Part 30

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Adeline was seething. It took all of her might not to turn around and start yelling at Bella. That didn't stop her from having a tight grip on Bella's wrist, tight enough to leave a bruise, on the way to Sam's house. 

Adeline was about to walk onto the porch when Bella starting using all of her weight to stop her sister. "Hey, I think we should go back and see if Jacob's okay."

Adeline turned around and glared at her sister. "Shut the hell up." Adeline was running out of patience; it might be her shifting soon. "It's your fucking fault he's in this mess." 

Jared smirks. "I hope Jacob sinks some teeth in him. Serves him right for hurting an imprint."

Embry nodded his head in agree. "Totally." Embry turned back to Adeline. "How is your arm?" 

Adeline managed to give him a weak smile. "Fine, I can feel it healing already."

"Why would it be healing already?" Bella looked at the three confused. 

Adeline continued to glare at her sister and pointed to the house. "Get inside and don't stare. If you don't go inside the house and if you fucking stare like the rude bitch you, are I will drag you by the hair and beat the shit out of you." 

Bella gulped and quickly nodded her head in understanding, not wasting another second before going into the house. 

Embry smiled as he looks at Adeline. "Honesty, I don't know what's stopping you."

Adeline gave him the fakest smile she could. "A thin fucking thread." Adeline cleared her throat and started walking towards the house. "Come on, let's not make Emily suffer anymore. 

Jared and Embry both chuckled as they follow her into the house. 

Adeline walked in the dining room and saw Bella standing with her hands on her hips while Emily was glaring at Bella with her arms crossed. "It's really none of your business how I got theses scars."

Bella shrugged. "I was just asking, you look as bad as Adeline."

That was Adeline last straw. Adeline walked towards her sister and slapped her with enough force to make her fall 5 feet away. "Bella, for the last fucking time, shut up! Sit at the table and don't make another fucking peep." Bella quickly sat on a chair

Embry worked so hard to hide his smile and failed. He glanced at Jared. "The thread is snapping." Jared hid his smile behind his hand and shook his head.

Adeline heard what Embry said but ignored him and turned towards Emily. "Emily, I am so sorry for her. I will break her nose for you."

Emily gave her a small smile and held out a plate of muffins. "I appreciate the gesture, but there is no need. Thank you. Are you guys hungry?" Emily quickly laughed. "Like I have to ask." Embry and Jared reached their hand for the muffins but was quickly slapped away. "Ladies first." Emily tilted her head towards Adeline, who grabbed one. "And save some for your brothers."

Adeline swallowed a bite. "This is Bella Swan, who I am sadly related to. Don't say anything." Adeline warned when Bella opened her mouth. "Bella this is Emily, who you will treat with respect unless you want your head on a pole." Bella nodded her head and didn't say anything. "Good."

At Emily's raised eyebrow, Jared cleared his throat ready to answer Emily's unasked question. "Jacob and Paul got in a fight."

Embry chuckled. "Which is why she is worst than usual. Ow!" Embry whined and rubbed the back of his head after having it slapped by Adeline, Jared, and Emily. "I was joking! You know I love you." 

Jared smirked. "Don't let Jacob hear you, he'd have your head."

"Why would I want his head?" Jacob asked as he came through the door with Paul and Sam behind him. Adeline quickly went to Jacob's side and put her hands on the side of his face looking for injury's while Jacob let her, loving the attention. Paul went to the food, while Sam went to Emily and gave her a loving kiss.

Adeline smiled when she saw no scratches. "Nothing." Knowing that if she told him what Embry said there would be another fight, especially with how protective he is going to be after she got hurt, even if it was just a joke.

Jacob smiled back at her and looked at her arm, the wound is already closing. "Is your arm okay?" He lifted her arm and gave the injury a soft kiss.

Adeline giggled. "Better now."

Embry cleared his throat. "Yeah, that's cute and all but some of us are trying to eat?" 

Jacob glare at Embry, not liking that he interrupted time with his imprint.

Jared and Sam chuckled knowing the feeling of when you spend time with your imprint. Sam pulled Emily close to him. "Just wait, you'll be eating your words next."

Jared chuckled louder which caused Embry to glare at him. "Shut up Jared, Kim has you wrapped around her figure, I'm surprised you don't wear a shirt with her face on it saying, 'I'm her bitch.'"

Jared looked at him shocked and raised his hands innocently. "I didn't even say anything?"

Paul smiled. "He already tried that, but Kim didn't like it every much." Everyone besides Bella and Jared started laughing.


I hate and love this chapter at the same time. 

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