Part 18

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Pulling back fron the hug, but not far enough to be out of each other's arm, Adeline finally notices the smell around the room, it was coming from Jacob. It was a dog smell, she has smelled something similar somewhere else but she cant put her finger on it. When Adeline has a confused look on her face Jacob gets nervous, thinking she is upset or mad. 

"What is something wrong?" Jacob feels his heart racing, whatever is bothering her he would fix it in a heartbeat. 

Adeline shakes her head making Jacob sigh out in relief. "No, nothing is wrong. But... did you happen to get a dog?" 

Jacob slightly tenses which Adeline notices. "No, I didn't get a dog. Why would you say that?" Jacob chuckles nervously

His heart skipped a beat showing that he was lying, but Adeline didnt have to listen to his heartbeat to know that he was lying to her. Adeline pulls out of Jacob's arms which makes him frown and get nervous. "What's going on Jacob? Why did you run out of the moive theater?"

"I wasn't feeling well and got sick." He hates lying to Adeline, but Sam told him that he can't say anything to anyone, and what the Alpha says goes. 

Hurt flashes in Adeline's eyes, she knows he's lying. She thought they were close enough to share anything with each other, but now Adeline is thinking back to the secret she's keeping and she starts to think that maybe their not as close as she thought. 

Adeline slowly nods her head, not looking him in the eye. "Okay." Adeline takes a step backward, unknowingly making Jacob more worried and honestly, a little afraid. "You should get some rest. Get better soon." Adeline walks out of Jacob's room leaving him frozen, rethinking their conversation. After a minute or two Jacob shakes his head and runs after her but she's already gone. 

Jacob sighs angrily and hits the trim of the front door in anger. He didn't know what went wrong. He sighs and he let's his face fall and hit the trim of the door. When he lied to her, that's where it all went wrong.


Adeline gets to her house about 15 minutes run from Jacobs house to hers. Adeline decides to take a shower. Adeline uses the time in the shower to think. She doesn't blame Jacob for keeping a secret since she keeping one as well, she just needed time to think. Adeline was thinking that her and Jacob were as close as can be, but the fact that both of them were keeping secrets from each other. Maybe she was wrong. 

Getting out of the shower and closing the blinds to her room to change, Adeline doesn't notice the eyes watching her from the woods, wanting to make sure that she got home okay. 

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