Part 13

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Adeline was in the middle seat with Bella on right left driving and Jacob on her right in the passenger seat. 

Jacob looks towards Adeline and Bella with a small smile on his face. "If I told you I couldn't have fixed these bikes, what would you have said?" 

Adeline looks at him and slightly smiles as she grabs his hand and puts it in her lap and lightly traces the lines on his palm. 

"Are you doubting your mad skills?" Bella does her awkward laugh. 

"No, no, definitely not." Jacob looks down at Adeline. "It's just, maybe if I was smart, I would have dragged out the rebuild a bit." Adeline looks up at Jacob and smiles when she sees him looking at her. Jacob uses his one hand that Adeline doesn't have and brushes her hair back behind her ear while interlocking their fingers with his other hand. 

Bella clears her throat. "If you told me that you couldn't fix these bikes, I would say that that's really too bad, but that we're just going to have to find something else to do."

Jacob barely glances at Bella before returning his gaze to Adeline. 


Adeline is pissed off. Bella doesn't know how to listen to someone when they try and help her and because of that Bella is whining that her head almost got spilt open.  

Both Jacob and Adeline had their backs turned on both Bella and the bike, looking for a helmet that would fit Bella. In Adeline's opinion Bella wasn't thinking, like always and got onto a bike and drove right into a rock ignoring all of Jacobs and Adline's protest. 

Jacob was driving them both home, Bella using Jakes shirt to try and stop the bleeding, (which brought on stares by both of the girls, but he kept angling his body so that Bella wouldn't get a good look at him, but Adline was free to look all she liked.) and Adline was sitting between the both of them. 


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