Part 36

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"I wonder how they're going to do it?" Adeline wonders out loud. Jacob wraps his arm around her and she snuggles into him enjoying his warmth. 

"Do what, Nayeil?" Jacob asked kissing the top of her head before looking out at the ocean.

"Tell people how Bella died. That she got sick, tripped and fell off a cliff, or she cheated on Edweird and got aids and died." Jacob couldn't help but chuckle. Adeline smile's thoughtfully while looking out at the ocean. "I wonder if the time comes, I would be able to kill her." Everyone stayed silent for a moment. "I know she would just do for fun."

Jacob nudged her shoulder. "Hey, I won't let her hurt you. Let's not worry about that right now, let's just enjoy this."

Adeline smiled at Jacob and kissed his cheek. "Thank you." Adeline rolled her eyes when Embry said 'eww' at the two of them. "Embry shut up. When you imprint you are going to fold so hard you'll break your back." Adeline then looked over at Leah after giving Embry the middle finger. "How are you and Mike?"

Leah's face lit up at the thought of her imprint. "Amazing, he should be on his way here. I am so happy when I'm with him, I never thought I would be able to imprint." Leah mumbles the last bit, but they can still hear her.

Adeline smiles thoughtfully. "Have you told him about, everything?"

Leah nods her head. "Two weeks ago. He was pretty freaked out at first," Leah now has a smirk on her face. "but when I shifted back in front of him, he didn't seem to mind anymore." Adeline and Leah laughed as all three of the boys, especially Seth, starting groaning and complaining about too much information. 

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