Part 26

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Jacob and Adeline say hello to Billy before they walk into Jacob's room, with the door open, which doesn't matter because Billy leaves the house to go to a council meeting. Adeline laughs as she jumps on to Jacob's bed and wraps a blanket around her.  Adepien sits up on the bed with the blanket around her body and on the top of her head. "Oh my, Jacob I love your bed so much." 

Jacob laughs at her and crosses his arms as she leans against the the door frame. "I'm lucky you didn't take him to your home then."

Adeline shakes her head. "No, because one of my favorite things about this bed is that it smells like you." Adeline melt further in the blankets not noticing Jacob's blush. 

When she is all warm and comfortable she smiles up to Jacob who chuckles at her. "Your adorable."

Adeline giggles. "I know."

Jacob smiles and lays down next to her. He is able to wrap his arms around her and lay his head on her lap. Jacob is just happy to hold her in his arms, even though all of blankets. 


Jacob hums in knowledgeable and buries his face more into the blanket and tightens his arms, wanting to be closer to her. 

"What's a imprint?"

Jacob tenses. "What?"

"An imprint. What is imprint? One of the boys mentioned an imprint earlier and I am curious. Is it a shifter thing?"

Jacob does move. "Y-yeah," Jacob clears his throat. "It's a shifter thing... It's basically love at first sight." Jacob quickly says. 

Adeline blinks. "What?"

Jacob took a deep breath and sits up so he is looking at Adeline in the eye. "After we shift we can do this thing called imprinting. What happens is the shifter looks someone in the eye, and that's it. We no longer see anyone else, we don't want to see someone. You look into their eyes and your gone, you know you will be anything, and I mean anything they need. A protector, a brother, a friend, even a fuckibg chair, we'll get down on all fours... Though most of us prefer to be lovers." Jacob nervously chuckles as he sratches his neck.

"Oh, you sound like you know how it feels. Have you imprinted?" Adeline tries to keep her face neutral when he nods his head breaking eye contact with her. "How would she feel with you here with me?"

Jacob smiles shyly. "She seems to like it, I know she likes my bed because it smells like me... Me and her hang out all of the time and she doesn't say anything against it."

Adeline tilts her head. "Is... is she in this room?"

Jacob nods his head. 

Adeline smiles. "Is she me?"

Jacob smiles at her and chuckles. "She is you."

Adeline sighs in relief. "Thank god." Jacob doesn't get a chance to say anything else before Adeline puts her hand on the back of his neck and pulls him into a kiss.

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