Part 34

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Adeline was sitting next to Jacob at Bella's wedding closer to the back, while Charlie was sitting up front with his new girlfriend, Hazel, and Renee. Adeline had to come as Jacob's plus one because she didn't get an invitation and they were both forced to come by their parents.

Adeline was playing with Jacob's fingers, zoned out for most of the wedding.


Adeline was standing next to Jacob and the rest of the pack that was invited when she noticed vampires she never met talking to Bella and Edweird, oops, Edward. She looks towards them to see that they are already looking at her. 

One of the vampires glare at the group. "You invited a mutt? And what is she?"

Bella looked over confused. "Who?"

"The one looking at us, the blue dress."

Adeline smirks at the group of vampires and Bella. She blew them a kiss and gave them a little wave before turning back to Jacob and talking to him. 

"Adeline? She isn't supposed to be here. She's nothing special." 


Jacob smiled toward Adeline and held out his hand. "May I have this dance?"

"Of course, my puppy." Adeline smiled at him, putting her hand in his and let him led her to the dance floor. Adeline wrapped her arms around his neck as his went to her waist. "I love you."

Jacob smiled wider. "I love you more."

Adeline laughed. "Doubt-"

"Jacob!" Adeline had to hold back the groan at her sister's voice, but instead she places her best smile on her face as she turns around to look at Bella. "You made it. Looks like you did too, Adeline."

Jacob also put a fake smile on his face. "Yes, I didn't want to come without her. Congratulations on the marriage." 

Bella smiled widely at him. "Thank you, Jake, you look good." Bella says looking him up and down. 

"Thanks... You look alright." Jacob tries to be polite.

"Can we have a dance? You don't look busy at the moment."

Adeline felt her fake smile grow. Jacob wrapped his arm around Adeline's waist. "Actually I was just about to dance with Adeline, my girlfriend. So, if you can excuse us, I'm going to dance with the most beautiful girl here." With that Jacob grabbed Adeline and took her to a different part of the dance floor.

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