lips.

"Hey Lincoln, good to see you alive" "I was going to say the same thing" I glanced between him and Bellamy.

"Are you two good now?" They nod. "You guys better be careful, I won't have any more of my friends dying" "We are your friends?" Octavia jokes and I glare at her. "Never mind, find a cliff or something"

"We will be fine, you rest" Bellamy leans down and presses a soft kiss to my forehead. I look up at him, my stomach doing flips.

He follows Octavia and Lincoln. "Shut up" He mumbles and Octavia snickers.

"Abby please let me help" I groan following her around. "You need to rest" "At least let me watch? I want to get back into training. We both know we need more doctors down here" she stops and I smile knowing I won.

"Fine but you sit and watch" "Ok" I sit on a chair. "Hi Mr Miller" I say and he sends me a small smile. "Mel" I spent the rest of the day watching Abby until she ordered me to go to bed or she wouldn't let me follow her around anymore.

I lay on the floor of Bellamy's room. They should have been back. I stare at the ceiling feeling empty. Not in pain but not exactly happy.

The door opens and I sit up making eye contact with Bellamy. "How did it go? Are you ok?" He chuckles and moves to sit at the edge of the bed removing his jacket.

"Let me breathe for a second" "Why do you need to breathe? Did you get hurt?" "I need to breathe because that's how we live"

I raise an eyebrow. "You're sounding like me" "Guess I'm around you too much" I scoff and wait for him to 'breathe'.

"Why are you on the floor again?" He asks and I shrug. He pats the spot next to him and I stand up flinching at the movements and sit next to him.

"So you going to speak?" "So impatient" He mumbles. "We arrived at the grounder village and everything was going well" "Was?" I interrupt and he gives me a look.

"Sorry" "Clarke and the Commander went to make a toast when her right hand man Gustus was poisoned. "Oh no" I gasp sarcastically.

"Be nice. Anyways they searched us and found a vial in Raven's pocket ""Wait, Clarke didn't get poisoned?" I interrupt. "No" "That's unfortunate" I mumble and receive another look.

"They then started doing what they would have done to Finn" He swallowed hard. "They kept cutting her, Clarke then ran out and proved that the wine wasn't poisoned but the cup was" "Gustus poisoned the cup" I say and he nods.

"So then she killed him, we got out and the alliance is still on" "Raven is sh-" I don't want to know the answer. "She's ok, with Abby" I nod.

"Why aren't you sleeping" "Waiting for you" I admit and then realize how that sounded.

"No-I wait-I was wai-" He smirks at me and I feel my face heating up.

"Are you blushing?" "No" "I think you are, big bad Amy is blushing" I hit him over the head and he winced.

"Shut up" "Thanks for waiting "he says, dropping the embarrassment. "Whatever" I then stood up. "What are you doing?" I gesture to the ground. "Sleeping"

"You can share with me" Then his face gets red. "I-if you want" I stare at the bed. "I won't be able to sleep" "Why not?" My hand starts anxiously twitching.

"I haven't slept on a bed in over three years" his mouth drops a little and grabs my hand pulling me close to him. "Well you have got to get used to it because it's very comfy" I remain where I am and he sighs.

"If you get uncomfortable you can move, at least try" "Fine but if you snore I will suffocate you with a pillow" he smiles and climbs under the covers and I go to the other side lying on my side.

"It hurts" I groan as I try to get into a comfortable position. I finally stop moving and look at him to see a small frown on his face. "What?"

"I-I should have found you" He whispers and brushes a lock of hair out of my face and traces the scars. I hate the scars. "You thought I was dead, hell I thought I was dead"

"What was it like?" He asks running a hand down my arm which sends tingles all throughout my body. "Horrible" He doesn't say anything else.

"I tried to kill myself"

I hold out my wrist and he looks down at it. "It really really hurts," I whisper. He looks up with tears in his eyes as he holds my wrist up and kisses it.

"These scars don't define you, in fact I think they make you look much more daring, brave, amazing" his breath fans my face and my heart is beating a mile per hour.

"I don't want to ever go back there" My voice wavers and he nods fast. "You won't, You won't"

"Don't make promises you can't keep" He doesn't respond to that. "Sleep, you've had a long day" I say and push back his curls. He moves closer and lays his head on top of mine.

"As long as you are with me I will do everything I can to protect you" his voice lulls me to sleep.

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