Part 2

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The whole car ride from the airport was just Charlie and Adeline talking about anything and everything, while Bella just sits in the back looking out the window. "So Bella," Adeline starts looking at the passenger side mirror to see her sister. "Dad told me you have a boyfriend, and that his name is, Edwin, no, Ennard. Nope that doesn't sound right either." 

"Edward." Bella cuts in sounding a little annoyed. "His name is Edward Cullen. I met him last year." 

Adeline starts to smile but doesn't when she remembers something. "Wait, the Edward Cullen who you dated last year, the you broke up with him, driving yourself out of town, him following you with his father and you falling down a flight of stairs. That Edward Cullen?" After getting no response from her sister and a wide eyed look from her dad, Adeline was safe to guess that she was right. "He sounds wonderful." After that, no one said a word. 


Before Charlie even parked Bella was out the car and walking into the house leaving Charlie and Adeline staring after her. "Ok." Charlie mumbles as he leaves the car. Adeline shakes her head and gets out as well. Charlie opens the trunk and gets out most of Adelines bag and she gets the rest. 

Walking into the house and into her room Adeline smiles, she had missed her room in Forks. Charlie clears his throat as he looks around the room. "Like I said, your room hasn't been touched, except for the plants. I watered the plants, didn't want them to die." 

Adeline laughs and hugs her father. "Thank you dad."  After Chalire leaves Adeline flops on her bed. After the plane ride Adeline was feeling so tired. Adeline doesn't flying, she prefers her feet staying on the ground, so you can't blame her for taking a small cat nap. 


30 minutes later Adeline is waking up to a knocking on her bedroom door. She sits up on her bed and yawns. "Hmm? Come in." 

Charlie opens the door with a small smile on his face. "Nice nap?" 

Adeline grins and nods her head. "Yeah, it was great."

"There's someone here to see you, and someone else here to see my TV." Charlie chuckles as he tilts his head downstairs. "But come down when your ready." 

Adeline stands up. "I'm good now, just needed a little power nap." Charlie nods his head and walks downstairs with Adeline following him. Charlie sits down in his recliner to the right of Billy Black who is sitting down on the couch. Adeline and Billy smile at eachother in welcoming. Adeline walks to Billy and bends down to give him a hug. "Hey Billy, how are you?" 

Billy tilts his head side to side. "Doing alright, my kid is in the kitchen been asking when you got in town all day." Adeline chuckles and places a kiss on the side of Billy's and Charlie's head before going into the kitchen to see Jacob Black in the first time in a year. 

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